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Everything posted by cscotthendry

  1. David: Thanks for that. There are five videos up so far...
  2. Well, it wasn't exactly my last flight, but recently we went on an Outback Adventure with the QRAA from Warwick. It has taken a little while to whip the footage into something resembling watchable, but I'm plowing through it now. This link will take you to the series. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=videoseries
  3. Feel free to ignore it and move elsewhere. No one is forcing you to take part.
  4. Don: I also noticed that JW Howard has come out about further industrial relations reforms should the Coalition get re-elected. There are none so persistent and bitter as thwarted politicians. Howard is still pi$$ed that he was voted out and it was because of Workchoices. So he still feels he has to prove that he was right, much as Abbott has been running around spouting words to the effect "I was right, and everyone else was wrong", much like Bush Jr and Cheney are still maintaining there WERE WMDs in Iraq.
  5. The number of people making statements or interviewed in the media ... adds up to "a lot"? So how many would that be? maybe 50 or as many as 100? What percentage of people who voted could ever be interviewed or quoted in the media? The media don't have endless air time or column inches to present a representative sample. I call BS on this tactic to support your supposition too. But yes I do have a fair breadth of news sources in my area that I regularly consume. Certainly more than just the Murdoch media or commercial TV.
  6. Don: Welcome to the age of spin. FWIW, My take on what happens in the media now is this: In the 80's when Clinton, Blair and Hawke were in power, they promised (and indeed delivered) that they would move the left side of politics to the centre. This captured a lot of votes from the Right. The Right's response was twofold and ongoing; First the Right moved further rightward and second, the Right started to personalise their opposition to the "Left" to distinguish themselves and try to recapture those lost votes. Using Oz as an example, we saw Tony Abbott installed by 1 vote as LOTO (without doubt an extreme Right winger) and the spectre of the "Ditch the Witch campaign and a lot of other really odious personal attacks come out of the Abbott led opposition and their Hard Right supporters. We saw similar stuff in the US where the Republicans hounded Clinton and tried to obstruct everything Obama tried to do, even when it was their own policies he was trying to implement (So-called ObamaCare, was a policy originally brought in by Mitt Romney!). BTW why does the prospect of a plebiscite on gay marriage "make you shudder"? How will it affect you directly? Personally, I am neither for nor against it. Given a choice only of "for" or "against", I would probably vote "For" on the simple principle of "Live and let live". What other people do with their lives mostly doesn't affect me. So what right do I have to impose my views/beliefs on them? PS: I heard it said, but I don't have any evidence for it, that Cameron called the referendum as a way of fending off a leadership challenge. If that is the case, it backfired spectacularly! But that's politics, I guess.
  7. But Scotland as a country voted to stay. So how does that back up your claim that "a lot of people who voted to leave have changed their minds"? The leaders in Scotland are following what a majority in their country voted for, but that doesn't prove that those in Scotland who voted for Brexit, have changed their minds about it. Howzat for logic? Just as an aside, where did you hear/read that "a lot of people who voted to leave, have now changed their minds"? ie what was your source for that claim?
  8. Cute! A source of a substantive survey would suffice, but if you want to get childish...
  9. How do you define "a lot of the winners" and what are the sources for the numbers? My bet is that the losers are rounding up as many as they can of people who voted for Brexit, then propagandising them into saying "if only I'd known that..." And then using this to claim that they (the losers) were dudded in the vote. I just watched a shining example of this in an interview with ABC morning news with Alistair Campbell, a political strategist of some sort in the UK, who was practically apoplectic about the vote. He made much the same type of claim without any substantive backing for his claim that "a lot of people...". Most of what he said came across as an extreme case of sour grapes, having been strongly for Bremain and now feeling thwarted. Largely, the people who voted for Brexit, were those left behind by Globalisation. Those people are still there and their living standards are still being negatively impacted by offshoring jobs and industries. Unless their needs are also met, Globalisation in all its forms will meet with increasing resistance. All the Alistair Campbells and all the others who've benefitted from Globalisation can live in denial and they can in future ensure that those left behind never get another chance to have such a say, but the issue will NOT go away.
