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Everything posted by bones

  1. Yeah sorry typo, ment to be $45.00, 9k, the last little bit cost him near 5 k in one hit. actually i wish it was $450, i could be doing all his work and be happy
  2. There is a beauty little J120 here in Charters Towers, was talking to the owner the other week about this subject, and his eyes lit up, then proceeded to tell me in the 200+ hrs he has done in it since new, it has cost him(averaged out) $450 per hr on the motor, now that is about half the cost of rotax right there. to say he is p*ssed was an understatment.
  3. Yes the VHF is usable from either side, you can buy the complete harness and the modified UHF directly from Microair also.
  4. Have a look at this one then, some people got too much time on their hands :) the amount of work that went into this one is unbelievable, even a machinical prerotator damn. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F64K6CDxsns
  5. Munro the 680 od, kicks over the 912/914 without too much effort, so considering that you might be able to get away with as little as 150cca after all it is only a mossy smoke maker.. :)
  6. Motor sold thanks for the interest.
  7. Well it looks like this one was a gyro, and once again you have to shake your head and ask why, the pilot has no record of any formal training, the gyro not registered, and the pilot obviously no licence, i dont really know any more at the moment, but i will try to get more info if i can. apparently he was only 22yo. You never know when your time is up, i just home because my work is shut for awhile, i found what was left of a guy who was run over by a 60 ton loader, i was talking to him just a matter of couple of hours before hand. please stay safe people.............
  8. Correct very correct, and yep after you get your head around it they are not too bad to get working properly, but saying that i would prefer they not have all the elctronic crap on them, because they are not efi, so why did they have to complicate them so much, now the new efi engines they could be a damn night mare, dont know never seen one yet.
  9. not 1 4 stroke in pics i could see, thats like comparing diesel to petrol
  10. Yes and No Maj, the gyro is not that much different to any other machine once its up and flying, then we are back on the power too, the machines i deal with, are capable of 70kts full fuel ect at only 5000rpm, so at those rpm the turbo is only putting in about 4.5-5 PSI, so yes very low boost really in cruise flight, obviously there is limtis to full boost. But if you fluffing around 15 kts hanging on the power curve then obviously your using every bit of power you got, even with the 914 i got on the single seat, it is only in boost maybe 2 mins(combined) every hr, 2 mins is a damn long time in reality. Never seen the caution or warning lights on yet.
  11. Damn, the fact the gentle man passed is bad enough the fact he never got to fly again is i think a very sad thing.
  12. Well there is NO actual RPT as such, how ever there is mine workers get picked up from YCHT however i think that is only on Tues, Thursday's. So i think i need to ask council for a NOTAM on the same weekend for exclusive use of the airfield for demonstating the machine i got :)
  13. Ok on that basis, in YCHT they take over the whole aerodrome for 3 days(this time) next month for bl**dy drag races, so my question is, is it still required to hav a ASIC for all these people entering the parimenter, ohh and the best bit is they run a licenced BAR on the grounds. I am under the impression that because they throw out a NOTAM this viods them of everything, is this true???
  14. Good luck Tim, ill drop over to see your circuit strip(you finally done it ) in the next week, got a few circuits to do I thought it was you
  15. Yeah and try getting him to reply to an email after he's got your money, how do i know, well cause i had to sort out the crap and get one of the motors running, i got it to go, but not been flown yet, hopefully this week. So do you have one of these engines? or could you get access to one? i wouldnt mind getting a copy of all the maps to double check things ive done.
  16. Thanks, it was a very interesting learning curve, how to build a site, but i got there in the end, now its easy just adding wording and photos.
  17. Yes unfortunately they did/sort of still do abit, but with the likes of this style, and the ELA MT03, Magni, that proving beyond doubt that the modern designed gyro is in fact a safe aircraft. The worst feed back you get is like, my friends uncle knew someone who used to go to this blokes place and he had one of those gyro things, and he got killed in it trying to learn to fly it, no he didnt have any training but those bloody things will kill you, well DUHHHHH.. I cant work out why it is the gyro that sufferes these type of fools trying to teach themselves to fly even today, i think it is the fact that the gyro looks so simple in design, they automaticly think it is easy to learn to fly, the fact of the matter is they are easy to fly, but there is a couple of critical stages of rotor management you need to get right.
  18. I have heard say that the 122hp thing is only a European thing as they are limited to 122 hp the rest of the world can have the full 135 hp, just a bit more turbo boost, and if you want it can go right out to 180 odd hp, but that is pushing it a bit i think.
  19. Damn ill sell you a motor every day at that price
  20. Well if you look at the bottom of my post u might get a hint. Hongee there will more than likely one in your backyard very soon
  21. Well ok i import a brand of aircraft(that im not allowed to mention cause its in breach of rules) that has a 80 hp rotax that has turbo that produces 135hp of course this is for only a couple of minutes, but it is about 110 hp 100%, and the only real difference between it and the 914 is no computer crap, it is absolutely great performance and good fuel econ. i have one machine in Oz that has about 800hr mustering time and still going strong, the simplisity is so well simple it beg to wonder why rotax did the crap they did with the 914. I will have another brand new machine in town this coming week end so they are definately popular.
  22. Eighty, well yes and no, its just that Timbgy is from YCHT same as me and i just wondering if there is a limit to what wind you can fly in, i know when i was hang gliding and the paragliders would stop flying over 15kt(roughly) and that when the hang gliders would sort of start. Just that not many days up yes its not blowing 10-15 kts, so it was a serious question
  23. Whats the wind limit for these type of things?
  24. Also a rotax ring mount and oil cooler http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/180923342499?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649 http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/180923349141?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649
  25. This as you can see it now got a 914 on it.
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