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Everything posted by Camel

  1. The visual flight guide. https://www.casa.gov.au/standard-page/visual-flight-guide?WCMS%3ASTANDARD%3A%3Apc=PC_90008
  2. Recently RAA did a safety promotion and sent out literature and training programs to CFIs and promoted it to RAA members, also incident reporting has been updated so when you report to RAA it is automatically shared with ATSB, so once again you need to know the facts , are you a member of RAA ?
  3. Unfortunately he is part of the problem, he had a chance and did not respond or get involved. He is now the problem too. He needs to be punished as well for failing to act !
  4. I believe the rules indicate that the pilot must have full access to all controls and instruments and if that can be done from either seat then it is fine. It is a big diference initially swapping seats as I use both left and right seat but have a comfort preference for left seat as centre stick and I'm right handed.
  5. Did you do anything with your front wheel or just get use to it ?
  6. Before you go right off on a tangent, read the correction with the red arrow. 1.98 in 1,000,000. Very Clear ! The data for Casa action was full of out of fuel, flat tyres, radio problems etc. if it had a Jabiru engine it was on the data spreadsheet used to justify their limitations, nothing to do with RAA except they supplied info.
  7. In latest Raa magazine a correction shown below as the red arrow with undo and below that the January magazine mistake. So the engine failure figure for all RAA is 1.98 per million flight hours.
  8. More likely to pull a Hare out of their backside.
  9. ATSB have an ongoing investigation and will be released soon as it was due a while ago ! I think they said release end of 2015. https://www.atsb.gov.au/publications/2013/ar-2013-107.aspx
  10. The data collated by Casa, it was then assessed by the FAA policy, so it has been used against the FAA policy or standards yet the US are not isueing any restriction. This can be read in a letter from Casa to RAA which I have a copy.
  11. Oscar and those interested in making a difference ! Those others please ignor this as you are more problems ! I have actively protested to Casa as to the action taken with Jabiru ! The letters I have will be used to prove their lies and some of you have seen these ! but this is not what drives me it is what already happened to other manufacturers and believe me this is serious ! The Casa SASAO team have been trying to destroy sport aviation for some time in this country. If you know what I'm talking about write to the industry complaints commissioner as I think times are changing. Mark Skidmore and Warren Truss thought not answering and ignoring everyone would solve everything, ! real Genius's ! He is interested, don't know what results but then again no action supports the anti Casa case ! Please also write as Oscar has recommended as this has to be fought on all fronts as it is survival of sport aviation and our freedoms to fly as RAA pilots. Jonathan Hanton Industry Complaints Commissioner Civil Aviation Safety Authority Aviation House | 16 Furzer Street | Phillip | ACT 2606 T +61 2 6217 1249| E [email protected]
  12. Maybe they are that silly, read all of the data, flat tyres, radio problems ! For you Turbs a little bit of true information ! An extract from Lee Ungermans letter to me which the people you are discussing this with have seen this letter ! Data collected in this process came from a variety of sources, ATSB, Airservices, RA-Aus, direct reporting to CASA and eventually from Jabiru itself. In this process all information was considered that related to Jabiru Powered Aircraft, this included VH and Recreational registered aircraft. CASA reviewed all RA-Aus accident and incident data in December 2013 in relation to piston engine reliability from 2012 and 2013 , this data was provided back to RA-Aus in May 2014 and again in August to the new CEO. Further request of data specifically in relation to Jabiru engine failures was requested from RA-Aus in August 2014 and supplied by them. While RA-Aus may not agree to the number of occurrences identified, not all of them came from RA-Aus data. An extract from the FOI data sheet request was for this information ! Just to clarify, I want the number, date, cause and details of Jabiru engine failures that lee Ungerman of CASA sport aviation department uses as statistics to justify his actions. Also Turbo, in case you didn't read already CASA made a mistake putting my name on the FOI, it was not meant to be on it and they removed the name and that link with my name doesn't work ! In case you still don't get it, Casa are on a witch hunt to destroy Jabiru just like they took out others. I am only interested in the survival and future of Australian aviation and manufacturing, if you have an agenda to agree with Casa and shut it down then you are a typical know all , knocker Ocka ! You did not answer my questions previously ! Don't worry I'm not interested in your answer anyway, SOS.
