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Everything posted by maddogmorgan

  1. Ha ha ... well given the job I do it's always fun ASIC or not....I use GTN (Glyceryl Tri-Nitrate AND Opiods such as morphine) in my day to day job...Is always fun to sprinkle some Morph on outgoing luggage ha ha ha
  2. All good in Cairns where I was...went back to the hospital today for work, spent most of the day operating on what we call the 'F***wit Factor'...Like the guy who tried to use his lawnmower as a chainsaw by starting it and then lifting it up by the base...Tomorrow we'll start all the chainsaw injuries...
  3. forgot to say shoot me a PM and I'll give you my number if you want more info
  4. Hi, I did my training with Ron and can HIGHLY recommend his training. Ron is an ex-Air Force pilot and a all round good guy.
  5. Cairns 12:30 Well guys, I have battened down the hatches so nothing left to do but wait. To all the forumites from here and all the way down the coast who are in the firing line...Be Safe, Best wishes and I will see you all on the flipside!
  6. Hey Maj, Don't mean to hijack the thread, but as ready as can be mate. Prepare for the worst and hope for the best. I've only been here 2.5 years, spent most of my life in Townsville so am pretty used to them by now. Also heading around Oz on the bike in april for 3 months, will be back home in the Ville mid april, let me know if you're free for a beer.
  7. A beautiful landing indeed. I was taught deadstick landings, spins, spiral dives as a par for the course during my training....It is all very well for us to pontificate from the safety of our computers. I actually think this is a good thing as it gets us all thinking, but, Remember to respect the man (or woman!) in the moment. At the end of the day he did what he is supposed to do...stay alive.
  8. Yeh I had seen Adelaide Bi-planes too...might have to do 2 endorsements! Would be nice to hear from someone who has done the endorsement at a particular establishment and can either recommend or not..
  9. Thanks Sean, Have fired an email off asking about rates etc, would work out well as I pass through there...
  10. In April I'm packing the Harley up and taking a few months off work...I'm travelling from Cairns down the East Coast to Melbourne...to Adelaide..Perth...Broome...Darwin...Alice Springs and then back to Cairns, and all points in-between. I'm considering doing my tail-wheel endorsement on the way somewhere...anyone have personal experience with a training establishment that they would recommend?
  11. Ha ha no I checked too! Actually this has been on the cards for awhile...The previous council was ready to sell Mundoo before the Council was sacked by Brisbane (Sacked not un-elected) I had the opportunity to speak to Bill Shannon, and he is very pro-aviation, and likes the idea of Rec flyers up here...he and council actually see aviation activities in their towns as assets that must be protected and encouraged!
  12. Cairns Post Thu 20/1/11 Council Bid To Cash In On Country Airfields Three airfields on the Cassowary Coast will go under the spotlight to see how they can get a bigger slice of the aviation pie. Cassowary Council has commissioned a study on the Mundoo (Innisfail and my home airfield), Tully and Dallachy airfields, looking at how they can be improved and, play a biger role in the future... Mayor Bill Shannon said it was critical to start planning for the future...:clap2::clap2::clap2:
  13. "The moment you pull the handle, you are selling your aircraft to the insurance company". Well I would think that the idea of a BRS is to save the occupants not the aircraft...The goal is to be able to walk away...Like you said Bass "That's what Insurance is for.." Many pilots have been killed by going for what seems a more likely option of less aircraft damage during a forced landing only to die trying to keep 'costs down', instead of the goal of walking away...A BRS isn't meant to protect people from poor piloting or decision making skills...
  14. RAA is not going anywhere, this IS a GA licence issued by CASA. It DOES NOT replace the RAA Pilot Cert...It is two different classes of licences. So in GA you will have a CPL, PPL (FULL) PPL(REC) etc etc...This is a licence which will allow you to fly a 4 seater GA aircraft in Class G Airspace and XC endorsement. You can then if you so desire continue training to a full PPL with CTA etc etc. It basically is a GFPT with Passenger and Nav that's it! There is no plot by CASA to take over RAA!!! The term Recreational Licence (CASA) was just poorly picked as previously explained...RAA Certs will be exactly the same.
  15. Totally agree Nev, I also think that calling it a Recreational Licence was a bad move...causeing a bit of confusion. Maybe PPL (Restricted) or something similar would have been more appropriate. When you look at the RAA Cert and the proposed CASA Rec Licence, they really are two different beasts...
  16. This a two page article so I have tried to hit only the salient points: took me awhile to dig it up.... PRESIDENTS REPORT "AIRSPORT" (SAAA) June/July 2010 "The Licence will have similar priveleges to the current GFPT (General Flying Progress Test) qualification but will allow for unsupervised operations limited to aircraft with a maximum of four seats...A qualification with reduced training requirements, based on the lower risk factors associated with limited recreational activities, allows a lower cost option for those wishing to fly for recreation." The licence will remove restrictions on pilots who currently operate on a SPL (Student Pilot Licence) and a GFPT allowing for Cross Country capability limited to Class G airspace to be added with additional training. There was also discussion on the possibility of lower medical requirements than a Class 2 medical etc... I personally don't see this as a threat to RAA or our style of aviation. It is GA's way of trying to survive. If you currently are only operating in Class G but would like to fly bigger aircraft with more passengers this would be an attractive option. Not as good as the US system of 'sport pilot' mind you but a start...
  17. Why not just call them?
  18. Totally agree...just go for a fly! I did the last 15 hours or so of my ticket by flying for 2 hours every day for a week straight. I hit a bit of a wall with fatigue etc...my instructor took me for a fly along the beach for some low level flying...no circuits just flying. Made me remember to focus on why I was doing this.
  19. It already has been on a few months ago...pretty cheezy movie but absolutely some great flying scenes!
  20. Yep works out pretty accurate most times... to give you an example of the costs involved: CH750 Complete Kit is about $20,000US at the moment by the time you get it here you'd be looking at around $28,000, plus a jab 3300 $16,000??? or thereabouts, plus avionics $10,000, plus paint etc and tools...but I can GUARANTEE it will be more than you first expected...
  21. 3 times your kit price is always a good guesstimate too...
  22. Was just walking home from work and saw him puttering around...Tigers look good in Yellow!
  23. As soon as I am able to (ie get permission from pilot etc)...I will let you all know how he is going
  24. Any contact details Maj...I went up in a Tiger about 20 years ago and would love to do so again, and as an added bonus it's only 5 mins to the airport
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