There is another thread in the forums regarding renting versus buying. I won't try to duplicate that here as a simple search will lead you to that. From your two initial choices; Jabiru or Cessna, I think you have some more research to do as both those aircraft types have some form of cloud over them, however contentious those clouds may be. Also, the Cessna is definitely GA only at this stage, the Jab may be registered VH or RAA depending on the model I think.
Recreational aircraft will only have two seats. If you want to carry more than 1 passenger, then it's GA for you. Recreational aircraft are generally much cheaper to maintain than GA and usually much cheaper to run, fuel-wise. If you will mostly be flying alone, but sometimes with 1 other, it would be pointless to buy a six seater and pay all the money for purchase, running and maintenance. In the long run, you might be best off going GA and renting a small two seater when that suits or a six seater when needed. However: if renting GA aircraft is anything like renting RAA planes, you'll rarely be able to just rock up somewhere and say "I want to rent a plane right now." You'll more likely have to book it in advance and let them know how long you want it for and you'll have to fit in with the other demands for their aircraft such as training and other rentals. By contrast, owning a plane gives more flexibility of when you want to fly and for how long you'll be away with the plane.