  10. And when consensus can not be reached? Human beings, being what they are, have differing views and interests. Consensus is and ideal that would never be reached under any circumstances. The best you can hope for is bargaining or campaigning to get a majority. In this case, that is what happened. More people voted for Brexit than Bremain. The losers are unhappy about it, as someone made the apt analogy to Qld and DLS, so expect the losers to come back again and again to try an overturn the outcome. With a close vote like Brexit, the losers have a chance to sway some to their views and get the result changed, but the costs of making the changes might be too high. It is done. Time will tell if it is good or bad, BUT, there was a time before the EU and the world didn't end. I suspect the ones who are squawking the loudest right now are the ones who make fortunes by moving money around from country to country. This outcome (Brexit) makes it a bit more difficult for them to profit by doing nothing more than sitting in front of a computer, and just like religious fanatics, they will proselytise to get others to support their interests.
  11. Hi: This is my understanding of crew sleeping arrangements. There is a place on long haul aircraft for crew rest. It is only used on long flights. On these flights there is enough crew members that some rest while others work. These flights usually carry 2 flight crews who rotate about every 4 hours, I think. For cabin crew, there are times when demand for their services, like drinks and food, is lower because the passengers are watching movies or sleeping. So some of the cabin crew can rest at those times. I don't have any more knowledge about crew leave arrangements or promotions. I think those things would differ from airline to airline. Hope this helps.
  12. It would sem that those left behind by globalisation were the main ones voting in favor of leaving the EU. It seems to me that the media are pushing the barrow that leaving is a bad thing and they are selling it for all they're worth. For example, I saw a report on commercial TV news tonight where the reporter said words to the effect "Nearly 50% of the population voted to stay in the EU. There is widespread discontent at the outcome." So why didn't the reporter say "Over 50% of the population voted to leave the EU. There is widespread jubilation at the outcome."?
  13. I also use Cyberlink Powerdirector. I have been using it since V8 and am now on V14. In the beginning, I downloaded the trial versions of; Adobe Premier Elements, Sony Vegas, Corel Video Studio and Cyberlink Power director. My experiences with them were not favorable, except for PD. I use a multi-camera setup when I film and PD has a function called Multi-Cam designer. It takes video streams from up to 4 cameras and an optional separate audio track and allows you to synch all of them, then take clips at random. It is easier to use than to describe and to do what MCD does, by other means would be enormously time consuming. PD now also has some nice features for working with popular sports cameras such as lens correction functions, speed changes, motion tracking and a host of other genuinely useful features. It also has the usual fizzy graphics and transitions so beloved by beginners and people creating flashy advertising. It has rudimentary animation capabilities and facilities to create and animate sprites. For more serious use, Cyberlink also has side programs that integrate seamlessly with PD such as Audiodirector and Colordirector. These programs often come up as special deals with PD. In short, bang for buck you can't go past Powerdirector. I know this sounds like an ad, but it's not. Here's a video done with multicam designer
  14. While I'm not doubting that what you say is true, that is a very strange requirement, for a sensor NOT to be mounted to the equipment it is supposed to monitor.
  15. If you look at the Rotax oil system, you'll see that there are no high pressure oil lines outside of the engine. Remote mounting of the sender may relieve the sender of engine vibration, but it exposes high pressure oil outside the engine, with the resulting risk of oil loss if the line fails. Further, to isolate the sender from engine vibration, you have to mount the sender on the airframe, which requires elastic coupling somewhere and that usually means a rubber hose. Rubber hose + high pressure oil at 100+ deg = trouble IMO. I'm betting that's why Rotax have all the high pressure routing inside the engine. Just as a kicker, Toyota found this out the hard way with high pressure oil lines with rubber connections driving the variable valve timing on their 200KW V6 engines. A failure of the line empties the V6 sump in about 10 seconds!
