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Everything posted by Brett

  1. Just a question ,,,,So do you need to have a magnetic compass fitted ,,, If there was one say in an electronic efis dash ,,,would you need 2 ?
  2. when I bought mine it was at 2.1 well before chrissy ,,,after playing around for a bit it just asked me if i wanted to up-date ,,,it did and has been running 2.2 for ages ,,,,
  3. I have just covered my complete plane in poly fibre Stitts ,,,, I found aviaquip the cheapest in oz for all the stuff,,, Pity help you though if you don't know exactly what you need from them however as they tend to be rather unhelpful on the phone. All the paints and glues are classed as dangerous goods so be prepared to get hurt for shipping,,, The stuff is pretty horrible to spray but quite easy to get a good result ,,, I cant help wondering if that new system you see advertised is any good "Stewarts System" supposed to be environmentally friendly and non toxic water based or something I believe ,,, If I was going to cover another plane I would try and find out as much as I could about it then decide. I guess if you use poly fibre and do it correctly it will guaranteed last for years.
  4. What about something like this that is sometimes seen on microlights and handgliders ,,,,,, http://www.aircraftspruce.com/catalog/appages/type1saddles.php
  5. I've seen them advertised in the Narva catalogue as well ,,not sure on the price or part no. however
  6. Brett

    Aeropup Brakes

    Thanks for that ,,,,PM sent,,,, -Brett
  7. Brett

    Aeropup Brakes

    I was just wondering if anyone has any drawings or pictures of the original cable operated toe brakes that aeropups used to use ,,,or maybe something that could be incorporated or made to fit,,, cheers
  8. I have been having the same dramas as well,,, batch converter just does not want to seem to seem to co operate, anyway ,,,will keep trying
  9. Probably close that figure they quoted,,,
  10. Aerocarb is fine with Avgas it's just the sensor for the gauge I was talking about can't handle the lead.. After a few hours of flying I'm sure I won't need the gauge anymore as it should be I hope tuned correctly. You do know that when you get an aerocarb in the box comes 3 different needles for main adjustments and then the needles can also be adjusted inside the carb for fine tuning ,, I have no idea but I expect so do the other versions that can be bought.
  11. Having still not even ran my Aerovee and Aerocarb I have no real advise to give but as A bit of a tinkerer I have bought a wide band Air fuel ratio gauge and am going to bung the sensor in the correct spot on the exhaust so that the gauge on the dash can tell me the excact Air/fuel ratio on all throttle settings. The gauge can tell the ratio from about 11-1 to about 17-1 ratio. It's I guess something I don't really need but it's simple to install and wire up and will be a guide only ,,I dare say it will only at best be reasonably accurate however and with a set of egt's and cht sensors I/m sure I can get it set correctly so I wont have to deal with tuning issuses whist trying to test fly a brand new airframe plus limiting the ground running time tuning it for it's first flight. Other drama is they only work with unleaded ,,,Avgas will slowly destroy them . The aerocarbs although simple have quite a wide range of adjustments but the only thing that makes me cringe about them is that they will leak fuel if the engine is not running,, so fuel off and full lean till your ready to start,, still no big deal once aware of it.
  12. There is a certified p2002 up here for sale ,,, I guess not what your after but just thought I'd mention it. It is VH registered at present.
  13. Get the plane first ,you will have plenty do do till you need the engine and by then they may churn them out of the factory faster If your anything like me you will also change your mind about the engine you use as well 3 or 4 times.
  14. That sounds great ,,, Ive been concentrating on fabricing the fuse at the moment so I have time before I need to get serious with the wings ,,
  15. I have just been watching a heap of you tube videos to try and work out how to do the rib stitching knots and so forth as the poly fiber book seems a bit hard for me to work out. I came across this method and was just wondering what people in the know think of it ? It's quite a long video but the important bit is about half way through if you wanted to skip the marking business. -Thanks
  16. Brett

    sonex performance

    From a group email I received from Sonex the other day I think they will never offer the folding wing option on the other models. The turbo option does sound cool but as it can be fitted onto any aerovee engine even previous versions.
  17. Brett


    Yay ,,,Fabric kit came in the mail today ,,,, will be starting shortly hopefully.
  18. I just pretend it's free and dont look at the bank statements,,, much more enjoyable can't take it with you
  19. ouch,,,,
  20. They look a bit like the Altronics ones
  21. about to start covering i think in the next month or so ,,,taking longer to build than first thought ,,,
  22. a nun was sitting at the airport, waiting for her flight to melbourne. she looked over in the corner and saw one of those weight machinesthat tells your fortune and thought to herself, 'i'll give it a try and see what it tells me.' she went over to the machine, stepped up on the scale and put her coinin, out came a card that read, 'you are a nun, you weigh 70kg, and you are going to melbourne.' the nun sat back down. She told herself that the machine probably gives the same card to everyone. The more she thought about it the morecurious she got so she decided to try it againshe went back to the machine and again put her coin in, and outcame a card that read: 'you are a nun, you weigh 70kg, you are going to melbourne and youare going to play a violin.' the nun says to herself, 'i know that is wrong - i have never played a musical instrument even once in my life.' she sat back down. from out of nowhere a man came over and sat down, puttinghis violin case on the seat between them. without thinking, she opened the man's case, took out the violin, and started playing beautiful music. surprised at what she had done, she looked over at the machine, thinking,'this is incredible, i've got to try this again.' back to the machine she went, put in another coin, and another card came out. It read, 'you are a nun, you weigh 70kg , you are going to melbourne and you are going to break wind.' now she knows the machine is wrong ,as she thought to herself, 'i've never broken wind in public a single time in my life.' but getting down off the machine she slipped, and as she was straining to keep herself from falling to the floor, she broke wind. absolutely stunned, she sat back down and looked at the machine. She said to herself, 'this is truly remarkable. I've got to try this again.' she went back to the machine,put in another coinand another card came out. it read: 'you are a nun, you weigh 70kg, you have fiddled and xxxxed around and missed your flight to melbourne.'
  23. I think the days have gone by haven't they regarding hoons wanting to get avgas anyway they can ? I mean you can buy premium unleaded at any BP servo at 98 octane and not destroy your cat converter on your vehicle, why bother with 100LL ? A nice credit card bowser where we are would be nice and easy, rather than trying to get the truck to fill you up on a carnet card during certain hours. I wish every avgas bowser was a credit card or at least had the option. hoons would need an ASIC anyway at Ygel to get to the fuel.
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