It kinda frustrates me that RAAus is constantly being criticized for being unsafe and AOPA has this attitude of RAAus shouldn't exist. Heck, they accused RAAus and CASA being corrupt when my story was starting to circulate. RAAus is doing their best to keep the standard up with all the resources given to us. I do agree that some things can be done better in terms of training like adding some topics that CPL/PPL cover as I feel initial training is a bit too basic for a bygone era but this story is just... I don't know that to describe it. Biased, I guess?
The media keeps getting a lot of things wrong about aviation or overhypes the story (take the eithad tyre blow out for example) and its just gets on my nerves. We are constantly getting young new pilots and stories like this will make them think twice and scare the general public. I reckon that there should be a journo that specializes in aviation that understands aviation. I would argue that LSA's are safer than GA given that a lot of the EU built LSA's have airframe parachutes and the modern avionics to boot. Cirrus are the only ones in GA that airframe parachutes and will challenge you to find an GA airframe that has one.