  13. Moderators should take note as well ! I suggest you remove it because you have put up my name, it no longer works as CASA made a mistake ! Now you have made a mistake ! Guess what is going to happen if you don't remove it ? CASA email extract ! I refer to our phone conversation this morning regarding a document on CASA’s disclosure log, which was released to you in August 2015, and to the issue you have raised in respect of your surname appearing in the pdf file name/link. We thank you for bringing this matter to our attention, and apologise for making your personal information available on our website. After speaking with you, I immediately contacted CASA’s web team, who promptly removed your surname from the document link’s title.
  15. I hope your right, I hope the three stooges are let go and sued !
  16. Turbo, have you ever heard of an AD placed on an aircraft or engine and only enforced or complied with in the country of origin.?
  17. Oscar is spot on and I take offence to you calling it blah blah ! Oscar owns a Jabiru and so do I, do you own a Jabiru ? You need to be part of the solution not part of the problem ! But I doubt Jabiru will lead any legal action as they need to deal with Casa forever, but I have a lot of information regarding this matter (which I believe Oscar, Jabiru and RAA have seen some ) and it was not well handled and showed their attempt to destroy Jabiru and RAA because if it was about safety it would have been discussed prior to the published proposal and the replies to the proposal was significant.
  18. With the regulators doing what their doing things can only get worse, we have Inappropriate people trying to enforce Rediculious interpretations of safety. With my dealings so far with Casa sport aviation department I have no good thoughts about them and find that they lack basic common sense and they are doing what they can to destroy recreational aviation, pretty sad when three of these people are ex RAA managers and led by one and as for the rest of Casa it has never been an efficient or smart operation. Here are examples of development going slow or not at all. Some of Australia's greatest aviation innovators have been hindered, hasselled and halted by Casa and THIS IS A FACT ! There are several current designer/ manufacturers being hasselled and hindered but I hope not halted but this is likely. Currently there is a designer/builder packing up to move O/S. Becoming a very unviable industry to be in. Some examples of designs but to be fair both of these examples are deceased but it does show their great innovation, the Scott Winton video is hosted by Chris Conroy another great designer builder. Some of Scott Wintons records still hold.
  19. Welcome, The only springs I know of are on the rudder pedals, they are mounted from pedals to centre consol.
  20. Bjfly, I looked over this aircraft at Natfly and congratulated Ken for a brilliant job, it is without doubt one of the best home builts I have ever seen with attention to every detail. You should be proud to own a work of art. I hope you enjoy and treat it well. Congratulation on a great purchase. They banned Ken from getting 3 in a row trophies for best home built.
  21. You may need it ! but I have never shown it or been asked for it but have had it since its inception and I never show it, I put it in my pocket so it can't be seen,
  22. By this I mean that loosing interest would mean I wouldn't bother reading any of it, it is a personal point of view and agreeing with Frank and not meant to be offensive to anyone, if I don't find I can offer or get something it would be of little interest.
  23. I share your point of view but I will walk away once I get really sick of it. I have other interests too but they don't belong here as you say. There is a lot of knowledge here especially from people like you who have a CPL and have experience. The old saying " learn from other people's mistakes because you won't live long learning from your own mistakes" .
  24. My Sportar was sold last year, I put 600 x 6 Good Year tyres ( I think ) from memory, you can use spats no problem , but not all tyres will fit in the front fork, the tyres that were originally on the mains would not fit in the forks, you should try one of your mains on the front and if it fits get another for front, the good year tyres are a real lot heavier that the original type of tyre, I put new Goodyear tyres all round and thought they were a real improvement. I would ask Peter "SilverWing" as he was the Sportstar dealer, he also owned my Sportstar for some time previously. The difference with the bigger front wheel was a major improvement.
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