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  1. No comparison unfortunately. The XBox 360 and PS3 are so far behind the PC in terms of raw processing and graphics (memory and texture bandwidth being big culprits). The flying games on consoles have to use various graphics "cheats" in order to render the pretty graphics that they do, but it is far from the amount of data that gets rendered for flight simulators on the PC. Racing games have VERY small enviroments that in most cases are designed by the developers and optimised for good performance. Most flight simulators can display third party custom scenery, and has to inteprate and display anything from vector data for roads, powerlines, rivers and coastlines, land-use data and huge texture sets to cover the landscape, buildings, objects etc. Even if the next generation consoles will provide the required horsepower to run a flight simulator, there are not that many developers who will risk developing for that platform as the return on investment for flight sims is probably too low compared to racing and action titles. It could very well be that something like MS Flight could probably be ported to a next gen XBox due to its lower level of complexity, only time will tell.
  2. All indications are the Flight will be a totally different beast to what FSX was, and it more focussed in pulling new/younger users into PC flight simulators, and make a lot of money from them via the downloadable content (DLC). The experience seems to be catering more towards the flying of the plane, instead of avionics/systems/real weather/atc etc. The good news of course is that the base product will be free, and for a few dollars more one can get the other Hawaiian islands and a RV-6. The bad news is that I don't see it being a real successor to FSX for the serious flight simulator enthusiast. But don't take my word for it, give it a go at the end of the month.
  3. Warmbrak

    11900 ft

    Thanks for sharing your story Frank - I read an accident report just 2 weeks ago of a gent who was trying to get home in his Cessna 206 Stationair with full G1000 cockpit that flew into cloud and decided to press ahead instead of turning around. Fortunately he flew alone and was the only casualty in that case. I would not think that this is a common occurrence, and I would recommend the same cautious approach that David took. Unless one has a suitable rating and aircraft to fly in those conditions, best would be to do a 180 standard turn and rtb.
  4. There are many discussion about MS Flight! on various forums, and many valid points are made. What interests me though as that many of the 3rd party developers have not been contacted by the development team as they were for FSX. I am also getting the feeling that the announcement for Flight! is was done way to early before any real progress could be reported on. I am a big fan of the MSFS series, but I'll gladly stick with X-Plane for the moment. I love the work the ORBx guys have done/are still doing for FSX, but it isn't doing much for the performance of the simulator even on modern computer systems. I recently got the Tecnam P92 for X-Plane, and the sensation of flight is much better than that what MSFS currently offers. We'll have to wait and see as soon as more information becomes available, but I'll definitely grab X-Plane 10 when it comes out in any case.
  5. Thanks for the feedback and the heads up. I will be in contact with you rgmwa - I just had a look at Serpentine and what an incredible outfit! Latest ortho's - PhotoMaps by NearMap
  6. These guys claim that they may have a solution ready for flight testing next year to re-engine a Cessna 172: Images While it is interesting to see new aircraft being developed with lighter airframes to accommodate existing technology (such as Yuneec), I feel the real breakthrough would be conversion of existing aircraft to e-power.
  7. Thanks for the feedback gents - is someone currently building an RV at Jandakot? I would love to visit one of these "builds in process" and see what it is all about. One always gets excited when reading about other people's builds, and I think it is difficult for an onlooker to fully comprehend the amount of time going into building one's own aircraft.
  8. Good day gents, I don't want to stray off the topic, but would appreciate it if you could point me in the right direction. I started with my microlight license a few years ago, but didn't really feel at home in the garden furniture machines (trike), and decided I will rather do my PPL someday. A guy I know form uni days back in South Africa has built his RV-7, completed most part of a RV-12 before selling it, is buying a RV-10 to build now and is currently project managing a group of 10 jointly building a RV-12. Interesting thread here: AvCom • View topic - I have a dream...Build, Learn, Fly! RV-12 If I do my PPL and fly as one, what difference would it make in the type of aircraft registration when comparing VH against RAA? Is controlled airspace entry dependent on the pilot license type or the aircraft registration type? Thanks in advance.
  9. After many years of stall tactics I want to commence with my PPL training this year. Having flown with friends in many types over the years, there are some aircraft I feel more comfortable with than others. Even 10 years ago I wasn't keen on flying in a Cessna 150/152, yet I have a great affinity for the Cessna 172. I also wouldn't mind training in a Piper, and Minovation's Whitney Boomerang is looking like a good option as well. In terms of flying schools in general but especially the ones in Perth, which training aircraft are your favourites?
  10. Congrats!
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