  16. Chris: Welcome to the forums. For what it's worth, here's my 2 cents worth; I second the idea of doing some flying before you choose what type of airplane to buy. I would strongly dissuade you from buying any airplane just because you like the looks of it. There are two main types of airplanes, High wing and Low wing. While you're doing some flying training, try to get some time in an example of each type and see what you prefer. When you have decided whether to go high or low wing, do some looking around at planes for sale of that type and then come to the forums and ask some owners of the brands and or models that take your fancy, about their strengths and weaknesses. Be prepared to take their answers with a little grain of salt as everyone thinks their airplane is the best in the world. When you have done some flying, start thinking about what you would like to use the plane for. For example: If you live on a farm with room enough for a short runway, you might want a plane with STOL capabilities. If you have the travel bug and want to use the plane for flightseeing, you might want something with a reasonably high cruise speed. In that regard, most STOL planes are slower than planes optimised for cruising. Again, if you want to go cruising, check out how much payload the plane can carry. The payload is the total weight of passengers, fuel and baggage. The payload weight of a given plane is the Maximum Take Off Weight specified for that plane (MTOW) minus the plane's Basic Empty Weight (BEW). For simple calculations, fuel weight 0.7Kg per litre. So if the plane has 100L fuel tank(s) then the maximum fuel weight will be 70Kg. This can be varied as it's not always mandatory to start with full tanks. For example: My Legend has a MTOW of 600Kg, a BEW of 313KG so my payload weight is 287Kg. Assuming the average person is 90 Kg, with two people in the plane that leaves me with 107 Kg for fuel and baggage. My plane has 130L fuel tanks which would weigh 91Kg if full, that leaves me with 16Kg for luggage ... BUT, my wife weighs significantly less than 90 KG (I'm not at liberty to say how much less!) so we have capacity for more luggage when we fly. There is a lot more to buying a plane than just this and certainly a LOT more than just liking the looks of it. Keep asking questions. The only "dumb" questions are the ones that didn't get asked. Take your time, make a good choice and happy flying.
  17. The guy involved sounds like a real moron.
  18. AB: Thanks for the compliments for our baby. We are very pleased with it. We were also very happy to go to Ralph and Deb's do at Murgon. R&D put enormous effort into supporting us flyers and we DO appreciate it!
  19. Welcome to the forums Peter. Fair skies and tailwinds with your Skyfox.
  20. It was a great day for flying, and good to catch up with some of our friends and tour mates. I can second that Gayndah seems to be flyer friendly and we're looking forward to attending the events they plan to hold.
  21. IMO, Don't buy cheapies. Get good comfortable headsets that you can wear for 3-4 hours without getting pains on the sides of your head or a pain across the top where the headband goes. Also, noise cancelling is good for being able to hear others transmissions and good for reducing noise fatigue.
  22. Agree with your post, but the last bit??? Is that an attempt to be provacative, or an attempt to try and discourage disagreement? Either way, I think your post stood on its own merits up until the last bit.
  23. A couple of posters have mentioned that non radio equipped aircraft are allowed to fly into Oshkosh. Can someone fill us in on how they do that? Call me skeptical, but I have watched in cockpit video of the arrival at Oshkosh and it is very radio intense and the traffic is frantic paced. I just can't imagine how they slot non radio aircraft into that unless, like Avalon have a separate runway for recreational aircraft, they have a separate runway, for the non radio equipped aircraft. Edit: I just looked this up, and the NORDO procedures are for non radio aircraft to land at a nearby airfield, phone the ATC ops people and obtain specific procedures and time to arrive. Also, approval for NORDO aircraft is NOT guaranteed.
  24. Another interesting story HITC! I had the opportunity to go up into the tower YBSU. While I was up there I watched the controller interacting with the traffic. Every time an aircraft was on final, he would pick up a pair of binoculars and look at the plane. I asked him why and he said something like "You'd be surprised how often I remind pilots to put the gear down". BUT, I call thread drift here...
  25. Very interesting video! The gear warning was quite loud on the video, but I'm wondering whether it was also piped through the intercom to the headsets. They say that there are two types of pilots who fly with retracts, those who have landed wheels up, and those who will.
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