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Everything posted by pmccarthy

  1. Assault and battery.
  2. I don’t forget flaps up after takeoff but do forget to turn off the electric fuel pump sometimes, as I leave it on until we’ll established and over paddocks. Once I have forgotten, I can fail to notice it is on for half an hour sometimes, I don’t know why. Am scanning everything.
  3. I am waiting on an order for a new plane from the Ukraine. 🙂
  4. The Alfasuds (from the southern plant) rusted before you got them!
  5. pmccarthy

    Junkers F 13

    The gold dredges at Bulolo were designed with the Junkers in mind. The largest dredge component was the tumbler shaft and it was sized with length, width and weight to be carried by the Junkers. I have stood on the deck of those abandoned dredges in dense undergrowth, a moving experience.
  6. The best part for me is arriving somewhere hundreds of kilometres from home and thinking I have been in a time machine.
  7. I can still remember the Tiger Moth aerobatic displays at the opening of the Tumut Aero Club in 1957. Must be a bit of a Methuselah myself!
  8. Inspired by Red's recent post of an old photo, let's see other forumites photos. The photo should show a younger version of you with an aeroplane. Though other types of machinery might be OK if they are interesting. My contribution to kick it off.
  9. Looks like a lot of fun. But when I was at Oshkosh in 2014 someone crashed one and was killed. There isnt a lot of shock absorber in front of you.
  10. The scam is to get you to pay the supposed transportation agent on your behalf. You will get an email from PayPal saying that the purchase price plus transport have been paid into your PayPal account. You will be given another account to pay the transport. The PayPal email is fake, but looks genuine.
  11. Gerhard I am interested in why you did not want Rotax engine.
  12. I ran 250 hours on a Rotax 912 with unleaded, and occasional Avagas, or mixtures. I run my Lycoming O360 on avgas with occasional unleaded or mixtures. Neither have given any problems. I use Mr Funnel with Jerry can fuel. The O360 has an STC for unleaded.
  13. It has been tried and was discussed in the EAA magazine about a year ago. I haven't kept them. The writer said he used the display from a car, several illuminated dots, but his eyes were always outside at the point of flare. It might work with an audible note.
  14. There are large mullock dumps all around the central Victorian goldfields. They are comprised of rock that was broken underground, hand loaded and hand pushed to the shaft, hoisted and then hand pushed to tip on the dump. When I see them I think of all the labour involved, and how big things can be built by a small workforce in a few years.
  15. I think I am soft souled too.
  16. My dad was at Rathmines, a navigator air gunner but he drove airsea rescue boats.
  17. Please keep in it. We need some too and fro to keep it interesting.
  18. Plenty of boats left at the bottom of the ocean, we have never left a plane up there.
  19. Most of my life in PA-28s has made me insensitive, if not lazy, as they are so forgiving. I have to re-educate myself whenever I fly something different.
  20. I am towing a circa 2 tonne van with my Prado, turbo diesel. 11.7 litres per 100 km on the flat at 80 Kph. 8-9 litres per 100 kph in the hills yesterday at low speeds around 50-60 kph. I can’t imagine doing much better than that. Don’t think lectric will do for me.
  21. Jab fuse probably ok, hangar severely dented.
  22. And it all seemed normal at the time, we didn’t know that it was a special time and wouldn’t last.
  23. Mike Patey did two videos on building the cowl for Scrappy in carbon fibre, and how he set clearance. Worth a look if you haven’t already.
  24. A couple of fatties in the seats might move the CoG foreword a bit and allow more luggage.
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