Gotta be a high wing - Covid Vaccine left me a little gift in that I am no longer able to tolerate direct sun which is also why I have had to give away motorcycling and look for a new hobby.
And yes, I know that some low wings have good overhead shielding but they are still hotter inside, hard to sit under or camp under and are just too hard to get in and out of when you get a little less supple.
Flew a Piper something or other for 1 flight when I was getting my licence renewed after quite a long break from flying, and crawling under the wing on my hands and knees to do the fuel drain really convinced me, so the rest of the flights were in Cessnas.
The 3 month build time is quoted by Ekolot (it's a factory build) assuming that all the electronics are readily available, and the 1 month transport is based on previous deliveries from the distributer here, though it maybe up to a week longer if the shipping still has to avoid the Suez by then. The other big holdup seems to be Customs in Melbourne.
Still waiting for EASA to sign off on the new documentation for the shorter wing and spoilers before we can place an order. Until EASA certifies it, CASA won't automatically issue a Special Certificate of Airworthiness and we are not prepared to take the risk and order one until that come through. Unfortunately while we wait, their order book is filling up from people in countries that don't have our wonderful CASA looking after their wellbeing. EASA was supposed to be completed with the new documentation before Christmas 2023, but they have been a little busy with other stuff going on in the region.
Went and talked to the Sling guys in Wentworth at Ausfly and I have lusted after the HW since I first saw it, but it's just on twice the price for not a lot of performance gain, I'm rarely going to have any passengers on the trips away and I'd have to build 51% myself.