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Everything posted by Reynard

  1. Anyone on here go ? Ive watched one YouTube which looked like it was well attended. For a first attempt at a new location it seemed like a success, at least when observing from my lounge chair.
  2. Of course, now there is a handy App for that. AutoDens…….and if you’re feeling particularly lazy or mathematically challenged, there is also an app for TODR that can be configured for your specific aircraft. As long as you are across the principles involved.
  3. Therein lies the problem - even in an Autocrat, there are not that many choices of tennis courts over the Blue Mountains.
  4. I still remember the SR22 sales demonstration flight back in 2014 that ended in a backyard in Lawson after the chute was deployed. That saved 3 lives after what would appear to have been a poor choice of demonstrating the limits of the flight envelope…..or pilot technique. A big pity that Katoomba airfield is no more. Despite its idiosyncrasies, at least it provided a rare treeless stretch of land in the neighbourhood.
  5. Well, it was Hoxton Park once upon a time. I’d be interested to see what you would come up with for Sydney basin-based flyers.
  6. Too many ADs on the body. Live in a cave.
  7. Agree. A long detour of maybe 100nm would keep you out of the worst. Flying high, although, military and controlled airspace above limits flight levels in some areas. Having a reliable engine, following roads, identifying cleared areas, etc, as RF guy has mentioned. Maybe in this scenario, the BRS is another risk mitigator.
  8. Being confined to east of the Great Divide would seem a little limiting.
  9. NVFR engine failure training whilst over tiger country……. Switch landing lights on……then switch them off.
  10. The 912 is used a lot for glider towing in Europe and that is when they will run hot. Some designs incorporate a pilot operated blind on the oil cooler.
  11. Flying directly west from Sydney presents few options to avoid tiger country…..or houses or a dam.
  12. Fortunately there’s no houses in the middle of the Tasman so they can’t get bigger.
  13. What’s wrong with Aeroshell Sport plus 4. @ $16/L ?
  14. Private operations, as defined by CASA. What is the private aircraft ownership trend ? Up, down, static ? I don’t know. But from the turn of the century in Australia I would be surprised if it paralleled with pop’n growth. The next question(s) would be how many of the GA PPL/RPL holders actually have a medical that is current and how many of the 11,970 SE aircraft on the register have a current maintenance release. I understand those numbers may be hard to find, but would be a true measure of current private GA activity.
  15. I don’t think many people on this recreational flying forum are particularly interested in commercial GA activity. What would be a more interesting statistic is the number of private GA movements over time. This is where the doom and gloom is. I know these numbers are not separately available, but the peak of private GA activity and private GA aircraft ownership in Australia was probably in the late 70’s early 80’s. The average GA training aircraft also dates to these times. RA-Aus is possibly seeing a resurgence as a more affordable option but I haven’t looked at their aircraft ownership and pilot number trends. Also, foreign airline student training at some of Australia’s regional airports, would contribute a significant number of movements particularly before Covid. This is fine for the airport operators and the individual flying schools but it’s not necessarily adding to Australia’s private pilot pool.
  16. “Over two-years’ worth of development, forty tested variations of fluids, 20,000+ gallons of aviation fuel and 12+ fired engine tests led to the final formulation” From BRP.
  17. XPS aviation oil
  18. Door popped open on a Bonanza I was in once - no big deal. Top latch above your head wasn’t closed properly from memory. Quick diversion to Coonamble to shut it and then back on our way to Lightning Ridge.
  19. Aaah yes, that is how you tell the difference between Cessna and Piper pilots - by the bruises on the forehead.
  20. The high wing, low wing thing goes all the way back to the Wright brothers when they couldn’t decide, so they went for both 😜.
  21. Yep, phosphoric acid, which you can get at Bunnings. For chrome moly it acts more as an anodic inhibitor.
  22. The Traumahawk had a reputation for ‘wagging’ its tail which resulted in an AD to inspect the vertical fin attachment plate for cracks.
  23. I dunno, but you could try these guys to get a rough idea- they’ve got the contract I think. https://www.northernconstructionsgroup.com.au/contact-us/
  24. https://www.infrastructure.gov.au/regional-airports-program-round-3-successful-projects $2.35m grant from latest round.
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