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Everything posted by Freizeitpilot

  1. I haven’t seen the stats for Australia, but RAAus aircraft with installed parachutes are still pretty rare….but slowly increasing. Of course there is a significant cost and weight penalty but from reading various threads on this forum you would think that BRS was the work of the devil. Hence, I’m pretty sure this incident was the first deployment in Australia, at least for an 600kg LSA.
  2. Must have been one heck of a bird strike if that is what caused it. A pelican could do it perhaps.
  3. The Preston Beach, WA, prang of a Aeropilot Legend deploying the chute may stir this debate a little more. Given the occupants thankfully walked away from it, and this maybe the very first RA-Aus chute deployment, let the debate rage on ! Supposedly (and surprisingly) it has been suggested the ATSB will investigate - at least I hope more details of the circumstances come out so that we can all learn from this incident.
  4. Would that be the first (and successful) deployment of a ballistic parachute from a recreational aircraft in Australia ?
  5. It’s not silly, just interesting. Bristol Hercules 759
  6. HF Alky unit ? Sounds like Lytton, Bulwer Is or Kwinana. The rest used H2SO4 from vague memory.
  7. Turbulence cancelling system debuts at Aero 2024 https://youtu.be/Juop-BYlB_g?si=db5YQFTexBF8uNSE
  8. I suspect the regulator will have a long look, before electric converted aircraft are let loose on the public….and rightly so.
  9. They are doing the conversions for Sydney Seaplanes who have stated they want to be completely electric and emissions free by 2025. To convert a turbine caravan requires 900kg of Li batteries. Most of their flights are 20 mins or less. i note Rex also intends to convert some of their Saab 340s.
  10. Dick Smith has his own strip there, somewhere nearby.
  11. and windy, with the grass cross strip often U/S.
  12. Not at all ! There will be lots of ideas and tentative steps, business ventures, failures and successes. That’s how progress works ! I just meant that Aero is an aviation expo where new stuff and conceptual stuff from across Europe is presented to the aviation industry. Just like the motor shows that display ‘concept’ cars, some elements may eventually make it into production.
  13. Aero 2024 Friedrichshafen opens tomorrow. That is where you will really see what direction new aviation technology is headed. There will be dozens of YouTube’s out by the end of the week.
  14. Goulburn - home of the Big Merino !………and the Supermax. They need an airport for all the tourist traffic, and it’s popular with the meat bombers.
  15. Well, they’re flying off the handle….
  16. Yep, I think all options have been explored, and thumbing a ride from a like-minded soul is the most feasible. It’s been an entertaining thread though. I looked into electric options too and concluded that anything electric that can carry a person will weigh in around 12kg and up, and that’s simply too much. Electric scooters are still illegal in some States, and no doubt monowheels are too, not that that has restricted their use. I’ll get a 1.8kg trolley anyhow, as that will be handy to move Jerry’s from the car to the hangar and preserve my dodgy back
  17. I note a comment in Australian Flying that a Jabiru Gen 5 engine was on display at Parkes. Any visitors to Parkes able to offer any commentary ?
  18. Yeah - they look like a lot of fun too. Not sure about riding one carrying 2x20L of fuel though ! How much do they weigh ? That could be a key limitation carrying 1 or more in ultralight aircraft. FP
  19. When I get a plane, I’ll make sure it’s got a tow hook for the boat.
  20. If that was page 1 from your autobiography, it could be an interesting read !
  21. Yes, you should consider the quality of fuel thing, but how much due diligence can you realistically do ? You go to a country servo and fill up, behind a number of other vehicles, you filter it through a Mr funnel into your plane, you do the mandatory fuel drain check, what else is due care ? Anyhow, I can now see a thumping great large rabbit hole, so here is a picture instead. 1.8kg and can carry 70kg $44.87 delivered.
  22. I’m expecting a comprehensive report on my desk, first thing Monday morning 😜
  23. Actually, I’d argue that on airfield fuel sources are not necessarily plentiful…and possibly getting rarer. In my (brief) experience flying around western NSW, almost the first item on the flight plan was where can I get (avgas) fuel ? ….and then potentially changing the route to suit the fuel sources, rather than simply enjoying playing tourist. However, almost every one horse town in Australia has a mogas bowser, which opens up a world of flying possibilities which is a key attraction of RA-Aus to me. The challenge is that quite often the servo is a solid walk from the airfield, but not if you’re lugging 40L of fuel…….and if you’re flying with a pax you may be fuel limited. I’m not tempted to go down the rabbit hole of avgas vs mogas and the freshness of that mogas from the one horse town bowser, etc, etc)…but I’ve appreciated the debate and I reckon Garfly has potentially nailed the solution anyhow.
  24. Coming from a vertically challenged family, I already have a collapsible stool, and yes it would be ideal for filling a high wing while away. The tallest I’ve seen is approx 40cm, but that should be enough, unless you’re flying a Cessna Caravan or something. https://amzn.asia/d/4kzRF62
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