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Everything posted by bones

  1. Davin, Do you have any knowledge of the SDS efi systems, i have a 914 rotax with the set up on it, i have tuned it fairly close but if you had some experience with it you may have a copy of maps ect i could check against. Bones
  2. Thanks Bas, that is what i was getting at, it can be a 2k hr motor with the right AD/SB done to it. The main thing about the 2k hr is the crank cases, so yep these are good for it :) The starting price is basically the reserve, i couldnt work out how to set a reserve so i started where i was happy so yep its game on :)
  3. I stole the original filter when i run short :) of filters, i found one that fitted to seal the engine, i cut the old ones open for inspection, good eyes. As for the TBO i would have to double check the numbers ect however i think it is, i have a 914 that is older and it is 2k, just done the figures to rebuild or buy new, and found it is a 2k hr motor, i thought it would have only been the old 1200hr.
  4. this listed today. http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/180922762383?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649
  5. Chris, Where did you get it from? the reason i ask is the where i was getting them is getting very hard to get along with, since we had a couple of words about 1 order. I have been using them in my Xenon gyros with excellent results with the microair 760, the only aerial i could find that would just work first time everytime. the full fibreglass cabin was the main problem trying to get a good ground plane, these solved the problem, as you can see by my avitar.
  6. I wasnt going to bother but i found this clip, this is not an easy landing to pull off but just so you can see what can be done in the right hands, yes Ron in the video is a good pilot, probably about 500 odd gyro hrs
  7. Im sorry i didnt realise i was "arguing" but yes concidering i done a couple of thou hrs in them i might have a bit of an understanding of how they fly, i started off just pionting out that this part of a post from "teckair" " I thought if you failed to maintain sufficient rotor speed to flair or got the timing of the flair wrong you could have a problem." was incorrect as you connot control the rpm once you are in the air. So obviously i am coming over wrong so i will step out of this and let you go forward with it. Becuase im sure you would have pionted out something i said wrong about a FW wouldnt you.
  8. If you look at the post above of mine it clearly says "It should be second nature to a pilot to be able to land without the noise going" so yes practise is part of being able to do that. Just being able to come in with 10 odd kts to a complete vertical down instead of 40+kts just gives you more options. Wouldnt you think??
  9. If this is the same gyro crash im thinknig of, the main reason for that crash was he lost 1 of his rudder cables, and it went full yaw, he tried to keep it flying but ran out of power to sustain flight, i know the pilot personally and know for a fact he didnt receive any permenate back injuries, but ok i know what you mean, if they have a sore back the media reports back injuries ect to dramatise it abit more. there is no way to regulate the rotor rpm in a gyro as oposed to a helo, in the sense that yes you can load them to spin up more, and going neg g will take care of all your excess rotor rpm issues (for ever). It should be second nature to a pilot to be able to land without the noise going, but i must say they are definately the easiest thing to land with or without power, actually most of my landings are idle power, its just easier :)
  10. I not heard of any back injuries in the gyro world in the last few years that come to mind, if it is done right, or even close to right, there is no risk of danger to pilot or machine, before i sign off a student to go solo they must perform a 360* turn power off from 600' and land with motor on idle, and the difference between idle and engine off is bugga all in performance of the craft. In relation to this accident, i have not heard any thing further about it, but looking at the photo, i would guess he got it down good, and then its fallen over in the mud, thus smashing the blades.
  11. bones

