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Everything posted by bones

  1. bones

    Sirius TL 3000

    Sirius TL 3000 for sale, a very comfortable and easy to fly aeroplane, will cruise at 100kts indicated at approximately 24lt per hr. Situation changed no longer needed unfortunately. Wheel spats not fitted but included, also 2 light speed headsets. Sky-echo also available. Contact for more information and photos. Will be sold with fresh annual/ 100hr located Charters Towers Mark *414585*96 (replace * with 0)
  2. Don’t mean to open an old wound 😂 but does anyone have any new news on this conversion? Who to talk to?
  3. Hi I sent you an email about this aircraft

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    2. pylon500


      Sorry, didn't explain. I'm not Trevor, I just ran the add for him (age and computers...)

      Try his number and see what happens.

    3. bones


      Morning has Trevor still got this plane? 
      It’s still advertised so I presume so?

      if possible can you get some pictures of the interior and dash ect.

      also some figures, cruise speed, fuel burn ect

      by the end of next month I’ll be right to really start getting serious about finding a plane.

      thanks for your time.


    4. pylon500


      Sorry, got sidetracked and couldn't find the email, but it still showed up here in the forum so here we go.

      Spoke to Trevor, plane is still available, and I suggested I'd give you his number, and you can call him direct...

      0427 563 274, he was in Dubbo when I called him today.

  4. Julia creek strip would be within the 1 km I would think bloody close anyway
  5. Usually emailed, the distributor/ agent is also asked to contact owners directly, as usually they still have the best contacts. At the end of it I would near guarantee they knew the aircraft was grounded, another reason why I stopped instructing, people won’t listen.....
  6. Yeah I wouldn’t know about any of that ?
  7. How can someone who flys something like that manage to get into the ring, obviously not thinking very far ahead, what a waste of a big beautiful helo
  8. Hmm I have done “first” solo in 4 completely different aircraft the last one was the hardest (helicopter)
  9. Thanks for the input, it looks like the machine I was looking at is sold ?
  10. Looking at getting back in the air again I’ve been ground hogging it since I sold my single seat helicopter like 18 months ago, redone my old AUF license ( that should give you a hint of age) to a raaus license near 12 months ago, keep getting close to buying then decide to hold off again. my real question is are the above planes particularly bad for ground loop behaviour or not? I think one of these might be a good compromise between a bit of speed and shortish take off?
  11. Looks like a 6 cylinder Mac
  12. It took 3 month to get my pilot cert
  13. Why not balance it closer to perfect then fit the balance master?
  14. ok so, just saying that 1 was to have an aircraft with a camitt engine, are jabiru parts the same/clone, ie. can the jabiru parts for all the engine be used in a camitt engine? what are the parts options? thanks
  15. be the sprag the drives off the starter not the starter more than likely, ill bet the prop is real jerky?
  16. Ron Watson from Innisfail might be interested also, 0404565249 , did you buy the 230 in Townsville for sale?
  17. So has anyone put a system in lately? wondering how hard? how long? and the results. very keen to do this, just need a few $ and we set.
  18. I just today got back from a week away visiting my daughter who lives in Katherine, yesterday to fill in the day I dropped into the aviation museum in Darwin, and all I can say is if you have a slight interest in aviation you must visit this place if your in the area, a very well set out and very reasonable priced display of near every type of aircraft, from an actual B52 bomber to a F111 to the earliest ultralights, a gyro, and a whole heap more, motors of near every type made, simply brilliant. I am interested in aviation but I thought I am not the museum type, thought 15-20 mins tops well about 2.5 hrs latter I had to go to other commitments, also stumbled onto I think it was called East piont, there is a stack of military stuff there also, I really enjoyed the day, must be getting an old fart I guess, but it is amazing the things that happened in 1942 to keep our life style as we know it now. To all those who gave and to those who continue to give, thank you, I for one do appreciate it
  19. Well just to prove that I live under a rock, I have been in the middle of the NT for the last near 2 years, and not much internet, it saddens me great to only just have learned of Ross's passing I had talked him a few times on varied matters. I hope you still have blue skys and calm winds RIP Ross
  20. I had 145 hP on a 80 hp rotax no heat problem similar idea to this it works well, you can trick the computer on the 914 nd they pump out something like 180 hp
  21. bones


    The motor would be the last thing that would need changing, the turbo will go before the motor.
  22. I have actually played with that system, it was a 914 rotax modified with full EFI, obviously being controlled by the sds, when I got it there were many people thought they would fine tune it for him, to the stage of it would only just run. Emailed the makers of the sds, they sent me a basic start piont that the motor would run on, and once you read the manual 5 times so the info sinks in, nd it all starts to make sense, at that piont you can make the motor do anything you want, but nd a big but is you must have an air/ fuel ratio guage, you need to be able to see rich or lean to properly adjust the fuel values, I think from memory every 250 rpm may be less, but you can control spark advance, fuel/ air , and a whole lot more. I ended up getting the motor running sweet as, then he sold it all
  23. ok so I been checking the classifieds for a bird, but there is just nothing listed, is there nothing for sale or could someone link me to where I can look at whats on offer?
  24. Biggles, you need to call into a computer shop, and buy about 4 of I think they are ferrite resistors, basically they are the clamp around white magnet things you see on every computer lead, I had the same problem for ages, could not work it out, swapped about 4 radios, bigger ground plane ect ect. All you need to do is put one of them on each lead, aerial, power , and any other wires in the area, they stop feed back into the radio that is basically all that is doing it. Well from my experience it was anyway. Another thing it maybe I found once, make sure the aerial lead is not near any power sources, ie strobe wires, light wires, I had one radio worked perfectly until the light was turned on, went digging and the aerial wire was tied to the power wire once, shift it and fine then.
  25. all good then glad you sorted it out :)
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