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Neil Denmark

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    Skyfox Gazelle
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  1. Hi Guss

    Yes I have been able to find all/most of the SB's and AD's on the Gazelle. Mostly from RAAUS web site which has been updated. I also have a copy of the Gazelle Maintenance and Repair Manual which is a must!

    Skyfox CA25 Service Manual_Rev1.2.pdf

  2. I am having some fuel flow issues on my Rotax 912 80hp Skyfox Gazelle. Only happens in the climb attitude so I am now suspecting the mechanical fuel pump (new installed 60hrs in 2022) is not working fully and is relying on gravity feed!

    I am thinking a new mechanical fuel pump will be needed and saw a post of yours about fuel pump from europe Pierburg.

    Did you end up fitting one of these to your Rotax and if so, any comments on its performance? looks a lot cheaper option that Rotax part?

    Cheers Neil

    1. Blueadventures


      How is you carb vent lines setup?

    2. Kyle Communications

      Kyle Communications

      I fitted one on Mabel and I have done engine runs with it. Fuel pressure was fine. These pumps are the same pump basically

      There are a couple of guys using them ow and none have had any issues from what I have heard




  3. To all Skyfox/Gazelle Owners!

    I have now removed the two Fuel Non Return Valves from my Gazelle.

    On draining both fuel tanks prior to removal of NRV's I could see that they were allowing fuel to backflow to the lowest level tank so clearly the "non return" function was not working.

    On inspecting the simple internals I find that the flat fibre (?)disc has bent in the direction of flow - hence not sealing on backflow. The small fibre (?) sealing washer is also allowing a small amount of fuel to leak out.

    Next job is to try and source replacements/parts?

    The autoshop non return valves I bought on line (see earlier post) are not suitable - they need too much pressure to activimage.thumb.png.93c1f5b223b3bd90d6cdc63ed9689322.pngate flow.image.thumb.png.42f13a82cdd38d22db4e37dc4053508d.png


  4. Thanks Skippydiesel. I am still hoping to be able to reuse the ones that are in the A/C but seeping... I will have a go at these tomorrow. I have no idea what the opening pressure is for these auto valves - there are very little specs available. Yes tanks will be low level for test.
  5. Hi Guys and thanks for all your great input into what might seem like a simple topic - but is not! I have asked myself 'what is the purpose of the non - return fuel valves'. All I can come up with is that the two main (high wing) fuel tanks are "self leveling" i.e. there is no valve to select right/left tanks which is great! If you were to fly/park at a weird attitude the NRV's would stop fuel from flowing back to the lower tank (and possibly overflowing if full)? The Gazelle Maintenance Manual specifies a minimum fuel flow to the carbs of 500 ml/minute (combined total) which I will test once the new NRV's are installed. The fuel pump is located after the collector tank and provides only about 4PSI. I'll let you know how the flow test goes! These are the non return valves I was able to buy online:
  6. Thanks for your help SkippyDiesel! I have bought a couple of non return valves from an auto shop which gives me the confidence to go ahead and remove my original ones from the A/C and inspect the internals without the hazard of being grounded for weeks while I try and find replacements!
  7. Has any owner of a Skyfox or Gazelle got experience with changing out the fuel non return valves located between the wing tanks and collector tank behind the seat? The rubber inside the brass fittings of non return valves are known to deteriorate with age but I can't find any info on where to source replacement parts. Is there a more modern non return valve I can use? Thanks
  8. That looks like a great solution! And gives you weather proof storage too. If I was not so far away...😃
  9. Thanks Again Naish88 they have been very helpful! One problem I have at the moment is with my wing tank fuel drain valve. I had a slow leak/weep and replaced the Curtis CCA-1550 drain valve thinking that would fix the leak. It did not! Turns out the brass fitting that the valve screws into has split - a previous owner probably got a bit too aggressive with the thread tape and/or overtightened? I would like to remove the split brass fitting from the tank which might be a "finger filter". Has anyone ever had to remove this fitting from tank or have a drawing (nothing in the Service Manual)? Is it screwed in or epoxy resin glued in? Any knowledge would be appreciated!
  10. Thanks Superfox and Nev. I have now rebuilt my master cylinders using new 'O' rings from Transeals here in Perth - very helpful. Now working 100%! I have also changed to using Dot 5 silicone purple brake fluid which Matco specify (most L2's use red hydraulic fluid) Yes they are Matco MC-1 master cylinders which I discovered when I ordered 2 x MC-5 rebuild kits from SkyShop which are way too big. So I now have 2x unused/unopened rebuild kits for Matco MC-5 master cylinders to sell cheap! The reason I bought MC-5 is because that is what it says in the Skyfox Gazelle Maintenance and Service Manual. Oh well???
  11. I also have a Skyfox Gazelle and want to repair a fluid leak/loss of function by replacing the seals in the master cylinder. I can find no part number on the cylinder. I guess it is MATCO but maybe MC-5? Does anyone know for sure what model master cylinder was installed in the Skyfox Gazelle?
  12. I found a few references to AD's on RAAUS but no actual documents. I'll try giving the RAAUS office a call on Monday.
  13. Hi All, I am new to member of this site, looking to purchase a Skyfox Gazelle. As part of my research I have found there are quite a few CASA AD's and Skyfox Aviation Service Bulletins for this model. Does anyone know where I can get copies of all the SB's? I understand the company went bust in 1999 so who is supporting this model today? Thanks for your help and I look forward to making contact with other Gazelle owners! Cheers Neil
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