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Everything posted by Moneybox

  1. Boom Aerospace’s XB-1 broke the sound barrier for the first time Top speed achieved was Mach 1.122 Flight covered 524 km and lasted 35 minutes Boom Aerospace’s XB-1 became the first civilian aircraft since Concorde to break the sound barrier on 28 January, with the demonstrator aircraft achieving a top speed of Mach 1.122.
  2. No come to think of it, the back of the airbox is supported by a 6mm steel rod from the firewall up to the small rubber mount just giving it vertical support.
  3. Mine has that heavy reinforced rubber hose as well and the back of the airbox has one small rubber mount back to the engine mounting frame.
  4. Skippy, I have a box of various sizes somewhere but it would be quite old. I saw it recently when we moved a load from Capel to Cue (our sea change). If what you have doesn't work out I'll find it when I get home. We're on the road at the moment, 750km trip, going to move Ripper 10km out to the main road for transport. We used to use this type of hose for AC ducting in the dashes of some RHD conversions. Got badly stung back in the 80's using it for aircleaner ducting on Hilux snorkel conversions. The dust was drawn in along the wire track and dusted a fleet of vehicle engines.
  5. I did Class 2 just because I thought a good checkup wouldn't hurt. The problems began because I listed any ailments in the previous 70 years. I was asthmatic up until I started playing squash at 49, according to trainers I spoke to I shouldn't have mentioned it however if ever there was reason for an insurance claim they'll use any excuse possible to avoid a payout. The CASA doctor said I needed look-over glasses and a more comprehensive eye test because I declared a detached retina causing floaters in my vision some years back. The specialists dismissed all concerns as my eyesight tested good for my age and there was little risk of another episode. I'd tried hearing aids but sent them back because it was a waste of $4000. They wanted a retest. That came back all good so they set some perimeters for a retest using speech tones rather than the beeps and whistles. I needed 60% at 90db. I achieved 90% at 60db, much better than the tones, bells and whistles. Anyway it went on from one test to the next over three months. In the end they asked for an angiogram. At that point I'd had enough so I called my GP. He said "There's nothing wrong with you. I'll write them a letter". I had my Class 2 medical certificate within days.
  6. If your wheel balance is anything to go by you'll notice an out of balance wheel will only wobble at certain speeds. I would say it the gyroscope effect that keeps it spinning straight at higher revs.
  7. No interest Skippy, just wanted to throw something into the argument 😉 on something I know nothing about.
  8. Try this from Area-61 (I use balance master for three years now; its great; mounted behind bolly prop hub.... carbis all balanced 912 purrs very smooth at 600rpm no gearbox rattles; very quiet, no vibration.. because prop shaft is divorced from crankshaft a second balance master mounted at rear of prop shaft will deal with residual imbalance of prop shaft. Nobody gives the rear of the prop shaft any attention 👨‍✈️✈️)
  9. Wow, great work. I'd like to have gone down this path twenty or thirty years ago. I started motor body building in WA just over forty years ago when I had stamina like you guys. This type of project would have been right up my alley. I love your work.
  10. A couple of testers quoted vibration free idle at 600 rpm on a Rotax 912ULS. That's 1/2 to 1/3 of the recommended rpm.
  11. My Sportstar has the airbox behind both carburettors and one hose, perhaps 65mm leading down low at the rear about level with the bottom of the engine. The single airfilter is mounted to the firewall near the oil cooler. I think it would most likely draw cooler air down there.
  12. In the tests I've watched it seemed to make a noticeable difference at very low revs.
  13. That's about as confusing as all the acronyms I try to decipher now.
  14. Meet Ripper. It already has a name and we haven't seen it yet. I've just organised the freight..... 😀
  15. Right now I'm negotiating a grader, way to big for what I need but the price is acceptable. I know where there are quite a few rusted down 200L drums of tar/bitumen but I've never worked it so I think it would require heating to have it fluid and then find a way to spray it. There'd be enough to coat a runup bay.
  16. Yes I know what I need but I don't know if I can easily get my hands on one. The guy who is two doors down, the closest to the airstrip, was the shire grader driver for many years. He was the first person I told I was going to build the airstrip. There were two reasons, to hear any hint of an objection and to see if he put his hand up to borrow the shire loader and operate it. I didn't get either but he would be the man for the job when I get to that point. In the worst case I'll do my best with a front end loader and then build a land plane from old railway line and drag it with the loader but it would be a battle. Never mind it's a long way off and I'm not the person to plan ahead beyond tomorrow or perhaps the end of the week.
  17. Thanks, the grader might be a problem but no problems getting the sand, I have plenty. The fall is no problem as I am constructing it across a slope so there's a natural fall that I'll have to correct on the runway. Lots of material needed across a half a kilometer to level it and I can't cart it all in a 2m bucket. I could turn my truck into a tipper but the Hiab crane would be a problem. Perhaps I could take a sneak look at Smith Broughton auction while Mrs M is not looking 😉. I'm pretty sure I could borrow a little dump truck but I don't like lending or borrowing anything mechanical.
  18. No fences out here. There are a few low shrubs and more than a kilometer to the nearest power lines. No trouble getting that 90° run-up bay at each end. It all comes down to how much dirt I can move. I need to get my hands on a tipper or dump truck because most of my dirt is a few hundred metres away on the next lease.
  19. I can only fit 500m in length between two dirt roads/tracks. and that boundary of my lease is only just over 500m anyway. It's all gold prospecting leases anyway so no infrastructure nearby. The closest is my shed about 100m to the southern side. If we dig the gold that is meant to be down there I'll surely improve the amenities. Drilling shows many thousands of ounces down there but I keep reminding my self I'm retired. I should be processing the dirt under the strip. If anybody wants to dig big holes let me know. We have gold but most of it is beyond my reach. https://www.mindat.org/loc-265149.html Cue-1, one of the many gold mines on this lease.
  20. There's a big black one just up the road for you 🤣
  21. How wide do I need an airstrip? This is a measurement of the pipes using my phone. Did I mention I need a plumber?
  22. I'm having trouble accepting it now 😒 I had a pipe dream last night... This morning I put it into action. I think I have enough for 2 x 8" pipes side by side for about 30m on each drain across the airstrip.
  23. CASA clearly state 'No electronic devices are to be used for Pilot test in Australia'. No, you cannot use a CX-3 flight computer in your RAAus pilot test as it is not approved by the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) for use in Australian aviation exams, including RAAus pilot tests; meaning you will not be allowed to use it during your test.
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