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Everything posted by bones

  1. Anybody around the Esperance area? I'll be jumping on the tin bird Friday to go over there for a couple of weeks to put a machine together test fly it and do a couple of licences, just wondering if anyone wanted to catch up. Now i cant tell ya where ill be exactly, Cause i dont know yet, but i will let ya know when i get over there, its at a smaller gravel strip if that helps
  2. Fairly similar to the ol "thruster" that i learnt to fly in many years ago, they werent a bad set of wings i guess cant see why these be any different, i see there is one for 9.5k on that site so that about 7.2AU so with freight you be flying for 10k that be pretty good value.
  3. This is true Nev but if nothing has changed since he parked it up, i cant see why it should be the problem, providing it wasnt doing it before..
  4. I seriously doubt it will have anything to do with needles either, i must have missed where you wrote this before otherwise i would have said it earlier. If it was running fine before you sat it for 5 months, then there is no reason why it should have any machinical change unless you done it. My 914 motor sat for 2 years nd it runs just fine. Just a thought another stupid one,,,, have you checked the fuel tank vents???? it seems it only starts to do it after X amount of time flying YES? so it would lean(punt intended) toward fuel stavation cause if it were the vent tube for eg, it would do it right from the start of lift off, maybe there is a blockage in the vents of the tank and it takes awhile for it to take affect? If when it starts to run rough at the reduced rpm, what happens if you open the tap again?? continue to run rough or clear up? I dont know it is hard when your not there, just throwing ideas around here, tell me to shut up if you want :)
  5. Glad some one finally posted in this thread again, i couldnt find it, damn hard to find things on this site, and the search didnt work either. Anyway, an obvious (probably stupid)question but you keep mentioning snow ect, so your in a very cold area,,, Do you have carby heat?? The 912s will suffer carby ice in the perfect conditions, not very often but they will, and it could be that it is only enough to make the engine run rough.
  6. Yeah i think he needed to check his weight and balance for the salmon, it was on the edge of not flying, but yeah then he swapped it around long ways, amazing bird.
  7. Seen a couple of these 200 for sale lately, if the figures are right they should be a good plane, anyone got any good hours on their machine yet? Might be what i been waiting for, good speed and shortish t/o
  8. Charters Towers to Wanggaratta(Vic) and back in a gyro about 4 years ago, also from Quirindi(nsw) back to the Towers in a gyro early this year. Near every year i fly to the NT about 700nm 1 way for work, then fly home again, also gyro. But yeah Hatty beats me, that was a damn good effort to Perth with no support either.
  9. To test if it is the vent tubes, simply replace the 2 tubes from each carb, with 1 long enough to reach to both sides again, then in the middle of the loop put 1 small hole about 3mm this will be good enough for a rough test, if it doesnt run rough like that, then reroute your tubes to somewhere else, obviously you may need longer tubes.
  10. Boo, i had a great post written out, and it all went poof on me, and since i too tired to rewrite it. heres the simplified version, can you get it too run rough just doing a circuit? Im trying to work out if it only runs rough at Altitude? What altitude do you fly at? Couple of more options left yet, i just need to find them in my head.
  11. Ok just so i know what you mean, i thought about this and went back and reread this post, when you say"could not synchronize the carbs " What do you mean by that? With the 912 and a carbmate you should be able to get both carbs within a bee's d*ck of each other from idle to about 3000, then depending on the throttle cable set up ect, you may get a small vairiance after that, how ever you may notice it will swap around for side to side, the 914 is a different kettle of fish though, because of the turbo. You need to start right at the start, disconnect the cables and swap the springs around, set idle speed and sync, then reconnect cables set tensions on the cables with the carbmate and then just very small adjustments from there and it will be near to perfect. Have you watched the video on using the carbmate? UNLESS THERE IS SOMETHING ELSE WRONG. You said in your first post it runs rough at Cruise? what rpm are we talking here? Also dont forget when using the carbmate, the engine will always run rough until you connect the balance tube up.
