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Everything posted by T510

  1. Only commercially operated drones require registration, and even then there is virtually no enforcement of the rules until something goes wrong. You can even fly a drone up to 150kg over your own land with a basic RePL remote pilots licence. There are so many recreational drones out there it isn't funny.
  2. From the information here it appears that @RegularPerson is doing the right thing trying to educate himself about the situation he has been placed in seemingly without any consultation from his neighbour. It is also good to see he is trying to come up with an amicable solution. As SpaceSailor pointed out he could make his neighbours life very difficult by planting a line of trees or putting up a flagpole/windmill/mast etc. It's also great that the pilot is known and vouched for by a member on here but whilst we know and respect the members opinion what weight does that really have with a member of the public whose house is being overflown at low altitude. As someone who is currently looking for a property I can put an airstrip on I really hope that a satisfactory solution can be found for both parties
  3. Please keep us updated as to the outcome. As a pilot I would not feel comfortable overflying someone's house at such a low altitude nor would I feel comfortable with someone overflying my house that low. I don't see that you are being unreasonable and am surprised the neighbour did not approach you before conducting flight ops from their property
  4. A 100 hourly or annual inspection is a requirement to maintain registration
  5. The Kitfox is a well known design that has been around since the 80's with thousands built and flown. I wouldn't let that cause you more concern
  6. RAAus are running a L1 Practical course at Wings out West in Dubbo in late March
  7. It states on the Form 013 - Recreational Aircraft Condition Report "NOT TO BE FLOWN IF UNREGISTERED" "If possible a flight demonstration should be performed by the owner, or a pilot nominated by the owner, in the presence of the inspector."
  8. I just enquired with SAAA, you can not maintain a VH registered amateur built aircraft unless you where the builder or you have built an essentially similar aircraft. If CASA part 43 regulations get up you would be able to.
  9. If a plane is unregistered how does RAAus administer it? The RAAus Flight Ops manual says their only form of enforcement is to suspend or apply a variation to a licence and they need to inform CASA. Can't take a licence off someone who doesn't have one and is flying an unregistered plane
  10. 1. If this is the case does it find a "happy" level where the oil level stays the same and the consumption is reduced 2. Have you tried going back to Aeroshell W100 - I know one of my cars burns more oil if I use one brand even though the oil specs are the same (both 5w30) 3. Are the heads identical so they can be swapped? If the oil drains back to the crankcase through the pushrod tubes do you change them with the heads?
  11. 2 stroke oil is designed to burn, has a very low or zero ash content and usually has some detergents added to minimize the deposits in the combustion chamber. Can't really compare it to a 4 stroke burning oil
  12. I thought you said there was no injuries? Unless you are talking about non compliant aircraft being grounded and other RA aircraft having to go through an audit?
  13. Mt Beauty is in a valley surrounded by higher terrain. "Mr Bland also recalled that Tawonga Gap was in cloud. The lookout at Tawonga Gap is approximately 550 metres (1,800 ft) above Mount Beauty airport. Reference to these landmarks supports the lower end of the range of Mr Bland’s estimated height of the cloud base and I am satisfied the lower height of 2,000 ft “at best” is more likely. " The coroners report is pretty damning of RAAus
  14. Video is now private, I'm guessing he received some negative feedback
  15. Pretty sure Floods uses Lilydale airport for it's maintenance base
  16. Thanks, I have contacted them to enquire about taking part.
  17. Who was the email from? I'd be keen to take part in the Rotax maintenance course
  18. According to the NTSB report the tail rotor hit the ground causing it to break off. If you read the NTSB report, CEN25LA031, there is a fair bit of detail. No need to guess
  19. 1 minor injury according to the NTSB report. Lucky no one got hit by the shrapnel
  20. It's real, unless NTSB are investigating AI accidents now A wider angle here
  21. As the owner of a 10 reg plane I forget the hoops others have to leap through
  22. I like the look of these for extra fuel if your aircraft has somewhere to mount them. https://www.aircraftspruce.com.au/catalog/eppages/ultralighttank05-12347.php 10 gallons if you can mount two and no extra fuel in the cockpit.
  23. Thanks for sharing the video, a great watch
  24. Looks great, did you paint it yourself?
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