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Everything posted by NWpilot

  1. Just got mine in the mail today.....YAY
  2. mine is always about 3 weeks after it hits the shelf in the shops, my local newsagent is now used to me reading theirs a couple of weeks before i get mine in the mail :(
  3. good on ya Darky, Congrats
  4. G'day Naremman, How long have you been flying out at WhiteGum for?, I learnt to fly trikes out there with Gordo about 2 years ago. The school and property is a fantastic place to stay, Cheers, Bruce
  5. I was thinking they could be operating a sattelite flying school, and using the CFI from down south, and getting the students to fly him up when they are ready to sit / fly the PPL. Bit of a shame that because both the FI's quit at the same time, it is going to leave the students out in the wind for a while.
  6. Hello, CFI and Motz, Can either of you guys tell me how it would have been happening in the past, where they fly a CFI up for the day/week and do the testing on the guys that there FI deemed at the correct standard. it has been operating like this since..............well as long as i can remember. Also what will happen to the guys that have gained thier PPL under this school? will they have to hand back thier licence and will CASA recognise the hours they have done or because it was from a school that should not of been operating will they have to do the hours again? as it states you must complete ?? hours of training prior to PPL exam etc etc. any info anyone else could share on this matter will be greatly appreciated, and i would like to pass the right info on to my mates, before they cough up and extra cash for a licence that is not legit. Cheers,
  7. G'day All, I have a question that i would like to put out to any GA CFI's out there. I fly at a school that has more interest in the GA mining industry then it does in training pilots. Now the school has got students that are up to various levels of GA training, from first solo circuits to students about to sit there PPL exam. Now the guys about to sit the PPl exam have been told that the school does not have a CFI and they will either have to pay for one to come up from Perth or wait until the other students are at the same level and all chip in and pay for a CFI to come up. The other thing that was lumped onto them yesterday was, that the two FI have resigned. so now there are students that are left high and dry. My Question is, Is there a CFI out there that would be willing to travel to the Nth West to help these guys get through there training and help prepare them then take them for the PPL exam? Now i am not sure if the local school will have a problem with the CFI using thier plane, (i wouldnt think so, as they let other CFI's come up and do the exam for them) but the thing would be cost again, now private hire rates up here do compare with Private hire rates in Perth, A cost would have to be worked out for the CFI's time, incl accom and travel. or in peoples opinions do you think it would be better for these guys to pack up, head south and find another flying school to continue thier training? any thoughts appreciated.
  8. A PPL pilot can pilot a Jump plane, with fare paying jumpers (to the company) but he himself doesn't get payed, he doesn't pay the running cost and fuel of the aircraft either does he? Oh the joys.... This isnt entirely correct, if the jump school doesnt charge for the guys jumping out the back then yes a PPL pilot can pilot that plane, if the cost of the plane is at anyway charged to the jumpers then the PPL pilot would also have to pay his share. A PPL pilot can not pilot a flight that has any income deriving from that flight otherwise That would be like me going up to a Regional airline and saying that i would fly there planes for them for free (obviously if i had the correct endorsement, CSU, Turbo, RU etc) they would pick me over there CPL pilots everytime. I could do the above if the flight was for a non profit airline or club, but i havent seen many of them around. I have some issues with this as i have a few mates that are on a race circuit, there bikes travel by road but it is draining on them, so i offer to fly them but then i have to pay half the flight costs, at this stage i dont mind as it is getting me more hours so i can put my name on the Angel flight Pilot list, but when there race is in a town over 4 hrs flight time away, it does start to get $$$$$ for me, especially when i am taking a 182 or Arrow. any ways hope that helps
  9. Hello All, thanks for the info provided, it all helps out. I think i will really have to pick my days in Summer. I think a bit more research is in order for me. Once again, Thanks for all your help
  10. Good on ya Stewie, well done
  11. Hello All, I need a bit of a hand, I am really starting to get serious to get myself a UL AC, My biggest concern is where i live, Up here in the Pilbara, it is not unusual to be high 30's, low to mid 40's. now i have read somewhere about the Jab engine i belive it was, that it only likes a ??min time full power at ?? degs ambient temp, i think it was mid 20's or mid 30's. Now, i dont think i would be able to even climb out on a warmish day up here, due to the specs of the engine, does anyone know of a AC or engine that i could use up here with out having to worry to much about putting to much stress on it. i fly a c-172 up here no dramas but not sure about the UL world. Or should i be looking at putting a twin or larger oil cooler on the AC? really confused and any help will be appreciated. Thnaks,
  12. G'day Scooby, I can only tell you from what i have had to do with the different airfields i have visited, first time i went out for a check ride with the CFI, he gave me a brief of the local area, what A/C to expect to see, local freq's etc. then he put me through my paces and got me to demonstrate a stall and recovery, engine failure, flapless landing a couple touch and go's etc. all the while he was checking my radio use, ability to keep a vigilant watch out. maintain seperation etc. It is nothing to worry about, he/she is just checking your ability to fly/handle the aircraft and make sure your not going to break it if you take it out on your own. At another place i went i had to fill out endless amounts of paper work, go for two check flights, then fill out a technical data sheet for each Aircraft i wanted to borrow, from my experience, just fly the aircraft how you have been taught, ask any questions that you might have with the CFI. Good luck and hope this helps
  13. G'day Tsemler, sorry about my post i should explain what i was meaning when i said "when i get it up and recertified i will go and learn how to fly it (maybe) what it should read is, when i get it up and recertified, if i get up enough courage, i will get lessons on how to fly a gyro, at this stage it was just to build one then sell it or even give it to someone that can fly one. anyone that knows me, knows that i think a gyro or chopper is a million parts all wanting to go in different directions and every landing is a controlled crash (that is just my opinion) (dont want to upset anyone but thats just me) I do have a bit of knowledge of how gyro's work, and have been around a fair few aircraft over the last 25 years to understand them. I am looking for another challenge in life and thought getting a broken aircraft back in the air would be a good thing for me to tackle. I apologise if i have upset anyone with my comment on the training side, but i hope this post has cleared that up. I will email bones for more info, Cheers, at no stage would i ever dare to fly any aircraft that i did not have training on, that is just straight out stupid.