  12. Actually i was playing around on evil bay the other day and there is a drifter for sale finishes in a few days 15k i think it had on it
  13. Well after that no wonder he is booked for a checkflight next year from what i heard, this is damn good.
  14. Well its still in the hangar seen it this morn, pity to see it go, but it was hardly being used, but for that price it would have been a good buy.
  15. Reread my post above :)
  16. Thats pretty much how it is out there, nearly all stations in the store room, have about 30-40 empty jam tins, and a 20lt jerry can with the diesel/petrol mix, the thing to do is, place the tins along the edge of the strip, tip in the the fuel and light, the flares on :) but only light then when the planes about 10 mins out, other wise the tins run out of fuel
  17. Where can I fly a Drifter? Anywhere REALLY slowly
  18. All i can i say before the accident report comes out is, it looks like the pilot got caught in the "willi willi" just at the critical stage of the rotors getting to flying speed resulting in the blade flap, which caused the machine to simply roll over due to the forces involved. The pilot is apparently not seriously hurt, bruising ect, so good news there, not so for the machine a total rebuild job for the summer it looks like.
  19. Middleton Pub, about half way from Winton to Boulia, ok the official dirt strip is about 5km across the creek, but there is a real good bitumen one right at the front(no power lines ect, all genny power), ol mate usually got his R22 parked there. The Lynd junction, need real short TA and landing though, good for a feed and beer, same type of bitumen strip there too. Belyando crossing, well probably better in helo for that one but i done it a few times in the gyro. thats a start from me :)
  20. 3 and 4 will always be the leanest because of the way the manifold is set up, how ever should not be that noticable, as Nev said it will be a mixture thing, make sure to calibrate the carbs with a balancer, if it is only in a certain range, it could be a slightly blocked jet, ect. do you have egt's on all pipes, if no.3 if hotter it is definately telling you it is lean. You might need to go right through everything, make sure you check the balance tube between the maniflods for the slightest of cracks, it could be just enough to really lean out no.3. check and i mean really check your carb sockets(replace if in doubt), i had a 912 run like a dog shot in the a** at idle but over that beautiful, turned out to be a crack on the bottom of the carb socket(black rubber that holds the carbs to maniflods) at idle it was bouncing and leaning, at revs it was sucking enough to hold the crack closed, it is very possible it is doing the opposite here. Have fun dont you just love it when its something really crappy like this :)
  21. Definately a gyro, you cna see fairly clearly in this clip. http://www.abc.net.au/news/2011-12-18/man-in-hospital-after-wa-chopper-crash/3737328?section=wa Ill try and find out more.
  22. Ok, now i am at a cross road in life(damn that sounds dramatic dont it) but i have been presented with the opertunity to fly a 182 for the guy i am working for now, and the best bit is he gonna pay for it(maybe) so my question is, is there any recommendations for instructors/companies in the townsville area? Either for, or even better against any company for eg. how ever it is probably better for any really cranky against to be in private, which i dont mind and i will keep it that way. Just done some ringing around a couple of places and the prices are poles apart, i know you wont know for sure until i start, if i do, but damn i would have thought it would have been much tighter than it seems. Gonna suck being the one on the recieving end again, both flying and tests :) Thanks for any help.
  23. ok yeah i forgot the Pud's little wagon was a 2 banger, and obviously it would go full closed, was thinking more along the lines of the 4 stroke side. Maj, some guys turn the carb linkages around and also swap the spring so if the cable breaks it goes closed, personally i prefer open for obvious reasons as stated above, and that is why all my machines are set up this way. thanks for the replys. you guys play nice catch ya in another couple or three weeks :) or until the wet starts up there.
  24. ok then onthis subject of throttle cables, if the carb cable broke on this aircraft would the throttles go full open or closed? Just that there was a convo about it a little while baack on the gyro forum, i just want to know which why you guys have the rotax set up.
  25. the standard ratio for the 912 80hp is the 2.27, the 100hp and the 914 have the 2.43 as standard however you can get the 2.43 fitted to the 80hp
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