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Everything posted by Xavier

  1. Hi, I think overall it is fairly accurate, I probably was on the higher side regarding maintenance cost and it could be cheaper to maintain, it's hard to say depending on the condition and age of the aircraft.
  2. I was losing about 3 to 5 knots cruising speed on the 912ULS 80HP, or using a bit more fuel for same ASI. It's about $1,600 without freight. The pod is fairly big and well design, you can fit a lot close to the center of gravity. I found that the plane fly a bit differently, the yaw feels different.
  3. Would love to have this on my VG and would be on the market for a set if someone was keen to make it in Oz !
  4. Hi, apologies if I miss the info on the forum but I am struggling to get a clear cut answer CTA/CTR access with a 19 reg aircraft (Savannah VG) PIC : with RPL and CTA/CTR endorsement (or PPL) Aircraft with Rotax 912 ULS not certified Serviceable Mode C transponder Serviceable VHF Radio I look at Civil Aviation Order 95.10 Instrument 2011 Section 6.4 Then 262AP of CAR 1988 and paragraph 6.1 of Civil Aviation Order 101.55 But honestly I am confused... :( Any help is welcome. Xavier
  5. Ok, her real name is Christal, she is the best girl friend I ever had. Never touch anything in the aircraft, does not talk too much and is very happy to let me go wherever I want. She comes with a bit of baggage but I can handle that :)
  6. Hi all, been thinking about this for a while and it is now done. Maybe an idea for other Savannah owners. Needing to securely store items when flying on my own. On the video it's a total of 32KG ( More weight can be added if packed better) This include : Camping gears (tent, sleeping bag, mattress) First aid kit Fishing gear Survival gear Chair Water (3 bottles) Laptop bag Clothe bag Camera bag This leave plenty of room in the baggage compartment for light stuff. Thank you to Grant who designed the bag. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BzS58HnrmIw Xavier
  7. Xavier

    Landing light

    Hi all, based on Graham Pukallus great idea, I did a bit of a look around and tried the Magicshine MJ-902 on the Savannah VG. Requirements were : - Not connected to the aircraft power - Small size and light weight but still very bright - Remote control - Being able to switch from Landing light to Strobes from the cockpit - Easy access to battery pack for recharge It's advertised to last 3.2 hours at full bright so I could expect 6 hours in strobe mode. (I manage to have it on full bright light at home for 9 hours) I intend to install another one facing back for the full setup. We the sort of flying I am doing a recharge every couple of weeks is more than enough. $180 with the extended cord and freight to Darwin from the Australian distributor. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gi6jBl_khxI Thanks Graham for the idea and the conversations. Cheers, Xavier N.B. : This is not an advertisement for Magicshine, they have no idea their product is used on a plane :-)
  8. Can you be a bit more precise where on the North coast of Arnhem Land ? It's a big area. Flying from Darwin ? You can stay at Cooinda which is in Kakadu, very close to Arnhem Land, Camping ground, Food and fuel. Any permission for Aboriginal Land in the NT you need to talk to the Northern Land Council --> Permits | Northern Land Council, Australia Xavier
  9. Interesting, just had a response from Bolly, they don’t recommend putting covers on as it better to have them breath. if I just want to keep the dust off them, they recommend to hang a bed sheet over them.
  10. I checked their website and there is no prop covers but that a good idea, I will flick them an e-mail.
  11. Hi all, I am after a set of 3 prop covers for a Bolly Optima 68in. ( Bolly Optima Series Five – Bolly Aviation ) Any idea where I could order this ? Cheers, Xavier
  12. Garmin VIRB Ultra 30 with Headset Audio Cable Garmin VIRB Ultra 30 Garmin VIRB Headset Audio Cable Include GPS and great to watch and analise your flights with Garmin VIRB Edit with overlay data. You can see your tracks and video at the same time with ground speed, altitude, ...
  13. Correct me if I am wrong but isn't it already a way to access CTA and CTR in a RAA AUS aircraft (equipped appropriately) ? Just get a RPL with CTA and CTR endorsements. To transfer your RA-AUS Certificate to a RPL : - 2 hours Instrument flying in a VH aircraft (to validate the Navigation endorsement) (need a certain amount of hours as PIC and in X-country) - English proficiency test ( to validate Radio endorsement ) - Certified copies of logbook - One last form and about $50 for CASA Then get the proper CTA / CTR endorsement for the RPL and happy days.
  14. Tecnam P2006T with twin rotax 912 - MTOW 1230KG
  15. Xavier


