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  1. Question for owners of Jabiru's with original brakes - I have an SP500 with the original braking system setup. As we all know the first Jabiru braking system is not known particularly for its slowing ability 🙂. In taxiing and landing roll out I find I'm able to manage this with throttle and careful control of approach speed. I do find however that on the last notch of the brake detent handle, the brakes won't hold the aircraft in run ups at anything more than 1600rpm. To take the engine up to 2000rpm I have to manually hold pressure on the brake handle. Not ideal. I have replaced the brake cylinder o-rings, replaced the brake fluid and adjusted up the brake pad clearance. There is plenty of pressure at the handle. It just needs to be held on with more pressure than the brake detents will provide. Is this everyone else's experience? I am wondering if there is another adjustment that I'm not aware of. I know there is of course the upgrade to the Mk3 brakes, but if there is another way to get some pressure out of my current brakes, that would be preferable. TIA. Ian
  2. Hi All, Does anyone have a recommendation for mode C transponder calibration service in Victoria? Mine will be needing it soon.
  3. Thanks for the replies. Have ordered an MT610G.
  4. Thanks for the reply. When you say it was testing ok after 10+ years, was that still on the original battery?
  5. Interested in which PLB people are using in RAAus aircraft? - I'm considering the GME MT610G. I like the GME products and supporting a local company.
  6. Here's something to ponder over the forthcoming holidays - hangars! I've recently gone down the rabbit hole of searching for a small hangar space which, not unsurprisingly, has been not all that fruitful. I've now found a great hangar space, however its a 1.5 hour drive from my residence. I think this is a little too far when I want to be flying as often as I can, read once or twice a fortnight. Interested in what sort of time/distance are people traveling to get to their plane?
  7. But yes, of course I would prefer to be in a Hangar however they are as rare as rocking horse poo where I'm based (Mornington Peninsula, Vic). Could be a very long wait 😕
  8. Yes it looks good. Di from Punkinhead has quoted me to make a cover for my plane and the price is good too 🙂
  9. Yes, actually all three have grass tie downs currently available. Looks like a good cockpit and prop cover will be the next purchase! 🙂
  10. Yes agreed, commercial development has been allowed to encroach so that the airport is now in a very secondary position. Oxford or CAE as they want to be known now have recently built a new training centre and new onsite accommodation for overseas students, so they at least see value in investing in the airport.
  11. Hey, Yes I'm happy with an outside space with a decent fitted cover on the aircraft. Realistically, that is all I'm expecting to start with 🙂
  12. Hi Guys, I'm buying a Jabiru, having converted my PPL to RAAus and have hit the expected issue of where to store my aircraft. My local airfield, Tyabb, is currently full for both hard stand and hangars as far as the aero club is concerned. I'm doing the usual of asking around as much as I can. Just wondering if anyone might have some leads? Cheers.
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