thanks for the replies fellas,,, I will look into it further when the time comes a little closer to needing one ,I'm quite keen on the idea however and will try my best to make it possible ,,,at present I'm still waiting patiently for the kit ,,,,but will share the info on how it goes when i get it all sorted ..
This should probably be in the engines section but seeing as 2 of us at least are going to be running this motor I just stuck it in here. Just a bit of a blog about building an aerovee motor..Some good photos and a bit about what not to do with the head studs.
Just wondering if there would be some knowledgeable people out there that could tell me if they think a Brs chute would be an easy thing to fit to an aeropup? Have just been tossing the idea around thats all
I bought one of these Bad Boys..thought the plug for the external aerial might come in handy one day as well,but as of yet I have never needed the extra aerial so I never ended up buying one.
I bought one of those cheap ebay solar bluetooth gps receivers you may be thinking about...So far I have only used it on the dash of the car ,seems to work quite well so far with my ipaq 5550 pda ...Not actually sure how long it would go for on one charge but the longest I have driven with it is about 5 hours so far ,,,,there is also the cigarette lighter adapter too if it goes flat in case of emergency .
Hey mark ,,,Have you thought much about the fitting of the aerovee into the cowl ? I Was always quite determined about fitting the jab motor to mine but have been having a good think about the aerovee now after talking to JC about it.There is a huge difference in price as you'd know and seeing as the jury is still out on the issues with jab motors I wonder if the extra $10 000 is worth it
forgot to mention ,,if you go the nanolight way ,you would have to get a certain number of hours up hang gliding b4 going down the nano light path with a glider ...hgfa site should have the min number of hours required..but after flying for a while you would prob get a feel for it when you were ready for one ...
I have flown both ,,an Airborne microlight and a moyes max hang glider with an explorer harness. Don't plan on going to far with a hang glider setup ( unless you have a sympathetic parter for ground support) :) but for buzzing up and down the general take off vicinity I found it great..A lot lighter weight wise to set up and easier to ground handle ,plus you can just about land them anywhere and so on ..But as for microlights ,,nothing beats sitting up and having a good look around and the range is greatly extended for those trips up and down the coastline. Either choice ,,,yep sure beats fishing :big_grin:
Has anybody organised the fabric and paint for there kits yet? Just wondering what or where you guys were planning on obtaining it ,,,was thinking if it has to come from america may be a good time to order it with the dollar as it is ?
Yes I managed to download all the manuals but had to save them to disc all individually. I however was "mortified" to find that they were in imperial measurments. Having never dealed with anything but metric I must say im more than daunted by the idea of building it in this scale. The pics do all look good ..Thinking I will start to convert all the measurements to metric and hoping I will not make a mistake converting any.
well done mate ,,,
hopefully when building we can all keep in touch about how its going and so on :)
I too am hopeing to pick up the kit in Jan ,,,not looking forward to the drive however from Geraldton
btw ,,,have you thought about what engine you are going to run?
Bushman ,,,I was hoping you ask what your thoughts were on the differences between flying (mostly) and building the aeropup with the rotax 912 and jabiru motors ?? I am pretty much comitted to going with the jab motor but was just curious really...
Yep have tried a couple of furniture removalists ,,so far the best quote is $4100 . Think i may be going for a drive :((
Will give border express a call tomorrow ,,cheers ,,,I have not tried them as yet
Hi everyone ,,,just wondering if anyone has some advise about getting a kit transported from Victor Harbour to Perth ...I have rang around a fair few transport companies that come over to wa but some now only deal with business's and some have almost given me heart attacks by there quotes.Wa feightliners used to be I found the most competative but now they will only deal with ppl that have accounts with them.