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Jabiru owner

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Everything posted by Jabiru owner

  1. Thanks mate, Appreciate the advice
  2. Hi fellow Aviators, Im not one for forums. I'm a owner of a jabiru J230 been flying all over Australia for the past 14 years for work and recreation. My aircraft is fully decked out for long distance runs, has auto pilot and EFIS. It's been a terrific aircraft, most affordable and reliable. I'm reaching out to see if anyone else is having issues with micro-air transponder upgrade. I dropped my unit in January/ February 2023, Waited 2 months expecting a call to say its complete. No call. Contacted Micro-Air in Brisbane, The reply was, not completed yet issue with parts supplier. Asked if they had a spare one to use, No spares, but you can have your original transponder back, Keep your spot in the queue and we will contact you. Another trip to Brisbane. Well that was April 2023. October 2023 I received an email saying I was a selected few for the up grade on the upgrade ADSB IN & OUT. SOUNDS GREAT! I contacted Micro Air again January/ February 2024, for them to reply in saying parts arrived, pay a $500 deposit and secure your spot in the queue. Jumped on line,funds transferred ready to roll. Boom, now we are we getting somewhere, looking forward to getting this completed. So February/March trip to Brisbane again micro air new two office location dropped my transponder off,all positive from the staff, Talk soon. Im expecting a couple of weeks as told maybe a month. Rang the Micro Air office two weeks ago, Big explanation again, parts issue, I again asked for a spare to use, no spares I'll get a tech to call you. By this time im annoyed, Its over 100kms for me to go to Brisbane. Rang the office 1/2 hour later, I was told that there is a issue with parts, not sure of the time frame, You can come and get your unit, use it and we will be in touch. Went to the office meet the manager as he wasn't in at 9.30 when I rang and asked for him. I spoke with the manager expressed my concern about missing out on the rebate and asked if he could give me a invoice for the parts and upgrade. I was told by two people the financial person and manager that no problem we will get that email out to you today. That was two weeks ago, and the only thing I have received is a email from the office lady last Thursday asking me how I was going to pay for it EFT or credit card. I have waited over twelve months for a service, paid $500 to have a spot in a queue and had 4 trips to Brisbane and still no better off. Does all of this smell like a business struggling financially with zero customer service cashing in on suckers that inherited their product with the aircraft. WHAT A SCAM. I WOULD LIKE TO HEAR FROM OTHERS IN THE SAME POSITION. ADVICE ON A DIFFERENT TRANSPONDER SET UP WOULD BE APPRECIATED. WHAT I HAVE WOULDN'T BE EVEN ANY GOOD AS A DOOR STOP. KIND REGARDS SAFE FLYING
  3. Micro-Air ADSB in-out upgrade
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