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Everything posted by maddogmorgan

  1. I was down there about 8 weeks ago on my Around Oz Plane Porn Trip. Too many pics to put on the site so I am putting them all on facebook with a link if anyone wants to take a look...I came across Lake Boga by accident, not the biggest museum but definetely worth a look if you are in the area
  2. Aeronautical Realist
  3. Just a little video of a beautiful replica at Point Cook while I was on my around Oz Plane Porn trip... https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=10150372910330200
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  4. Hey Ian, Yep was at Watsonia for awhile (92-95), first at 127 sig sqn in tate st Ivanhoe, then the school of sigs. Was just down there a few months ago to see the opening of the new ADF School of Sigs. Hasn't changed much although now it's tri-service...so lots of pussers and blue orchards cluttering the place up
  5. Well let's see...Soldier for 5 years (Signals Corps)...still things I can't talk about there ....Paramedic, worked for the RFDS at Yulara (Ayers Rock) in 95-6...Nurse...and now Anaesthetic Tech at Cairns Base Hospital...Looking for a career change in aviation, not as a pilot though, too old and can't afford it!
  6. A few pics...these are from HARS (historical aircraft restoration society and RAAF museum point cook) let me know if the link doesn't work [/url] http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150287147895200.407494.816650199&l=ef54a22567
  7. Hi all, Thanks for all the ideas, will try to hit all I can on the way, currently in Bundaberg today so was out at Jabiru while they were preparing to leave tomorrow for the big event...Off to the Bert Hinkler museum in the morning then on to Brissy. won't be on for a while now, but will put any good pics up when I am back in Cairns...fly safe
  8. Cheers Ian, Knew the XM weather was a no go...looks good
  9. Are ALL the functions quoted for the EKP-V available for use in Oz Ian?...especially "Predicted Airspace" "Obstacles" etc or are we going to get a hobbled version in Oz?
  10. Well the purpose of the trip is multi-faceted he he 1. Get away from work for a few months! (Way too high stress job, no holidays for about 5 years) 2. See some of the aircraft I'm interested in building in the flesh 3. Catch up with family in Geelong/Perth/Darwin 4. Reunion in Melb of old Army mates 5. Everyone should do an around Oz trip..I don't and never have owned a car so the old bike cops it!
  11. the old beasty has enough rust he he...Caboolture is on my travels so the Caboolture Warplane Museum is on the list now too!
  12. Just fired off an email to Garry at Morgan Aeroworks...we share the same surname so might be good for a discount he he...CFI, unfortunately Tassie misses out at this stage but never say never...depends on how I am going for time etc, and the cost to get the bike on the ferry
  13. In about two weeks I am riding around Oz on my bike. Leaving Cairns and roughly to Bris-Syd-Mel-Per-Broome-Darwin-Alice Springs-Cairns. This route is highly changeable so am looking for ideas from members...It's a bit of a plane porn trip too... So far I have tee'd up visits to: Jabiru Lightwing Brumby Aircraft and visiting Fighterworld Aviation Museum - Williamstown Any other suggestions as to Aviation museums etc, aviation related spots of interest etc?
  14. I like to crab initially and depending on wind (and aircraft), transition into 'wing low' at about 50-100 AGL. I was taught both methods and practice both methods regularly...I just prefer crab then wing low
  15. http://www.sonexaircraft.com/support/manuals.html
  16. 10% GST + Freight, and this is the killer...When I imported my tail-kit (another aircraft) I shared the container with several other builders importing stuff and split the freight...tail-kit was $1500 + GST + Freight came out to about $2400. As a W.A.G I reckon you would be looking at about 3-4000 for freight to a port, then more to get it to you
  17. Hi Greg, Welcome to Cairns, I will give you my number so feel free to say hi sometime. I am probably heading down to Innisfail on Thursday weather permitting to fly around in circles for a bit. Havent flown for a few months...my number is 0439793797 Look forward to hearing from you Jared
  18. Rules are for the adherence of fools and the guidance of wise men...or women Always look at all the variables that may be involved.
  19. Do you have the stats handy for Jab engine failures turbo? I doubt any Jabs will ever last that long in the first place...Those in glasshouses and all that
  20. I regularly fly in aircraft of this age. Age really is irrelevant in aircraft. Of more importance is how they are flown, in what conditions, maintenance etc etc. Some of these aircraft fly more in a month than some rec aircraft do in a year. They are also maintained by dedicated professionals. If being a 'young' aircraft was a pre-requisite for safety, then how do we explain a certain brand of recreational aircraft regularly falling out of the sky with engine failures? Would Nong recommend that we 'do ourselves a favour and be informed?' Nong do you inform your passengers of your particular aircrafts shortcomings? I think not.
  21. Yeh I think if we knew what went wrong with any particular model of aircraft we would never get on them...737's, A330's, A380's, Cessna's all have their issues...Considering we don't know what happened I think it's a bit premature to start blaming the model of the aircraft! Many things may have happened, pilot incapacitation, fuel issues, engine issues...we don't know. The Commander first flew in the late 40's, show me an aircraft that has been around that long with NO problems! One that comes to mind is the Bonanza, they were death traps for awhile too, many breaking up in flight etc....I wouldn't go up in a J160 myself but that's just me.
  22. Well it wasn't the commander I fly in...apparently rego is VH-WZU[ATTACH]13209.vB[/ATTACH]
  23. I regurlary fly to Horn with work, quite often we would take two Commanders (one freight and one pax) if the Dornier was otherwise busy etc. I used to take the right seat in the Cargo aircraft. The last pilot I flew with was a local here, and after my last trip with him really encouraged me to finally go get my licence. Doesn't sound very good... [ATTACH]13197.vB[/ATTACH][ATTACH]13196.vB[/ATTACH][ATTACH]13198.vB[/ATTACH]
  24. Don't get to carried away either...The SAAA TC course is a JOKE. FULLSTOP NO BS!!! If going SAAA there is no requirement for an Inspection(S)...The TC course is a JOKE...It is nothing more than an **** covering exercise by the SAAA. Believe me the fees charged by the SAAA would be better off sticking in the pokies!!!
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