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  1. I have always hoped that the aviation site would attract a lot more international members. I think it has in recent months, but still not to the level that it might. I think some people here put them off at times by saying this is an Australian aviation site.
  2. I read the book The Diamond Dakota recently.
  3. It is automatic punishment for cruelty to animals.
  4. Sperry autopilots existed in WW1 and many heavy aircraft had autopilots in WW2. Full auto land was demonstrated in 1947.
  5. I like real ale not too cold, so I will be happy.
  6. Wife and I are off to the UK at the end of next week for a holiday. USA is off our list for now.
  7. The funnel could be inserted into an empty water bottle to make a handy in-flight convenience.
  8. Aviation body to face criminal investigation following fatal crash – Australian Aviation
  9. There is a backup logs function under data management which allows email, airdrop etc.
  10. This one was suggestive of a bird strike.
  11. Ok here’s a related question to the above. In my Vixxen I have taken to flying about at 4000 rpm and looking at the details below when I go for a jolly. This gives me 60 to 70 knots , vs 27 knot stall speed. I don’t think the engine is overstressed, fuel consumption is way down. Of course, cross country is 5200 to 5500 rpm, but I am doing much more slow flying at present. Am I risking damage to the engine?
  12. It’s interesting. I am an experienced vehicle restorer and I am an engineer, but I have never wanted to muck about with any of the four aeroplanes that I have owned. I trust a LAME to keep them in good order and I don’t think I could trust myself to do it, because I know I take shortcuts to solve mechanical problems. My cars and motorbikes have never let me down, but I just don’t have the confidence to take responsibility for an aeroplane. If finance forced me to do more. I might think differently, but at my age I am losing skills faster than I am learning them.
  13. pmccarthy

    ITS HERE!!!

    The thunderbirds thunder box.
  14. Aviation in the US has gone to crap since Trump was installed.
  15. In any Limited company, your liability is limited to the amount you have agreed to pay for your shares. RAAus is a Company Limited by Guarantee. You have no personal liability.
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