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Everything posted by Reynard

  1. Safety features: Distributed Electric Propulsion (DEP), provides safety through redundancy for its passengers and/or cargo. DEP means having multiple propellers and motors on the aircraft so if one or more motors or propellers fail, the other working motors and propellers can safely land the aircraft. Autonomous pilot allows for a safer flight. From an earlier article. Apparently it will be initially piloted but will have autonomous capability.
  2. Found the article. Easy to say, tad more difficult to do. “Depending on whether the plane is in good condition and structurally stable, then we can lift it to the surface and hopefully restore it," he said.” https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-01-31/deep-sea-vision-team-claims-amelia-earhart-plane-found/103407718
  3. I read somewhere it was in 5000m of water (or maybe ft) and there was talk of raising it. That would be a fair effort. I’ll try to find the news article.
  4. I guess they don’t use choppers to dry cricket pitches in Canada and Texas though.
  5. What do you need to do, to be ‘authorised’ ?…..and anything below 1000kg MTOW is free ?? Also, video requires prior approval - so keep your phone in your pocket ?
  6. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-01-29/inquest-mouth-beauty-plane-crash-victim-matt-farrell-death/103399628
  7. If the instruments need to be TSO’d, won’t that automatically exclude a very large proportion of the RA-Aus fleet ?
  8. FK9. it states…. ”Stalls (especially with power on), spins and all manoeuvres with zero or negative g-load, must be avoided under all circumstances, these manoeuvres may cause a fire, especially when using Rotax engines with carburettors.” It goes on to state “aerobatic manoeuvres, including spins, bank angles greater than 60 degrees…..are prohibited.“ Despite this, all FK aircraft have also been tested regarding their spin characteristics. ……” flying into stalls on purpose must be avoided and recovery procedures have to be performed immediately” It clearly makes sense to abide by the POH, but during demonstration, the aircraft has very benign stall characteristics.
  9. The POH of my aircraft mentions the potential risk of fire in carby Rotax-powered aircraft from spinning the aircraft.
  10. I rode on some domestic flights in India about 25 years ago. Security was intense, despite being rather ‘manual’ - the organic x-ray, where each passenger got individually frisked. No assigned seats, always depart late, and you don’t touch the inflight meal. Mostly early 737s, from what I recall but we got to our destination safely.
  11. Anyone done marine insurance recently for freighting aircraft ? Any suggested companies……? Premium vs sum insured ? Also looking for a door to door freight forwarder to ship an aircraft in a FCL from Europe to Australia (Sydney port). Any recommendations ? Thx
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