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Everything posted by bones

  1. Tractor from all reports, but i like to see where i am flying not a back end of the motor :)
  2. Up here at Charters Towers we have a NEW development built within about 300mts of the approach of the main strip (06), so in most times an aorcraft would be about 100' high on late final going over the houses below tell me we not expecting some new "friends". just hoping the Air Force start night time training again, ohh boy that will just be great, and the council just last week annouced they are looking at upgrading the strip to allow normal night activities for FIFO mine workers, it just gets better and better up here too.
  3. This is not my motor but it is clogging up my hangar. It is the 100hp rotax with 2050hrs it was still very much in service when changed out for a new motor, still good compression, as far as i know not using oil. As far as i know serviced every 50hrs No service history here with it, there maybe a possiblity of getting some history off the owner. Offers??? I will pass the highest offer on, pick up from Charters Towers.
  4. Do us all a favor and hang it on a scale and take photos for all to see once you open it please, i am really interested to see how close they are to the weight.
  5. An example of this is this, can you believe that this type of crap is still happening, this accident happened last august. http://www.cairns.com.au/article/2012/08/24/232691_local-news.html This is part of the descussion that went on about it on the ASRA site; "The "Pilot" was unlicensed and the machine unregistered,we aren't sure if he had any gyro experience.The police advised he was 22 years old." "This is an unfortunate tale of someone with apparently large amounts of cash to buy a nice gyro but none for training. The gyro was completely destroyed by fire at takeoff.ASRA has had an AD (2008.02) out for some time concerning fuel filler modifications to gyro's with internal fuel tanks. Maybe if the owner had consulted a TA and gone through the registration process the gyro would have been properly modified and may not have burnt." "You wonder why anyone nowadays would even begin to believe they didnt need training but here we go. That bloke is someone's son, husband etc and he leaves a lot of people wondering why." We can only but try to get the word out that anything that can leave the ground will kill you, if you have not been trained to keep it there.
  6. Yep they look good, and from all reports handle great, i have never been in one personally, now because the gyro is such a very draggy machine, you really need to look at power to weight ratio, so if you do that you will find a fairly sad equation, dont get me wrong i offered to sell them if they put a rotax motor in them but they wouldnt, so i dont :) i not gonna get nito pricing but if you do your sums, you can get a machine with a propper engine(rotax) for the same or less. They used to have a subaru engine then about 2 years ago they went to the suziki engine with the turbo, and i sat down and done the sums and according to their website, they are actually worse off now as far as power to weight. they kept telling me you need hp, yes you do if you got to lift a sh*t load of weight, if you lower the weight of the machine you dont need that much hp, i have got xenons flying on 100hp rotax, and even with 2 up they fly good not great but the motor does it quiet well. Hope this helps some what.
  7. yep i can get just the engine along with the after cooler for about 21k Euro plus freight ect of course. Mount straight up with the standard rotax ring mount and your done, 135hp, the machine in Darwin would have close to 900hrs on it by now.
  8. Hope you dont mind Howard Righto then as Eightyknots asked in the other thread, here is my attemp to answer them for everyones info(if they were interested). Xenon is a french name, and as so you pronounce it as Zeno. First of all yes the factory that makes the xenon did have a big blow up 2 years ago, the so called designer and the man with the money had a falling out. The owner of the factory and and molds and basically the rights to make the machines as of now, but had to change the name to Zen1, but basically the same but better machine. Most modern day factory built machines should be safe in the face of the PIO(pilot inducted oscillations), which if not stopped would lead to PPO(power push over), also yaw stability ect, how ever the UFO you mention, well lets just say not in the same town let alone ball park, they look like they would put a horn on a jelly fish, but there has been a couple of fatal crashes involving them that can not be explained without the "possiblity" of some reall funny stuff going on, ie. no one really knows what happened, and no noe is game to try it. the last i heard the UFO have gone under ground again, they are very heavy and dont perform anyway. So i wouldnt touch 1 with a 40ft pole. Yes unfortunately the Gyros still suffer from an image from many years ago when there was no 2 seat machines to instruct in, and as such every one taught themself to fly, and as such the result was and sadly still happens today(trying to teach themself to fly), alot of people killing themself. All i can say to people on the safety front of the gyro is i done just over 2500hrs in gyros, most of the mustering, about 450hrs instructing, and i am still here giving cheek, as long as someone chooses a safe design and gets prior and propper training, they can enjoy many hrs of ear to ear smile flying. I think i just read your post propperly, and you were mainly asking about the UFO? hmm well you got some other reading anyway :)
  9. Eighty i have answered(or tried to) in this thread, so as to not hijack this one too much. http://www.recreationalflying.com/threads/gyro-questions.10896/
  10. They is nice all right. look at the bottom of my signature, got in trouble last time for talking about them.
  11. This is my favorite This is my ol work horse, just unretired her. This is my new fresh built last year work horse, hmm already got 1000hrs on the motor Edit; sorry built 2 years ago, time flys sometimes
  12. I was actually at Qurindi one day finishing off a gyro lic, when that a/c flew in, it got my attention to say the least, a very different machine for sure.
