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  1. The commercial media have a ‘go to’ person (from QF32 fame) every time there is an airline crash. RAAus should have the same, but get on the front foot.
  2. What I would find interesting is a breakdown of the number of aircraft registrations in each of the RAAus groups, and how these numbers have changed over say, the past 5 years. That would indicate where the trend in recreational aviation is headed, and anecdotally, I suspect it is factory LSA. I note however there has been a net drop of 30 RAAus registrations over the past 12 months as indicated by the RAAus website. Group G may change this, but by how much?
  3. I saw a daisy chain of about 40 satellites go over the Hunter Valley west to east a few months ago. I assumed it was a recent Starlink launch.
  4. SMS only in the short to medium term, but still a safety enhancement for remote area flying. https://www.telstra.com.au/exchange/telstra-to-bring-spacex-s-starlink-satellite-to-mobile-technolog
  5. There is a Facebook group called “Hangar Australia - for sale and rental vacancy” You could try that………if you know someone that uses Facebook.
  6. Kanardia may be another (cheaper) option to Garmin, Dynon, that has Australian maps.
  7. Should we expect broad-based advocacy from RA-AUS, or is that beyond their remit? I note they promote their work with CASA and at least Michael Monck got a sound bite in the video. From RA-AUS website…. “As an RAAus member, we do the work dealing with CASA for you. We oversee your training, aircraft maintenance, and medical standards. We are also in constant contact with CASA, working to protect your privileges and ensure you enjoy a simple, yet safe rule set.” AOPA have a reputation for aggressively defending the rights of the VH world to anyone who would listen. Should we expect RA-AUS to do the same for the numbered fleet when ‘hobby’ aircraft are questioned, or would that simply undermine their (subservient) relationship with CASA? So, if not RA-AUS as the aggressive advocate each time someone threatens the freedoms of the recreational flyer, then who? Thoughts, opinions, anyone ?
  8. Once again the financial longevity of Flight Design aircraft looks shaky. This time around the suggestion is that a single unpaid accounts receivable is to blame…..and of course the production centre in Kherson, Ukraine had to be closed. Strong order book, etc - will they bounce back again ?
  9. Page 98…. A bright horizon for RA-Aus ”If you look at the register now, out of the 3,195 aircraft currently listed, a very small percentage of these are of the rag and tube variety that light sport aviation was founded on” There is your answer. As Deano747 suggests- submit an article with pics to stir up some interest or write to the Editor. Ultimately, advertisers follow the money, and the magazine follows the advertisers.
  10. When things were looking good, my father would say “it is not a good wheat crop until it is over the weigh bridge”. He was an optimist, but also a realist.
  11. He stole a fair bit of food, clothes and weapons from farmhouses etc, and that’s ultimately how he was tracked down. Some anecdotes suggest he was almost relieved to be captured - he’d had enough of living rough and being on the run for 7 years. Still, I wouldn’t want to spend too much time there without shelter, particularly over winter - it snows .
  12. I believe there are a total of six aircraft ‘parked’ on the Barrington Tops (so far) including VH-MDX. When I last visited hiking about 6 months ago, it was a lovely clear day in nearby Scone, but howling horizontal rain, freezing cold and zero visibility on the Tops. Those that may recall the lengthy manhunt for the fugitive Malcolm Naden and know the area will understand why it took so long to nab him. Awesome area, but smart to fly around rather than over.
  13. I hope Thruster’s wheat crop dries out fast and doesn’t suffer the dreaded ‘shot and sprung’. Cowra is on my (repeat) visit list for early next year. On my last visit (to the Japanese Gardens), the circuit was busy as heck with warbirds practicing formation. Nice part of the world.
  14. Ahhh yes - lawyers. I particularly liked the requirement for a retained fuel sample in the event you cook a piston and want to make a claim. How many operators would duck down to the servo after the engine strip, fill up a jar and then announce “here’s one I prepared earlier !”
  15. Wings out West at Dubbo, operates a Legend Cub tailwheel based flying school.
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