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  1. He may have held a Low Level Endorsement in which case he could have legally flown under 500ft AGL https://raaus.com.au/learn-to-fly/endorsements/low-level/
  2. Are you trying to imply there is racism because of the positioning of the staff,? That's a pretty big accusation
  3. I have been on Starlink for a couple of years now. Not the cheapest option but the only usable option in my area. Downloads in the 200s and uploads in the teens are the norm, my wife and I can both be in video calls with 2 kids playing online games and it doesn't miss a beat. Had a couple of dropouts but it is uncommon
  4. Financial mismanagement by the RAA should not be the reason for not allowing a FAA part 103 style regulation in Australia. It's disappointing that most pilot's I speak to have nothing positive to say about their interactions with the RAA or the path RAA have chosen moving forward. It also seems crazy that RAA aircraft rego is more expensive than VH Reg
  5. Given their website has had no content updated since Feb 2020 including meeting dates, advocacy and the digital version of their magazine it would appear they are no longer operating.
  6. A majority of the people I speak to are not happy with the way RAAus is running the recreational side of flying. Is there enough interest to get people pushing for it again? Surely with the right lobbying there would be a chance of getting it accepted by CASA.
  7. Part 103 in America is run by the FAA, no reason CASA couldn't do the same thing. I don't see that we need another organisation, RAA certainly seems to have forgotten the rag and tube light weight aircraft that have no interest in flying in controlled airspace.
  8. They quote a finished price of $34k USD ready to fly with a Polini on the website, seems pretty cheap to me. Quick build kit is $22k with a 100% finished airframe...
  9. Is it up to RAA to decide if we get P103 type regs, isn't that on CASA to determine if it is appropriate? Will be interesting to see what the new CASA GA workplan outlines when it is released.
  10. I wouldn't pay for Sportpilot if I had the choice. Boring articles written badly and incorrect technical information, it makes it hard work to read it at all.
  11. Where are you watching it? Haven't been able to find it on any streaming services
  12. I'm aiming to get all my endorsements through RAAaus (XC, passenger, formation, low level, utility, In flight adjustable prop, retracts) then I'll move to an RPL or potentially PPL. I already have my Irex theory and would like to complete the practical at some stage. I would really like to build my own plane and be able to take more than one passenger down the track so VH experimental will probably be the sweet spot for me.
  13. That's good to know as there are not many offerings for tailwheel RAAus aircraft for hire. Keen to try out their Champ and the Sport Cub to compare it to the Legend Cub I have done all my training in. I wish I had started that young, my first solo was only last month at 49yo. My comment though was more in regard to flying VH aircraft to get an endorsement when you only have an RPC. I have really enjoyed the challenge of learning in a tailwheel aircraft and the challenges of crosswinds and the mechanical turbulence at Narromine and Dubbo in certain wind directions
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