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Everything posted by metanoia

  1. Oh so true for me ;-/
  2. That looks like a cool idea - and at a brilliant price :)
  3. congrats :) I'm a little jealous :-)
  4. Yup...
  5. Goddess! That think is too ugly to fly (even if it had a cowl and prop :))
  6. This looks like fun. Can I play? :)
  7. I asked my instructor about this (as it is the way that we park the jabiru). He said that it as largely an aesthetic thing in aircraft with nosewheels. With taildraggers, it is as you say, to prevent damage to the prop if the aircraft noses over.
  8. D'oh! :-)
  9. It wouldn't surprise me if GA pilots failed the RA exam - for all the reasons that others have mentioned. Having not too long done a course and passed the exam, I have to say that I was left wondering what exactly the purpose of the exam was. I'm not sure that it tested my _understanding_ of the syllabus - which you'd think was the whole point of the exercise. One thing that crosses my mind is that the RAA could do worse than work with someone who has an adult-education background to improve the exam (and maybe supporting education materials.) Having said this, I'm glad that the RAA is trying to educate pilots (and student pilots such as me) about HF. I wish that the RTA (or its equiv. in other states/territories) would do the same before issuing car or bike licenses!
  10. Heyah, Try the Book Depository (Free delivery worldwide on all books from The Book Depository) - They're selling it for AU$29.14 - with free shipping. Looks like I'll be getting myself a copy as a post-christmas present :)
  11. Hi Ian, I find the site quite easy to use as it is. What would be neat is an RSS syndication feed as a part of the forum - does the forum software that you use support this?
  12. poor doggy!
  13. I might try that with my instructor - I'm 5'6 and he's a little taller than me - but i am sure that we see different things when it comes to final...
  14. I'm having quite a deal of hassle with landings as well. It hasn't helped that every time i've flown recently, the weather has made landings tricky - crosswinds almost at the limit of the Jabiru, and crazy thermals and whatnot. What I want is to get some experience landing in benign weather, then deal with the complexities that nasty crosswinds and thermals and such throw at one.
  15. Fortunately, my instructor recommended that I pop down to concept aviation and buy one of the ATC's student kits - so, yes, I have the proper blue student log book _and_ the training books. Still, one of the most useful things that I've come across is the trainer's guide from the CASA website. The RAA flight school that I am with seems to stick pretty closely to this guide. Then again - so do i - in terms of the common mistakes that student pilots seem to make :-)
  16. The thought crosses my mind... Then again, I shudder in horror when thinking about trying to a fly a sim in a VM... or even worse, setting my Mac up to bootcamp!
  17. Do you know whether anyone has managed to import ORBX scenery into X-Plane as yet?
  18. Well... I'm only a little way into my RAA training, but have been curious as to whether and how I could do a PPL afterwards - so I'm thankful that you started the thread :) One thing that I've learned from this is that I probably should investigate doing the GA BAK rather than the RAA one - as it seems that the RAA will accept the GA, and it'll save me time/cost/pain/etc in the future.
  19. Heyah... I'm from Sydney, and just starting to take the first steps toward an Ultralight Pilot's Certificate. I had my first lesson in a Jabiru on Sunday. I really quite enjoyed it.
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