A PPL pilot can pilot a Jump plane, with fare paying jumpers (to the company) but he himself doesn't get payed, he doesn't pay the running cost and fuel of the aircraft either does he?
Oh the joys....
This isnt entirely correct, if the jump school doesnt charge for the guys jumping out the back then yes a PPL pilot can pilot that plane, if the cost of the plane is at anyway charged to the jumpers then the PPL pilot would also have to pay his share.
A PPL pilot can not pilot a flight that has any income deriving from that flight otherwise That would be like me going up to a Regional airline and saying that i would fly there planes for them for free (obviously if i had the correct endorsement, CSU, Turbo, RU etc) they would pick me over there CPL pilots everytime.
I could do the above if the flight was for a non profit airline or club, but i havent seen many of them around.
I have some issues with this as i have a few mates that are on a race circuit, there bikes travel by road but it is draining on them, so i offer to fly them but then i have to pay half the flight costs, at this stage i dont mind as it is getting me more hours so i can put my name on the Angel flight Pilot list, but when there race is in a town over 4 hrs flight time away, it does start to get $$$$$ for me, especially when i am taking a 182 or Arrow. any ways hope that helps