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Everything posted by bones

  1. Mick, From an instructors point of view, the most frustrating part for me anyway is when the student HITS the wall, and actually goes backwards usually for about 3 hrs i find, somewhere around the 10-15hr stage. The only thing i have found is to just keep telling them where they are going wrong, and praying from the plateu to end, cause i can see and hear the frustration in the student as well, it is very natural what your going through, havent had one that didnt yet, hoping for the first soon :)
  2. What part??? Everything was true
  3. Hi, Just a question, i thought when i brought my 296 they was sposed to load all the maps ect into it, got a trip to Caboolture tomorrow and thought i just plug a course save me searching on route, nd ummmmm YCAB dont exsist on this, is this normal, like it has all little towns ect even ones with dirt strips with nothing else but it doesnt have caboolture, what the, so it on to my ol trusty 72 for the trip. Just wondering can i upload new maps and places ect, though i a bit worried after reading some of the above posts.
  4. 1100 hrs, serviced oil and filter every 50hr +or- 2 hrs, plugs every 500hrs Had to change the carb sockets, and new starter motor, thats it i think. i was gonna vote 4 times but it wont let me, i run it on everythnig you got there and more, like a mix of avgas of 91 unleaded, 91unleaded, basically if you put a match to it and it burns i put in it, even had to throw a bit of kero/petrol mix in to get enough in the tank to get home. No these engines are crap when you think about it :)
  5. Hmmmm ok well come to think of it, i had to put oil in for the first time ever the other day, just didnt think too much about it, i been running it for about 150hrs now, might have to throw it out too then. thanks so much for the info.
  6. Ohhhh really when did this occur? damn was about to buy another 12lts
  7. Yep thanks been doing that
  8. A chicken farmer went to a local bar, sat next to a woman and ordered a glass of champagne. The woman perked up and said, 'How about that? I just ordered a glass of champagne, too!' 'What a coincidence' the farmer said. 'This is a special day for me. I am celebrating.' 'This is a special day for me too, I am also celebrating,' said the woman. ''What a coincidence!' said the farmer. As they clinked glasses he added, 'What are you celebrating?' 'My husband and I have been trying to have a child and today my gynaecologist told me that I am pregnant!' 'What a coincidence!' said the man. 'I'm a chicken farmer and for years all of my hens were infertile, but today they are all laying fertilised eggs.' 'That's great!' said the woman, 'How did your chickens become fertile?' 'I used a different C*ck,' he replied. The woman smiled, clinked his glass and said, 'What a coincidence'
  9. Yep thanks Maj, and yep was aware of most of it, just never thought about the new motor bit, and yep its only just done 25hrs so i'l just tell him to keep flogging it for another 75 then look again, the egt were abit low from memory, but this is not too much of a concern yet, we will just see how it goes for awhile, thanks again. Or nd that 914 machine be in my hangar next week endso it be down your way soon i guess.
  10. JUst got an email about the colour of the plugs in a 912; "I removed the spark plugs for inspection and found them quite dirty with a sooty black coating" Obviously i feel these are the result of running abit too rich as the egt's are low also, question is, what is the easiest fix smaller main jets or will dropping the needles fix this without the need for new main jets?
  11. Drifter i was thinking the same thing :) Where abouts are you?
  12. bones


    Travis, I just looked you up and you are not far from where i picked up my first gyro from, just outside Willcannia, cant remember the name of the place now, that area is suited to FW and gyro for sure
  13. bones


    Well if your in to abit of this type of flying how about these 2 videos then, 2 completely different types of gyros, but still good to go for a ride. This is about 100nm NE of Alice Springs, i end up over there near every year, part for the fun and part for the friendship that happens. Good yes but it would be a lot better if we had Birdy's running commentry of the UHF that is as funny as hell, put it this way you never left wondering what he is thinking :)
  14. Also need to know if your looking for a 2 seat or single, what type of engine you prefer, ect ect. Simple answer as Rob said yes there is machnie built in Oz also some very good 2 seat machine for import, just 2 of such; www.zenogyro.com.au www.Elaaviation.com.au (I think that is the address any ways, just do a search on ELA)
  15. Here is another video, of a heap of helo that landed at the Towers airport to refuel heading north, couldnt help but to get in the middle of a lot of money and take some photos.
  16. Darky, Congrats on your solo, nothing like the feeling of doing by yourself for the first time(flying i talking here) :) Just remember as i tell my students you now have a licence to LEARN.
  17. A quick lap around YCHT A friend dropped in so i took him for a quick fly Around Charters Towers and area in the Xenon Gyroplane English Xenon Around YCHT[/url]http://www.recreationalflying.com/forumvbtube_show.php?tubeid=367"
  18. Maj, Not on the 914 havent even started playing with that devil yet
  19. hmmmmm good to see this site cant stay on thread either After talking again with the repair man, it might have been caused from a temp fuel stavation, on full power, which i had a couple of, for some reason, i changed a few hoses and no problem ever since. The carbon build up inside the turbo was more than likely caused by and incorrectly set up waste gate, and the turbo not spinning properly at idle down. The carbon letting go and going through the turbo also could have been some of the problem on the wheel. All in all exspensive little lesson to be learnt.
  20. Righto then, i am talking about exhaust driven turbo. 1. what is the maximum EGT that a standard turbo could take before melting of the turbine wheel fins occurs? 2. As long as the temps are kept under the answer to no.1, is there anything else that could cause the fins on the inside turbine wheel to suffer what appears to be heat damage. 3. As long as the boost is kept under the max boost pressure for a said motor set up, is there any other major temps or pressures that need to be maintained? There you go have a crack at those for starters and we can go from there
  21. Anybody for familar with the hair blower than i? I would like to ask some fairly(to me) complex questions and see what different answers we get to my way of thinking.
  22. I use " PIXresizer " it is good no loss of quality and you can do a 1000 photos with one setting if you like. Just set up 2 folders one with the full size and one for it to dump the resized ones into and your done. Google it and its a free download
  23. Ok one good question actually it 2 What is a realistic cruise speed for this machine and what is his flight endurance without refueling, because i really would like to do it in a gyro.
  24. Here we go a newspaper quote, just remember this is a NEWSPAPER quote. AdelaideNow... Family watches as gyrocopter crashes
  25. Unfortunately this is true, was a very sad way to end the year. The pilot was an ASRA member with the right endorsements ect, there was at least one ASRA rep at the crash site yesterday to conduct an investigation, as yet still not able to find a mechanical fault, the wreck has been moved to enable closer investigations. I can try and keep updating when info comes to hand.
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