Good to see the replies so far, it was something that got me thinking.
A few years ago i flew to Wangarratta in Vic, i sat down and plotted my course for fuel stops ect all the way down and tried to do a different route home, then found all the gps pionts for everywhere, made a folder with all the printed off Ersa pages for each, numbered then 1,2,3 ect, and programmed them into the gps the same way.
Then when i left i "goto 1" then "goto 2" ect all the way, but i still always had the map open on the passenger seat just to double check land marks ect.
It was good cause i am a sticky beak and was looking about everywhere, only glancing at gps every now again, and lining up on hills or even clouds on the horizon for a rough marker,,, very relaxing way to spend a couple of days fly one end Oz to the other(well nearly).