If you love your bird paint your car first 🙃
You don't have a paint booth so pick your time to paint carefully. You need good light but artificial lights create great reflection to attract the bugs. A good sized moth leaves great track marks before becoming bogged down where he flaps till he stops. It doesn't look good.
Nobody can paint successfully without a decent amount of practise. There are a few tricks that you learn along the way like spraying the little edges and awkward spots first. These are the areas where you are likely too apply too much paint while trying to get into the corners so knock them off first so the finish strokes are smooth and even. Most of us fall into the trap of trying to get coverage on the first coat. Some paints are quite transparent until they dry. You need an even light wet coat and then walk away until it tacks off before applying a second coat where you'd expect coverage.
I'm not a painter but I've done a lot of painting. Most body shops seem to use gravity feed guns, I've always preferred a pressure pot where your paint is delivered down a tube so it doesn't matter what angle you have the spray gun paint delivery is exactly the same. There's plenty of cheap paint out there so spend a lot of time and effort practicing on old vehicle doors or bonnets or something similar to your plane.
If you're aiming at multiple colours and designs consider vinyl film. Good luck, it's very satisfying to paint your own.
One more thing. You never paint with the gun stationary, press the trigger while starting your sweep and let off before you stop to return 😉