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Everything posted by bones

  1. Yep thats the guy i thought it would have been, from what i hear the fine wont even touch his tea and coffee money, just means he needs to do a bit more gardening.
  2. He He hey i think i might know who this was, did it say any name?? Just a classic, perfect
  3. Maj, No probs, i appreciate it, it just feel the more we can do for all types of Ul flying the better we all be accepted.
  4. I got no idea on a FW but in gyros you can keep a jab cool, because they are working hard without enough air flow through the cyclinders, that said the 912/ 914's are cranking the hours regularly, well past the recomnended TBO
  5. It seems the authorities have found the source of the dust storm. It seem some idiot opened the NSW state of origin trophy cabinet and the rest is history :)
  6. Would be nice if you could let us gyro people know in the future and maybe we can get a couple of our machines in the fold, i really dont mind what people fly as long as they have fun.
  7. Yeah i understand all that Maj, but i am hoping that the outlay will be worth it in the long run, it is more of a project, steadily building a machine around it, is the plan.
  8. It was more the gyro it was in that was destroyed, the motor only has hopefully only minor damage, need to get it to run and see if the TCU ect is damaged, if so i will be completely redesigning it, to make it like the RST motor in my Xenon, turbo not controlled by electronics. In regards to the guages yes i did a count up of those too, and i thought if i could get a modern type for a reasonable price, i could have the egt's and fuel flow, you know crap that you dont really need but good to keep your mind busy, on those days when your sitting in it for 8 hrs, all day every day, day after day orrrrrr sorry
  9. Sometime ago i purchased a 914 rotax that was extensively damaged in a crash, as such the "flydat" was in about 3 pieces, so not usable, what other type of instrument is suitable to monitor a 914, with a reasonable price tag? Other wise i need a huge instument pod to take enough guages.
  10. Simple dont do correct calls, alot of locals here call Charlie 182 with no other call sign, so no chance of a fee, every one knows its a cessna 182, but no one cares since they allow drag racing on the strip and shut the air port completely to aircraft,,, go figure that out
  11. Hey scott no doubt about Dave being a top guy, i learnt to hang glide with him many years ago, then seen the light and went to gyros, cause you can fly all weather, but say giday to him from me next itme your there, propper name is Mark Bredden, he will remember me, i still got a glider in his garage for next time i get down there.
  12. what may i ask are you doing to get the motor to use oil, i have just on 1000hrs on the motor now, and i do the service, and drop it 50 hrs latter, nothing changes???
  13. This was last year leaving Charters towers for Wangarratta Vic. for the easter Nats which is an ASRA event once a year. English Watch Now!
  14. A short video of a mustering trip to the NT this year, my machine is the white one. English Watch Now!
  15. This is the first video of the very first set up and flight testing of the first Xenon in Oz English Watch Now!
  16. Hey all i only just stumbled upon this site, been looking about for a couple of days, seems there is a fair spread of people and areas here, so that should be good for the next xcountry trip i do, easter time next year about 6-10 flying to just north of perth, across the middle. Also any people in NQ be interested in a flyin at YCHT? just a freindly get together for 1 or 2 days, i think we need to try and do more of it, trying to fit work in around flying is alway a problem though, we going to try and get to Atherton for the school hols. I just added a couple of video of various stuff nothing in particular, just thought it might appeal to some of you That enough for now. Bones
  17. Hmmmm interesting, i doubt it but not impossible i guess.
  18. Maj, Yep i get it from Dennis Behan here at the airport in the Towers in 12 of 1 lts bottles cartons, he sells it very reasonably priced. Yeah the carb sockets, i replaced them about 50hrs ago, it started to run rough, so after a good check, i noticed one was starting to seperate, so i ordered 2 and done with it. bones
  19. I was wondering if anyone had a 914 that was toasted or otherwise not usable that i could get a standard 914 airbox off. Have a motor that was extensivly damaged in a crash, was hoping for some second hand parts. Thanks Bones
  20. Oil for rotaxs, Shell have released an oil specially designed for rotax motors with an additive that rotax recomend, and the 2000 hrs is just that, a given, we use them for mustering on gyros, and dont even worry about looking at them until 2000hrs, then just throw them off buy a new one and flog the other one off for a good price. Trick is to alway use premium fuel with good oil and really good filters, service 50 hrs and its a done deal, who says rotaxs are dear, they are worth every cent in my book.
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