    MW Engines

    Ok it states on their website that Australian LW is the Oz dealer for these things that i never heard of before yesterday, so my question is does any one fly on one yet? And of course the standard "hows it go, and how do you like it" range of questions. Website here if any one interested, http://www.mwfly.it/index_file/MWFLMEPAGE.htm once again it all sounds just great, but as we know this may not be the case in every case.
  12. Yrah i thought it changed, i guess it doesnt matter where as long as the same on each blade. sorry Maj, im back in the NT again for the next 6-8 months
  13. hey pud, i know i have not read this thead in its intirety, but for a 68" prop on the 65hp motor, pulling 12* hmmmmm ok well i got a 100hp rotax pushing a 68" WD 3 blade prop, and it will only pull 11* only rev to about 5300rpm i got a 914 rotax with a 70" Ivo 3 blade medium prop with about 12* and it only revs to about 5400rpm All these * reading were right at the tip of each blade. Seems to me your trying to get it to pull too much air, i think dont quote me, but there is a Xair at YCHT, running a 68" 3 blade brolly with a 618 on it and i am pretty sure the pitch at the tips of the prop is only like 7* Now i will be perfectly honest and say i dont know where these pitch blocks take there * reading from, but just for sh*ts and giggles put a bubble on the prop and see what you have right at the tips and compare.
  14. More likely, there is more like a drag meeting booked for that week end, and this council just loves shutting the entire strip/airport for the whole week end just for the drags, thats why i couldnt fly to the Ingham event, got home from work only to find out the strip was closed, to say i was not happy would be an understatement.
  15. Well you all want to try the confussion and absolute crap that starts when you have cross strips with 1 left hand and 1 right hand circuits , add to this the fact that yep somepeople dont use radio, and coming in on climbout, about to turn right on the right hand cct and see an AC go right across in front on downwind for the other strip Who the friggin hell thinks of this crap, and yes its in ERSA for cct directions.
  16. Simply never had the problem, the wharf costs were never move than a few hundred, and the packages are normally stored for 3 days for free after that though, you pay big, so have the transport lined up, and then get them on the job straight away, or if your picking it up, just make sure you have covered in shoes, and a high vis vest :)
  17. Well you would have ahad a fair bit of trouble inspecting it in Brissy as the ac is still sitting in the hangar here in YCHT :)
  18. WARNING WARNING that add is a scam, dont even send an email...... THe fact there is no an auction button up the top........... THE MACHINE IS STILL IN YCHT
  19. When i get a student to about the 10-12hrs mark it has happened to everyone, and its that they "hit the wall" i call it, they actually go backwards for a couple of hrs, and i cant explain it except that i think the student know he/she nearly got it, and is just trying to hard, and a mental over load happens. Frustrating as all hell sitting there waiting for a round out/ or the hold it off and wait before the flair/ flair,,,, and nothing happens. All the things they were doing a couple of hrs before. i had a student just very recently who was about to go solo the next morning(he did not know it yet) on his last hr of the day started flairing at 15' , all i did was took over flew a circuit for him landed at the hangar, shut down and looked at him and said i think you had enough for today ayy. the next morning 2 of 1/2hr flights were perfect, it was the last 15-20 mins that got him overloaded, so did a check flight with him and he soloed that day, not the prettiest/perfect take off or landing but very safe and under control. he actually did about 1.25 hrs the first solo flight, but he only did 2 appraoches, 1 a low level fly along the strip next he landed. he has since racked up about 30hrs solo in 4 weeks and loving every minute. He was in his 60's and had other issues, that took a lot of his confidence away, once i proved to him he could do it he is fine. Some times a full hr lesson is just too much for some people towards the end i have found.
  20. Can to share a link cause i cant find the damn thing. On another subject does anyone know, if anyone handles ivo props in Oz?
  21. bones

    the foxbat

    Yep your right on the money for sure with the prop. Damn that speed pretty good for the rpm, hmmmmm what to do,,,,,,,,,, The MGL instruments all do that jump, UNLESS you go inside the main settings and change the filter and the bla bla bla, but then because you are getting such a quick response it changes about 40 times a second in 2 rpm lots, very hard on the eyes , i done it once and damn near couldnt remember how to change it all back. Yep those guages are about the best for the price i have found, i used the E1 on the last machine i built, the whole engine monitored on 1 guage in very easy to read and set up system, for i think $450, you cant go wrong with that i feel.
  22. bones

    the foxbat

    Do you know where the 912's develop max torque? It is torque you need not hp, so to set it just about max torque with the prop will give you better performances IMHO. My 912 is pitched to max of 5300, been like it for 1600 odd hrs,
  23. Mark, Ask for Christine at C&H freight, and tell them Mark Bredden from Bone Air pty ltd referred you, you might get a better deal. Cheers
  24. Mark, I see in your blerb you want a seamax, funny enough one landed at YCHT today, forgot to take a pic, my first response was sh*t you lost :), any way he is up here to do the water landing endosement, a VERY nice little bit of gear i must say, only 20hrs on the clock, the guy who owns it was from Hervy Bay i think he said. I dread to think how much it cost though, and wasnt game to ask :) on the subject of the last post about the email to C&H, if you want ask for Christine, she really REALLY know her stuff, they are the cheapest i have found and easy to work with, they even released a machine once to my local transport company even though the money wasnt in their account yet, admittitly this was after about 5 machines, but that type of trust is nearly gone now days. As you can guess i am really happy with their service. PM sent also
  25. Maj, could you drop me a pm with your phone number, i would like to try and catch up to you and maybe go for a lap and see if i like the LW(if thats alright of course).
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