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Everything posted by maddogmorgan

  1. Without being there it appears incredibly dangerous. I guess they would have had rego numbers displayed and were using their callsigns on the radio. Any member of the public can file a complaint with the relevant authorities (CASA/RAA), and let due process take it's course. The problem is most people won't, they assume everyone else will etc. I suppose I am saying let's not dance around the issue, report them...if you or anyone else feels safety was compromised because of their actions, this needs to be done. By not taking action it is tantamount to approval for their actions.
  2. No worries CK...just happened to have that bookmarked from my never ending search for which aircraft I'm gonna buy
  3. Skyranger Australia Ultralight Kit Aircraft, Microlight Plane
  4. welcome Jason, Have you been to Mundoo airfield yet, great strip and has to be one of the best training areas in the country...dunk island is also within the training area... might see you down there soon
  5. HEON I stand corrected, that's what happens when you read forums at 3am when you've been woken up with a massive toothache! ha ha...As for paranoia even paranoids have enemies ha ha Now back to the topic I suppose...
  6. HEON I believe Facthunter who is quite aptly named stated "America has an upper speed limit for LSA and we don't" No one stated at all that Australia has a speed limit.
  7. If you are using FSX, load up your aircraft, set the trim, and all the other things you want eg: If you want to do a complete start up from cold and dark turn everything off etc I haven't played with FSX for awhile but you then hit 'ALT' I think from memory...save this as a default flight...from then on in whenever you start FSX regardless of airport etc your plane will be as you left it.
  8. Maps were also placed inside 'records' sandwiched in between two layers, the really clever thing was that they could be played normally...you just had to break them to get the maps out Many of the really clever things have still been kept quiet to this day...Much of the stuff that went on in Colditz is still protected by the Official Secrets Act and is taught in special courses...just in case people may need to use these skills again My favourite was 'ghost prisoners'...lets say 2 prisoners were hidden in the roof...eventually their numbers are crossed off the roll...then 2 prisoners really escape...the 2 'ghost prisoners' re-join the ranks and all the numbers still add up! "All present and correct Sir!" ha ha ha...gave the escapees a good head start!
  9. Log Ten = electronic Logbook Checklist Lite = configurable checklists PilotWiz Lite (Free) = very useful, conversions, winds etc Multiconvert (Free) = Just for conversions ChronoLite = Multiple timers
  10. Thomas Logistics - CDs/DVDs
  11. Welcome Ros! Enjoy...
  12. Just finished watching the series, well worth a watch...they are still flying DC-3's, DC-4's etc in absolutely abysmal conditions....
  13. Thanks Dexter.. Im just playing with the software at the moment, I only solo'ed a few weeks ago so a bit longer before any nav stuff happens, all my nav has been on the ground with the military, the basics are the same just never had to worry about being blown off course when I was walking he he...
  14. OK...Have got all this loaded and working on my Mio 370, very impressive so far I must say... Here is my question though: "I loaded the MapTrax package of maps onto my PC...When I open a map in OziExplorer I place the cursor on a spot and the co-ordinates given appear correct. Does this mean they are correctly calibrated directly from MapTrax?, and no further calibration is needed? Is the calibration function only for maps you scan yourself? regards Jared
  15. I doubt I will even get that far...My logbook has lots of pages to fill in yet! But at least I have started 6 hours total yay! ha ha ha
  16. Hope you remove the 'Remove Before Flight' unlike this guy...
  17. Thanks all! Was meant to solo last week but was 20-25 knots gusting :( The mighty Jab certainly wants to fly when just one up that's for sure! Wasn't nervous at all actually! I've only got 6 hours up but have been lucky with my work to do a lot of travelling on 'bug-smashers' so I grab the right seat whenever I can...most of the pilots are cool when they know you are a student, so I guess I have a bit of un-logged time ha ha...Also those countless hours in Flight Sim weren't wasted after all!
  18. First solo complete...let the journey begin!
  19. Absolutely Maj! I am a firm believer in technology being an aid to what Im doing not relying on it to think for me!
  20. Several traditions have developed in the USA around "soloing", including drenching the student with water and cutting off and permanently displaying the back of his or her shirt. In American aviation lore, the traditional removal of a new pilot's shirt tail is a sign of the instructor's new confidence in his student after successful completion of the 1st solo flight. In the days of tandem trainers, the student sat in the front seat, with the instructor behind. As there were often no radios in these early days of aviation, the instructor would tug on the student pilot's shirttail to get his attention, and then yell in his ear. A successful first solo flight is an indication that the student can fly without the instructor ("instructor-less" flight). Hence, there is no longer a need for the shirt tail, and it is cut off by the (often) proud instructor, and sometimes displayed as a trophy.[2] Personally a slap on the back will do me when the time comes
  21. Was lucky my phone died a few weeks ago and got it as a free upgrade on my plan otherwise probably wouldnt have bothered...but they are cool...and as time goes on there will be more and more aviation related apps me thinks
  22. RE: Phones when flying I've just got the iPhone recently and have some very useful aviation apps onboard NAIPS: Exactly the same as the online version very handy Dial-A-WIS - alphabetical listing of all WIS's just touch the one you want and it automatically dials it for you BOM Radar - Bureau of Met radar images PilotWiz - awesome app...log book, fuel, convertor, weight and balance and all kinds of useful stuff Aircheck - touchscreen checklists LogTen - Logbook so I use it more as a PC than phone
  23. I see what you mean there, to the public he's just an unlicensed pilot...but to CASA he's a student RAA pilot (In the print version here thats how he was described)...and I am sure lots of folks will be pointing that out in any future debates on extending current priveleges for RAA pilots.
  24. The photo on the front page of the paper was of a Gazelle, but they could have just decided that was what he was flying...who knows for sure
  25. Beat me to it Maj Millard....Just picked up the Cairns post 10 minutes ago...for the full story Sky high fine for 'cowboy' Cairns pilot- Local Cairns News | cairns.com.au Guys like this just keep on doing wonders for our reputations don't they...mmmm wonder why CASA is not keen on CTA endorsement...
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