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    Savanah vg
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  1. I’m interested in a throttle kit for a total 912uls. [email protected]

    1. Kyle Communications

      Kyle Communications

      Where are you..need for postage costs. AU$400 for the kit plus postage


  2. Thanks guys we have spent a few hrs at elevation determining the stall speeds. Main goal here was to try and get possbile causes for the increased power off stall speed. today landing with a little power made things much better. My power off approach speed is 70 to the threshold with full flaps it burns off quick in ground effect. If I float till about 30mph it will stall. Overall it’s enjoyable to fly. I will maintain this until I get a few more hrs and then start to slow it down. I have stolspeeds vgs installed and have spoke with him. It doesn’t sound like the new wing leading edge offers much in improvements. I will fly with 13g of fuel and see if that changes anything. I may put some smaller tires on and see if that changes anything.
  3. Thank you for the reply. Very new to this plane. I have an av30 and steam asi both indicating similar speeds. important to note I’m flying with an instructor who said the same if it buffets at 60 we will add flaps and approach with them. As soon as flaps are added buffet stops. Power on stall speed with no flaps is slow about 30 mph. he prefers to land with full flaps. I’ve also read that 10deg is preferd by most not full.
  4. Good evening. I have about 20hrs in a 2006 Savanah classic. slats are removed and vgs added. 26” airstreaks for mains and 8.50x6 nose would like some feedback on approach speeds setup 23g fuel passenger 1 150lb passenger 2 240lb im buffeting and beginning to stall power off with no flaps at 60 mph. The nose does not drop just mushes. im looking to figure out if this is related to the 26” tires or weight or both? I have heard that some vg pilots keep approach speeds at 70 for this reason.
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