    Thanks Rick for the info, I received a response from TruTrak about the ECO : "Unfortunately, the ECO is not yet available. While we work on obtaining STC approvals for our Vizion autopilot the development of the ECO has been put on hold. I do not have a time frame for when we’ll be able to resume work on it right now. " I reckon I will wait to see what's happening with ECO in the next 12 months, I am not really keen on installing the full big setup. Cheers, Xavier
  16. Xavier


    I looked at the Gemini Eco but it doesn't look like they are selling them anymore. A mate of mine is installing a Gemini AP on his Texan and it was very affordable, just don't know if the servos are compatible with the Sav setup
  17. Xavier


    Hi all, was just wondering if a 2 axis pilot (TruTrak for example) can be install in a Savannah ? If so what brand and what servo should be used ? Cheers, Xavier
  18. Hi all, a mate of mine is looking at upgrading his steam gauges standard panel to a full Garmin glass panel based on the G3X touch. Starting from scratch and getting the right system together is not easy. Does anyone recommend a Garmin Avionics specialist/retailer in Oz that he can talk to, to get some guidance and advice ? Cheers, Xavier
  19. Hi All, trying to get some info on the aircraft requirements to do the Controlled Aerodrome Endorsement and the Controlled Airspace Endorsement I transferred my RaAus Certificated to an RPL with Navigation and Radio Endorsement and now it's time for the CTA Endorsement. CASA Form 61-1RE required : - Holds a flight radio endorsement with at least a valid ICAO Level 4 Aviation English Language Proficiency - Pass in the aeronautical knowledge examination for the endorsement - Completed flight training for the endorsement My question is, can the flight training be done in a factory build RA-Aus aircraft (with transponder) or does it has to be done in a VH aircraft ? Cheers, Xavier
  20. Mark, yes it is easier to move the flaps to all position with the new geometry. But what I enjoy the most is the extra position, more configuration, more option, more safety ! Happy days ! Xavier
  21. Just an update on the new flap brackets, I had them installed last week and starting to play with the different configurations. First of all I'd like to thank you Mark for this bracket, it does add options in the landing configurations and it is working very nicely. So far I think I will be using it like so but it might change with more experience : ( No flap : Slot [1] --> Full flap : Slot [4] ) Take Off - Normal Wind - Low to moderate : Slot [2] Wind - Strong - Gusty : Slot [1] Take Off - Short Wind - Low to moderate : Slot [3] Wind - Strong - Gusty : Slot [2] or Slot [1] Landing - Normal Wind - Low to moderate : Slot [2] Wind - Strong - Gusty : Slot [1] Landing - Short Wind - Low to moderate : Slot [3] Wind - Strong - Gusty: Slot [2] or Slot [1] Landing - Very Short Wind - Low to moderate : Slot [4] Wind - Strong - Gusty : Slot [3] or Slot [2] Xavier
  22. Bonjour Dan, J'ai installé le nouveau levier de volet sur mon VG la semaine dernière et je le recommande , cela demande un peu de ré-ajustement mais on s'y fait vite. [i've just installed the new flap brackets last week and they work nicely, just need a bit of practice with the different positions and after a couple of circuits you will be comfortable again.] A bientôt, Xavier
  23. Hi, this video was made for the team at iLevil but I though it might be a good idea to put it here. The new panel is based on the GRT EIS4000 engine monitoring system connected to the iLevil AW3. The iLevil provides a WiFi network and any iPad - iPhone or homemade instruments can get Flight Data and Engine Data. The iPad on the left runs Oz Runways and the Right home the iLevil App AHRS (and Xavion) A Garmin Area 500 is always at hand as a backup + a Gamin handheld GPS and the paper charts. A special aluminum sun shield was designed to protect the iPad from the Darwin sun and provides great visibility at time. The iLevil provides ASI and Pressure altitude in case of loss of electrical power (battery operated and connected to Pitot) Next step is to finish the data logger and the Internet of Thing upload to the cloud for live telemetry. The concept is based on smart "Black Boxes" (iLevil - EIS4000) and generic screens, maybe next year the panel will be upgraded with a 12in iPad pro and it will work straight away, and maybe in 5 years time it will be "Virtual Reality" glasses (Home) incorporating Engine / Flight data and warnings. Is is an overkill ? absolutely ! but it is a fun project ! Enjoy the French accent ;-) Xavier
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