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    Ventura 4
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  1. Haha, yeah, Bruce, I'm feeling you. I had the same. I'm in contact with Italy fairly frequently about issues like that. Does anyone have suggestions about CHEAP landing and strobe light options? I don't t really want to spend thousands of dollars on lights if I can avoid it, as I'm way over budget already anyway. Also there doesn't seem to be any wiring included, nor can I find a pitot pipe. Any suggestions on which wiring cables have to be used? Thanks in advance.
  2. And hope your arm gets better soon. That would make life very hard
  3. Feel free to call me for any questions. Left wing ready to get some fuel tanks in ✌️
  4. I bought some steel nuts at bunnings. Smallest size. That works with riveting in tight spots so far. I'm epoxy priming everything now, so antislavery not using black stuff. It is a lot of work, but I don't have to worry about paint buddies 😁 Only spray guns. Heads up Bruce, there are more surprises in the manual. Fuel tank installation is "fun". Wings will hopefully be done in the next few weeks.
  5. And yes in regards to engines, Mark. I went to Italy earlier this year and went to the factory. I flew a Ventura with a 912 and one with a 915. The 912 flies more like your Cessna 150 and the 915 is your STOL aircraft again. So definitely has to be a 915 to have similar performance to a Savannah.
  6. So, generally speaking, don't use etch primer AND black stuff I got out of this. So I'm still not sure what I should do to prevent corrosion apart from using the black stuff. I'll be flying coastal A LOT, the plane will be outside and I won't always have access to fresh water to hose it down straight away. I'm just concerned if bare metal is left inside the plane I'll regret not having done anything in a few years.
  7. Putting a 915 in, correct
  8. Thanks heaps for your input guys. The aircraft will most times be in rough terrain. I'm planning to fly around Australia and land in many beaches. It will be stored outside for quite some time, that's why I was thinking of doing something extra for corrosion proofing. Another guy recommended to use a 2 pac primer on all parts prior to assembling that you can spray on. Some type of zinc cromate. He said to use prepwash first, let dry, spray on a thin layer of primer, let dry, assemble and still use black stuff. That sounds easier than Alodine and I could write parts numbers with permanent marker in the inside of the skins so I don't get confused. Any thoughts about this approach? Any recommendations on what primer is best and where to purchase? Thanks 😊
  9. I've been having so many people telling me stuff and I'm considering to do the Alodine treatment prior to the black stuff. I was wondering though what you do with the stickers? I I can't take them off or I won't find the parts... what did the Alodine people do?
  10. Oh sorry, double post
  11. Something like this?
  12. Something like that?
  13. How do I ping Mark? 🙂
  14. I must have missed the parts with the rollers. Do you just use normal paint rollers? That was my plan...
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