I have been flying my sk for 4 years and I love it. I have experience on piper warriors, cubs, Cessna 152 and 172, tiger moths katanas and others. the sk is by far the most economical and just as rewarding fly. It is a responsive, predictable, well behaved and easy to fly aircraft which once mastered makes flying many other types feel like riding a tricycle.
Yes , it may be a little demanding to start off but there is nothing challenging, mystical or frightening about its handling and is by far a stronger and better designed airframe that most aircraft of the category out there. It comes down to learning to fly with stick and rudder instead of just stick!
I have heard of problem on finals but following around four hours training, I found it very easy to nail down my approach speed to 60kts with full flaps and keep it on centre line. Full flaps and trim all the way back settles the aircraft at 60-62 lts with plenty of control to flare so landing is a doddle. The important part of flying an lsa Is use of the rudder and co-ordination with ailerons and ensuring you a have a trickle of power all the way down.
My personal view is that the jabiru sk or lsa is a great little aircraft that needs to be flown unlike the typical trainer and once mastered will provide you with the skills and confidence to fly anything.
Bad design? Absolute rubbish, more like bad piloting ...