  14. Hello All, As some of you would know i am a keen Trike, and 3 axis pilot, in the RAAus world and GA. I think it is time for me to start a new chapter, Yep you guessed it GYRO's. I have located a couple of old school gyro's, the type with the seat as the fuel tank, unfortunately they were involved in a crash a few years back and the current owners are now to scared to go near them. I was thinking about buying what parts are left and having a go at rebuiling one, (out of the two gyros i should be able to get one) I am not sure if many people still fly these types of machines, or if anyone is able to let me know about any known traps in picking up Crashed Gyro frames, etc. They were flying with 582's on them. I can get photos if anyone would be able have a look and let me know if i am just wasting my money, or think i could salvage them. When and if i get one up and recertified. i will go and learn how to fly it. (maybe) haha any advise is greatly appreciated. Thanks
  15. Well done, hope you enjoy the journey
  16. I got the same thing when i took some pics the other day, take a look at the post, Pics from a great morning out
  17. Hey There, Have a look at www.microlight.com.au there is a KR2 for sale on that site. Hope that helps
  18. Sandman, I believe that the IC-A6 AUS radio is the only one approved for Pilot and Ground comms in Australia. There are other manufacters that make Pilot and Ground radios, but this is the only one for ICOM. We use the IC-A6AUS and it is a good unit, I have not used it in the aircraft and primarily use it to speak to the choppers and fixed wings A/C. I also use it to get the weather before i leave home when heading to the strip. Hope this helps
  19. Hello All, Here are some pictures from our flight on Sunday, (see story: A Great Morning out) Sorry about the quality, these were taken with an Iphone, We were sitting around 3500ft for most pics, she was a little bumpy below that, and I had a nervous 1st time flyer with me. :ah_oh:
  20. looks like a fantastic flight, Its a totally different world from what i get to see out the window, Mid Winter in the Pilbara, nice 22degrees, and nothing but red dust and rocks, Awesome pics, would love to do a flight like that one day. very envious
  21. G'day All, Just want to share my mornings flight with you all, I lined up a mate to take him out for a fly in VH-ESQ C-172 up here in Karratha. We got to the airport, filled out the paper work and we were away, what a fantastic morning it was, we initially climbed up to 3500ft so he could see the general area and the lay of the land. we then headed SW down the coast I sat him right ontop of the coast line so he could see the crystal blue water. He was the air was like silk. around 2500 it was a little bumpy and he seemed a bit nervous, so i continued to show him that the A/C can glide with no power. He was beside him self that an A/C could actually glide when the engine was just idling . we droped in and did a fly by of the grey nomads out at 40mile. flew across to the small mining camp on the highway then tracked back to YPKA. There was quite a few A/C in the area from RPT to Kingairs to Choppers. Came in on a good final, arrived once and landed once. taxied back to the tie down point and shut the old girl down. WHat a fantasic flight we had this morning, I got to spend time up there in the big blue and he got over his fear of flying (actually his fear of falling if the big fan stops) I hope you all had a day as good as i did. :big_grin::big_grin::big_grin::big_grin:
  22. HAHAHA, sounds like Two Bags had the ride of his life :)
  23. G'day Spin, I will PM you for the info. G'day BlackRod, I have had a look at the Cheetah and the Sierra and I tell ya, those things are Awesome looking machines, I am a bit of a slacko, so i would be looking for something factory built, or buy the kit and get someone else to build for me. one of the reasons I looked at the KR2, it was in the same sort of league as the Morgan but i could pick it up quite a bit cheaper, as the current owner does not get out in it much anymore. I will continue to do my research and let you know what I decide, Thanks.
  24. G'day All, Just trying to do some research on a aircraft and have come across a KR2, does anyone out there fly one of these? if so can you let me know what you think. I believe they are slippery little buggers, but the extra extra speed will be good up here in the NW WA, as there is alot of distance to cover. any info will be appreciated. Cheers, Bruce
  25. Good on ya Stewie, Isnt it awesome to have the first solo flight done, you will be smiling for days to come, GREAT WORK
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