Hello Flying Higher,
Perhaps some background information first, before responding to your post, I am both a founding member of the Australian Ultralight Federation and Recreational Aviation Australia, my original purpose and goal was and is to ensure RAAus and its members achieve their ambition of flight with the minimum amount of regulation and red tape. I started teaching pilots to fly in hang gliders and then in ultralight aircraft, my school now uses a small fleet of light sport aircraft for flight training. In all I have 50 years of experience safely teaching pilots how to fly and 40 years acting as a volunteer for both the AUF and RAAus. I have served on the RAAus Board or many years since its inception. I do feel I have the experience to be able to give some insight as to what RAAus has achieved over recent years, its corporate ethos, its culture and its plans for the future.
The efforts of the original AUF/RAAus founders was aspirational, after only a few years we proved our goal was not only achievable it has now become a rock solid fact of life. I have no wish to harm RAAus. in fact I want it to remain strong and continue to grow. I have made a lifetime commitment to RAAus I do not want to see it fail. To achieve this goal we need the right RAAus management team in place. I submit for a strong future we need some new representatives on the RAAus Board. This is hardly revolutionary out of a Board of 7 to support a potential change of 2 new Board members.
On Rogin Taylors candidature, I only know Rogin from the information he has presented to me by email and phone about his election. I did not know Rogin was to stand until RAAus released his details and his election statement.
On the harm caused to RAAus members by RAAus employees the cases are real, significant and numerous. Those adversely affected often will not speak openly about their cases in the fear of further reprisals from RAAus officials. The solution here is not releasing the cases themselves, no one want to go through a trial by media. The solution is changing the culture within RAAus to put in checks and balances to ensure RAAus officers to not harm RAAus members - we are not a police force, we should not become an unpaid enforcement agency for CASA and we should not be stopping pilots flying or putting flying schools out of business without just cause.
Please now speak with Rogin yourself, I am sure he will explain independently what the problems are with RAAus and what action is needed to make RAAus a better organisation.
Rod Birrell