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Everything posted by bones

  1. There is mustering and there is mustering, it all depends on your interpretation of it :big_grin:
  2. Honestly they are easier to fly than the fw in thermals and rough conditions ect, as they dont get thrown around as much. Anyway got to get my stuff ready heading of in a week for another 6 weeks of play time or and did i mention it is still freezing over there:ah_oh: What ever your choice of flying is, enjoy it, do it safe and have fun, i enjoy being around all types of flying stuff, sitting and hangar talking with a couple of lames up here is my favourite type of time wasting. Hope you find what your looking for Plane, i wasnt doing a sales pitch, it was just my opinion nothing more nothing less. Tommo i be through your neck of the woods in about 5 weeks to bring the new one home, might look you up, and if your up to it, cut some holes in the sky, then oyu know what im talking about
  3. Hamish have you ever been up in one? i believe you will change you mind when you under the huge operating envelope these machines(step up right) have for this job, mate if you send me a pm i will come down(if your not too far away) and show you how good they are.
  4. Obviously you never seen a proper muster gyro
  5. If your serious about serious mustering the only machine you should be looking at is a gyro. This is not a blind one eyed thing, eg. i muster for a lot of people, but i have cattle scattered everywhere so it is legal, and on one of the places there is a compnay owned R22 sitting in the shed and does not get used while i can do it, enough said? The gyro can and will run rings around a R22 in the right situations, we proved it and the R22 pilot was seriously ****ed off, the gyro will out manuveouer(spelling) a help up to 50kts, then the speed of the helo takes over, until then gyro is king in the right hands. why else do we get the calls for work before the helo, and price is only one of the reasons.
  6. The hangar i put up was a kit, cant remember the name now, it was 14m deep 13m span by 2.8m high opening plus pitch of roof, the kit was super easy to go together, myself and my 3 kids(under 14) got it up and sheeted in 3 days, kit cost about 18k, slab was about the same.
  7. People does anyone have a fuel pressure regulator they are not using right at the moment i can replace or pay the going rate for it. It needs to be a regulator that attaches to the airbox to increase pressure as the boost cuts in. damn if i keep replacing parts on this motor it be brand new :big_grin:
  8. Yep i am, hate getting too high for no good reason, actually thats i lie, even when i need to get high i hate it,i flown to ingham a couple of times, the range between here and there is about 4200' i fly over it at 4250', just high enough to clear the trees, dont know what it is, cant get the idea of what the altimeter is saying im so high, but im only 50' above the trees, but it doesnt make sense. Im good to about 2000', if i go higher if i can occupy my mind with stuff, i be right for awhile, after that nope count me out. So if you want to fly low im the instructor for you :) Its a personal thing really, i know another guy, who still can not fly higher 1000' he been flying for 15 years
  9. Thought it might have been, but you know the saying the only dumb question!!!!!! Thanks guys
  10. There are a few options for this, and yes i think the gyro world leads the way in this field, there is a guy in the US doing conversions on the yamaha snow sled engines, 80hp and 110hp i think and there is another type of engine,,,,the Weber???? it might be, somewhere in the 100hp range, this is being tried on the factory type gyro in Europe, of course there is heaps of ea81, ej 22, 25, and some are now trying the 6 cyc ej30 subaru engine, but for around the 25lt + per hour, it only the saving on the engine really. There are others also, this is just what i can think of off the top of my head. Actually the honda ST 1100 engine is another engine very possible of use, as the gearbox unbolts off the motor, good power ect. The seadoo jetskis use a, get this, "250hp" super charged rotax, but about the only way of getting one of these is to buy a ski, they wont sell the motor separetely,,, think some one told them what they be used for :)
  11. Ok this is probably gonna make me sound like knob, but what is a "asymmetric approach"
  12. Damn, im embassed only even heard of a couple of these planes, guess you get that being a red neck from the sticks, and only finding the internet about 5 years ago
  13. Any one got any contacts or know where one might be able to get my hands on aerial seeder boxes suitable for our size aircraft??
  14. Arrrr the piece of mind to know i can take a lap top out and fiddle with the settings, the new puter works a treat. Sain, yep using vista on the other lap top that doesnt work, but i feel it is more the cord because it wont work on the old tower either, i will try it though let you know what i find.
  15. Heon, Does your 914 need the dongle from rotax or is it just the normal 9 pin serial plug like mine. buying a computer to work this does sort of seem a bit over the top, but need a new one anyway for my son to do school of the air on any way so 2 birds with the one stone, or yeah i need a tax deduction too as if.
  16. Sue, THanks, but after another day on the phone with lots of people(computing types that knew more than i- not hard i know) i have decided to just buy a new lap top with a serial port, one computer shop i spoke to the owner and he refuses to sell the cables any more cause they just dont work.....
  17. Has anyone had any success connecting to the onboard computer of the 914, via a converter cable to usb, as it is near impossible to get a laptop wit a 9 pin serial port these days? Not even the one from Floods wants to work for me.
  18. THis is one of the best i seen for awhile also.
  19. Darky, You want to try to finish building a craft, and everytime you get one thing finished, something else pops up, and all the time costing big money. But trust me you will get there, remember those who have the tolerence to survive the little things will get to there goal in the end. just focus forward.
  20. Be the same as this but a fraction different colour, new one is silver , loved the red but damn too hot for up here if its sitting on the ground for anylonger than 3 mins, sold it to down mid NSW, so gone for a cooler colour this time. Actually i found a pic of the near exact colour mine will be this is one of the last i delievered. Now this is a nice colour, and how assy is this that i got the strobe on too
  21. David and Pud, that was sort of my thinking also, its been a long time since i flew a 2 stroke, but what type of revs would we be talking here?? If the motor is acually being helped turn over by the wind there is no real pressure on the internals(i wouldnt think) so the idle mixture should be fine, unless your diving/ decending for 30 mins( if this is the case you got other probs)
  22. Both HTL machines in their stock designs. But yes just as easy to build it "right" instead of "not so right". I have a machine nearly finished in the shed now,(damn that will mean i got 3 now) once i get it out, i will post some pics, it has a 914 rotax, and be very close to CLT, just need to be careful in the design before you start cutting allu. HH, i will try and get around to writing a bit of a blurb soon, need to get down and get my other new 2 place soon, flying it back from near Sydney i think, up through the centre there some where, so i bit busy, but will get around to it
  23. i Dont get this question, how can you have high RPM with the throttle closed, sure if your full niose, then fully close the throttle, the motor will take a fewe secs to slow down, but the motor will be full of fuel anyways so no probs there. Or am i missing something?
  24. bones

    parts availability?

    OMG that brings back some horrible memories from a long time ago been a while since i seen one those ol girls in the flesh, done my training and my fair share of crashing in one of those, mumble mumble fr*ging 2 stroke POS's. Just one thing on the trailering, wouldnt turning the machine around be better, as then the wind is not behind the screen, trying to tear it off? I will put some pics up one day of a build i done in the shed.
  25. Rainbow beach is truely a beautiful place to fly, done many hours there in hang glider, and getting tow lanched off the beach is also another buzz, the first time is well, interesting t osay the least. really must get back down with David and do some more. But for the flying jelly fish no thanks :) at least the wing on the glider is rigid and doesnt collapse, watched one day right out the front of the "blow", one guy started, doing tighter and tighter turns, then hit some rough air, the chute shut down, lucky he got his parachute out with about 100' to spare.
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