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Everything posted by kbstone

  1. @Osteri perfect! Thank you for the pictures...this helps a lot!
  2. @fallowdeer...if you don't mind posting a few that would be great especially if the vintage is from the early 2000's. My kit is from 2002. @IBob Thanks for the compliment! And yes, I think the drawing that I have is newer and the parts are older thus the confusion. I have a buddy at my airport that is flying a newer Savannah S and the parts on his plane look like the ones in the drawings, not like what I have. I may just order the ones noted in the drawing but I'm trying to make everything work that I can.
  3. I'm working on finishing up the forward cabin and am somewhat confused with the parts that I have verses what is shown in the VG build manual. I'm guessing I have older parts than what my build manual is showing. I've spent time reviewing other builds to see how these parts go around the vertical tubes. I won't install them until I install the windscreen (after paint) but want to sort out the parts now. Here are a few pictures from the build manual and the parts manual. The p/n's are SF029-16 and SF029-15. Many of my parts have been primed and the part numbers are gone thus the guessing game. I've also posted pictures of what I have and how I think they go together (based on the holes lining up) but I'm still not clear how this captures that windscreen and attached to the vertical. Any pictures you have of a similar vintage would be helpful. E7AD77B5-7513-4F9A-ABD2-5F3DAD16F6E3_1_201_a.heic
  4. I've started going through each chapter and verifying the work completed thus far on the kit I recently purchased. My kit S/N is 02-10-51-173 so it's over 20 years old and I expect to need some parts that I'm probably missing. The "Air Outlet" on top of the fuselage behind the cabin is a round hole instead of a square. I have the part (sitting behind the hole in the picture) but I'm wondering if my top skin is for the parachute (which I don't have). I'll fabricate a cover and mount the air outlet part I have but I wanted to see if the group could provide any insight as to why this hole is round and not square. Thanks!
  5. Perfect..thank you @Bodie!
  6. Yeah! The Savannah VG kit made it home this weekend after 23 hours of driving! I am sorting through all the parts and everything looks in good shape. There are no major surprises (yet). I knew going into the sale that there was little hardware with the plane (most of it is already installed) but I need to buy blind rivets and want to make sure I purchase the correct ones. I searched the forum and did not see specifically where a part number was called out so I thought I would reach out with my question. I also did not see the part number in the manual other than A3, A4, A5. I've researched the Zenith forum and know they use a custom mandrel on the rivet gun to make the flush head into a dome head (as mentioned here). The Savannah general construction instructions in the manual states: From the way this reads, they are not using the "Zenair" rivets that dome the head when pulled. I did not get the OEM rivet gun either so I need to buy one. Most of the riveting I did on my Sportsman build were solid rivets with a few pull/blind rivets. Here is what I think the rivets are: https://www.aircraftspruce.com/catalog/hapages/avexblindriv.php?clickkey=680266 Thank you for any guidance! Kyle B4265894-8DB6-427B-AB7A-A4F782B18DCB_1_201_a.heic
  7. Thanks for the feedback @fallowdeer @Marty_d @IBob and @facthunter! I'll check out the Zenith video and continue my research on the 912ULS vs. 912iS and I agree with all of your concerns with the complexity of the build and an EFIS, which I'll probably install either way. I've been spoiled with my Garmin G3x system and I don't think I can ever fly again without knowing each cylinder's CHT/EGT, fuel flow, etc. I also appreciate the beta on the engine mount...not sure how much the ICP dealer wants for a ring mount but my guess its around $1200 (USD) or more. I'm picking up the kit this weekend so once I confirm all the parts I have, I'll start to sort out the next steps.
  8. Hi Savannah builders! I've been browsing this site for a few months and I recently purchased an unfinished Savannah VG kit (circa 2005) and plan on finishing the rest of the build this next year. I'm in Grand Junction, Colorado USA and look forward to sharing my build and learning from others along the way. I recently finished building a Glasair Sportsman 2+2 and love the plane but I wanted something I could "bang" around in more so it came down to this or a Zenith 701. I love the building as much as the flying so I'm hooked, like many of you! BTW....I'm not getting rid of my Sportsman :-). One of the first questions that I'd like to ask the forum is regarding the Rotax 912ULS vs. 912is. I would prefer fuel injected but I'm not sure how much modification is needed. I'm currently researching both engines and will buy mine soon. I've not seen any reports on the 912iS installed in the Savannah so I'm guessing there might be some install issues. Any insight would be appreciated. My second question would be the engine mount. My kit has the "older" mount that used the bottom mounting bolt on the Rotax 912. The US dealer is recommending I upgrade to the "round" mount that used the mounting holes on the back of the 912. Rotax installation many even recommends using the rear/back mounting bolts instead of the bottom ones. Is it worth the extra cost to buy the round engine mount or has the original one worked fine? Thanks again for any insight! Kyle
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