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Everything posted by Freizeitpilot

  1. Quick change battery packs can solve the recharge time problem. There is an Australian company doing that for electric trucks. They can change out a battery pack in around 4 mins. https://www.januselectric.com.au/
  2. Life is pretty cheap on the roads too…..and some days the smog is so thick you can’t see the traffic lights. But then again, a red traffic light is there to simply offer a vague suggestion anyhow.
  3. Flying electric taxis in China China, China, China……where a ‘one thousand year’ strategic plan can prevail, regulatory approval is swift, community consultation is nil, and return on investment is not essential. An example - China was an early commercial adopter of (German) magnetic levitation high speed rail over 20 years ago, and now intends to both dramatically expand its footprint and its speed. I travelled on the Shanghai Maglev train at 420kmh just after it opened, and the fare was the equivalent of $6. They later had to reduce the speed as apparently the shockwave vacuum created by two passing trains was pulling the elevated tracks together. I remember it being a very sudden and dramatic sideways jolt. Safety ? Pffffttt. !! One way or another, I have absolutely no doubt that China will make this e-VTOL ‘low altitude economy’ a reality. Given the history of high speed rail in Australia, a low altitude economy in Australia probably won’t occur in my lifetime, but it’s still interesting to see where this stuff is headed.
  4. And you missed mine. I couldn’t give a tinker’s cuss how efficient your aircraft is. I’ll just enjoy my own flying, which at present is in someone else’s aircraft- so I can’t brag about anything anyway.
  5. and I believe Bird Dog’s point was that some recreational pilots don’t give a rat’s left gonad about speed - they simply want to enjoy the view. But if outright $/kt efficiency floats Skippy’s boat, well that’s fine too. Each to their own. Bragging rights ? Not interested.
  6. I hear Crookwell airfield is closed ?? A dispute between the leaseholder and the local council ? I don’t have details, just hearsay at this time.
  7. In industry they are called ‘bump hats’ as opposed to hard hats. Any PPE store should have them if you are looking for different options.
  8. So an inflight structural failure ?? If that turns out to be the case, that BRS certainly paid for itself.
  9. Carbon monoxide or Carbon dioxide ?
  10. Cuppla jam tins and a really long piece of string.
  11. When a nefarious nation chooses to jam our GPS satellites, we’ll all be rooned ! Ill be sharpening my pencil and winding up my wristwatch in anticipation and I’ve been told you can navigate by occasionally looking out the window. ……and I’ll get a crystal set radio to listen to the cricket. 😎
  12. Because I have a 12v outlet, but needed a USB outlet, I splashed out and bought this. https://www.flightstore.com.au/design4pilots-pilot-co-charger Doesnt appear to be any method to check calibration, but my thinking was that it was better than nothing for CO detection.
  13. If you were to believe some of the marketing material from composite prop manufacturers a fixed pitch prop will deform and perform like a CS one anyhow. Marketing aside, there may be a small amount of truth in there, but it probably amounts to about 3 kts worth.
  14. Extract of interview of RA-Aus new CEO by Australian Flying 2nd May, 2024. ……And access to CTA? "We have been told that access to controlled airspace is tied to CASR Part 103, so you’ll have to speak with CASA about that one!"
  15. Given the immense diversity in RAAus aircraft in terms of performance, I can see some resistance with blanket acceptance of CTA access, even with an endorsement. I’m sure ATC understands and can separate say an X-Air from an A320, but when you get the ‘expedite’ request or ‘caution wake turbulence’ from ATC it may mean different things to different aircraft. That aside, bring it on !
  16. A class 5 medical requirement as opposed to an RAAus self- declared would seem overly beauracratic, if that were to eventuate.
  17. and nangs now litter the back alleys.
  18. I spent a month in an orthopaedic hospital ward back in the late 70s. Almost every 2nd bed was filled by a bloke from a motorcycle prang. I seldom ride on public roads now.
  19. It should be said that the first Ute that was ever built probably wasn’t initially commercially viable and required a huge investment by the manufacturers too. The interview in the video mentions that the total cost of ownership for flying schools for the electric Bristell will be the same or less than the Bristell ICE equivalent, and they see synergy in operating the two types together. There is also an industry expectation of progressively longer battery life over the next few years. At the end of the day, this development is still a long way from being mainstream and the weight and duration of current battery technology still sucks. GA will require a breakthrough technology to transition completely away from fossil fuel powered aircraft…….but ultimately they have to put their toe in the water somewhere. I was told once that it was easy to identify the pioneers in the Wild West - they were the ones with the arrows sticking out of their backs.
  20. Here’s the latest from Friedrichshafen. Anticipating a certified Bristell and Diamond in 2025. The Bristell looks like the most viable at this stage.
  21. A quick look found a post from Riley on this forum back in 2016 - maybe worth a shot if you get no other leads. “You can try Dieter Sedbauer, in Morayfield, Qld. (0414 504 116). He took over the Sweetapple prop facility when Richard finally retired.”
  22. Well, I had a bloke tell me once that the green cable that goes to a metal spike in the ground from your house is how the Guv’mint spies on you, and ‘they’ will insert a 5G chip into you when you get the Covid vaccination He also mentioned that you get lots of energy through the soles of your feet, and that’s why surf lifesavers are so fit, because they walk around barefoot on the sand all the time. Beware - they’re out there !
  23. and now also for e-VTOLs. https://newatlas.com/aircraft/aeroht-ballistic-evtol-parachute/
  24. If heading from Shellharbour to say Moruya, it’s a doddle. From memory, the track essentially follows the coast with a few deviations to the most westward points of bays (like Batemans Bay). From Friday lunchtime the tower is usually closed for the w/e unless they are expecting an arrival. i can’t recall doing it during the week, but if active, just call up the tower to see what’s happening with traffic- I’m sure they will be friendly.
  25. Yes- you’re right. Ballistic parachutes for aircraft started at the ‘light’ end but were made famous by Cirrus. i was thinking more about sport aircraft.
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