  13. Well since i got back spoke to another guy who had the same thing happen, the black box failed, it was very intermitant also, so i hope it is all it is, very tall timber and rock where Mike flys, but all the ground run up and tests i did this morning could not find a problem, we will know by the end of the week after Floods tests them.
  14. Well looks like the B black box was faulty from the looks, refitted the old 2000 hrs boxes and runs a treat. Ill send them off to get tested to be sure.
  15. Thanks Sue, I should have put Gals in the intro as well. I will see what i find in the morning.
  16. Guys, i hoping for a few hints as to what to look for in the following problem. I have to fly out to a property to look at a 912 that looks like it has dropped an ign, the no.2 side appears to be most of the time dead, it is at this time a little intermittant, but he says he can get it to do it most times, as in switch off no1 with no2 still on and the motor dies. I have stolen a set of black boxes off and old motor in the hangar here to take and try, as well as testing the ign circuits from black boxes to switches, for a short to earth with my multimeter. Is there any other ideas i should look for? Just that i have never had a problem with this, ever, i spoke with Floods yesterday and they were not sure either, not a normal problem, they want the boxes sent down to check them. Hoping the worst thing i find is one of the boxes are shot, otherwise if it is deaper than that, ie. no signal from the motor well lets just say thats an area i dont want to go to. I leave in the morning at daylight so any tips would be great, and the motor only got approx 200hrs on it at this time.
  17. Basically what i said
  18. Well damn i hope mine dies soon i getting sick of looking at the same one, it is the "oil"ring that lubricates the cyclinders and the compression rings are supposed to stop it(the oil) getting into the compression chamber, hence with a properly set up engine(proper tolerences), it should not use oil, if that is wrong well then damn every lycoming engine i even seen should last forever
  19. 1650hrs on my old motor now still not use oil between 100hr services, i actually forget to check it half the time cause i know its right actually the damn thing better start to loosen up soon cause it coming into winter again soon and it stalls out the starter motor all the time, too much compression.
  20. Thanks guys, the missus got the sh*ts and did order directly from the factory, so ill let you know how it goes, just hoping she ordered the right rotation not game to ask though so if it not right i might have a prop that will suit a FW, as i need a pusher format.
  21. Any one else apart from "Wade Air" sell these props, been trying for 3 days to get onto him, to order some new blades, the phone is either engaged or 3 minutes latter rings out Another contact would be great, i need some spare blades, just incase a rock takes a liking to mine
  22. Yep there was going to be a turbine built i dont know if it still going ahead or not now since last year, there have been tip jets fitted for vertical t/o ect, the main thing legally regarding a gyro is there can be no pitch change on the rotors once in flight, other than that, if you "think" of something you want to build, ask and most times it would be yes i would think. ohhh and did we mention we pass audits sorry guys couldnt help that..... i feel for you guys caught up in that sh*t fight.
  23. No one apart from the RAA guys yeah have mentioned class 1, there is no class 1, as Russ said the reguirement for instructor and passenger is HEAVY TRANSPORT clearance, ie semi licence medical clearance, ie a visit to the Doctor, to do a few tests and the like nothing major. Yep could have been, just like there is f*cked up FW designs that kill people, all we can do is try to educate people on what is safe and what is not.
  24. Bloody hell if you had of said we could have done it the other arvo, before that seafood feed you shoved into me, no traps from what i recall, all the bolts come out, and i think 1 or 2 dowls to locate it so take all the bolts out and smack it with a rubber hammer a couple of times it should just jump apart, might as well do the bearings while you got it apart, just push down on the main gear with the prop hub end supported, and the 2 hmmm might be 3 retainers similar to valve spring retainers are removed, then let the spring push the pulley off for you
  25. Looks pretty much like a standard gyro landing actually :) Have a look at the end of this clip you see what i mean.
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