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Everything posted by Brett

  1. Just curious, Are there any other affordable prop balancers out there for the humble homebuilder apart from the dynavibe and PL-4 from Smart Avionics? It will probably only be used by a few of us in our general area. I know of a few others that are significantly higher in price but does anyone also that has much to do with them recommend one over the other? Btw no one close to us has one and no business's withing 450km has one either...I guess could travel to one of the options but will it be done right the first time? I'm chasing an on going issue and keen to have a good go at this balancing option. Thanks......
  2. I've built 2x planes and turned 41 as I finalized the second. I wont do it again. With the price of importing an affordable kit, very few affordable engines, taxes, I can easily see why I'll never build again. If for some really strange reason I ever own a third plane I'll buy a plane. I've lost way too much money building and buying is cheaper. You also have less options with an experimental build regarding hiring them and they are worth nothing in resale. I have loved aviation since I was old enough to look up 'plane' in the encyclopedia but for me it's as simple as that. I rarely come across anyone, even in our own aeroclub now interested in building. Sadly I think the skill will quitely fall away like handwriting. A big huge shoutout to those still building though and keeping the dream alive. I don't beieve there is much else that compares to the high of test flying a plane you built yourself. In todays world of games and ipads maybe there is.. who knows.
  3. Only in Russia though Gold bars rain down on Russian airport
  4. Oh man!!!! That Tecnam tail has been eaten.
  5. Ppl that don't know what a valve spring to begin with then shouldn't be doing the maintenance.
  6. Flew my first Aeros in my 2nd built plane Friday arvo after work.... Magic
  7. I knew more about maintenance and compliance after that course than before it. Who is training people to do their maintenance on RAA aircraft and keep the correct records? Oh that's right,,, although no one really builds planes anymore in RAA so we don't need that now.
  8. I see no problem in having ppl do a maintenance course like what the SAAA offers. Helped me be compliant through their education. It would need to be more accessible than trying to do the MPC.
  9. I emailed Aviation Advertiser asking about its authenticity the day after it came onto their website. NO reply...
  10. Insurance will be more in GA ($700 p,a extra for me personally) due to having to have extra public liability coverage. Medicals, I’ve never gotten out of cheaper than $400-600 every 2 x years. Usually have to join SAAA to get the plane registered with any form of help. To do maintenance in GA you’ll need to do the MPC course for about $550. You’ll prob need an English launguage assessment too for GA. Inspections for first licensing in GA were more than RAA but I was lucky there for my first build. If I didn’t want to do aerobatics I wouldn’t even consider GA,,,, it’s just way too hard. Building in RAA was significantly easier for me. If you do build in RAA though be sure to make sure everything is correct. SAAA will help you with all your documents, flight manuals, maintenance plans and lots of other things, I could go on. Your very much on your own in RAA I’ve found in my area is all I can’t comment on. You need to talk to someone in person that has done both. If you have a supportive RAA school go with him,,,,
  11. 141 hp and prob about $141k to buy.
  12. Haha,,,nice test bench,,, pull the wrong lever,,,,prop strike!
  13. Pity these ecoboost series engines are all too heavy. ... im sure most manufacturers test to a similar standard on dyno's. I saw a similar dyno test done in real life at ford years ago. I believe the 1.0 litre ecoboost Fox engine has won engine of the year for 5 or 6 years running...or something like that anyway...
  14. I'd be an engine tester and blogger for them if they sold me an engine at half price :) I'd repower my Aeropup no worries. Fly the missions and make honest assessments for the world to see....No worries :) If it went well I'd even consider repowering my Sonex also.
  15. Going through this now,,,, on my second trail and look like having to buy a cpap machine to stay with letters on my plane instead of numbers... so over it. I physically feel no better after 6 weeks on the machine but my figures look better so CASA, I'm sure have shares in resmed products.
  16. I wonder what the event would cost and how much sponsorship would be required if the insurance factor wasn't part of it. The ol Insurance company never seems to miss out.
  17. Either way...... once getting into these numbers for an engine it sure adds up to an expensive hobby for the homebuilder.
  18. I priced a 912 recently at ENGINE ROTAX 912 UL S 2 $22,490.00 add say $4K at worst for accessories doesn't equal $31k or am I missing something?
  19. I imagine there would be a lot more flying if you could have one installed and running on the front of your plane for the same price or just slightly less than a Jabiru. If I'm doing my math correctly it's the same price to put a rotax up front... I'd go with that before shelling out a heap on a gamble.
  20. Running a 40-1 pre mix do you recommend richening up the carbs due to the leaner overall mixture?
  21. If I was to learn again I'd take a two week holiday somewhere out in the sticks that has a good plane with cheap rates. If the person is going to continue flying after that then have some lessons in the area where you want to hire and fly that is probably subject to quite a lot of traffic I imagine in some circumstances.
  22. Wouldn't it be nice if you could just obtain one pilots licence, then do endorsements as your flying suits or requires.
  23. Thanks for the replies guys. Good food for thought. I do need to wait till my daughter leaves school before I move but the years are ticking over quite disconcertingly now so will be time to move before I know it. I owned a microlight for a while so would be good to see a few flying around again too.
  24. Is there much hangarage space available at Bunbury? I plan to move down south in about 2 years but all depends on where I can store my plane. I specifically want to move to Busselton and I've made a few attempts to ask the Busselton Aeroclub about hangarage but if you don't ask about flight training you don't really get a reply from them.
  25. If only Toyota or Hyundai would bring out an aviation engine. They could probably design one by smoko. Yes..... I know the cost.... the low numbers sold.... but just imagine.
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