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Everything posted by NWpilot

  1. Hello All, I havent really done a formal introduction, although i have been on this site for a while, I learnt to fly trikes a few years ago, then headed over to the 3 axis, i have since moved to GA, so i have most bases covered. I live and work in the Pilbara, up here i only get a chance to hire the local C-172, it keeps me up there. other wise i fly a sports cruiser, Jab, and C-152, I have had a few flights in a Cherokee and loved it, nice old school plane to fly. Are there any other Pilbara pilots on this site, it would be good to catch up and start the Rec flying in the pilbara. Thanks for all the knowledge that you all have to offer and i hope to be able to call in to some of your places in my travels around OZ. Blue Skies, Smooth Landings Bruce
  2. Blue Skies, Smooth Landings
  3. Hey Pradeep, Keep your chin up, Like the others have said, you made an excellent command decision to go around on the first one. we all have a bit of a bounce at some stage or another. you have now recognised that you flared to high and i bet you dont do it again. Lets look at this..........First time in the plane by yourself and your going to do some circuits, you are under a little pressure, no instructor beside you to help you out if it goes pear shaped. on your first time round it went pear shaped and you made a command decision to go around. excellent decision. Ok so now the pressure has doubled, first thing you think of is, S**T i bet he/she (instructor) saw that. second time round, you came down flared a little high and bounced, your ok, the aircraft is ok, and you have relised that you were a little high. next time, over the fence, power off and fly the A/C along the runway and let it down softly. What you should be focusing on is that you made your first solo today. CONGRATS, what a fantastic effort.
  4. well done Dave, Its a great feeling.
  5. G"day Hamish, welcome to the site, I grew up on some large cattle stations in NW QLD, we used to use our Cessna 172, but that was because we travelled between properties as well. it worked well but it would have been better to have a slower A/C. I like the look of the Highlander made by alpine, they look like they would be a good bush plane, but i have not had any experience with them or heard much about them. If i had my RAAus certificate back then, i proberly would have looked at something like the 912 Trike, but because of the distances and the heat it would have been a bit bumpy and slow to get to the back country (1.2million acres) Good luck with what ever you decide and i am sure you will get all the info you require from this site, there are some pretty knowledgable people on here. Cheers,
  6. Nice work Matt.
  7. I flew the Sports cruiser early in my training, it is one awesome bird. I LOVED IT.
  8. G'day Gribble, Welcome to the Site. below is just my opinion and what seemed to work for me. I can only comment from what i have done, but i started out with RAAus in a Jab and Sports Cruiser, it was fantastic. I loved having the freedom to jump in and head a couple hundred K's away for lunch or to catch up with a mate. Then I started to plan a long distance trip, From Perth to Cooper Pedy, up to the big rock then back home, I was going to leave the kids with the Grandparents and take the wife and head out on this adventure. During the planning phase my son asked if he could come along, so you guessed it, i went out and did my PPL. :) pricey, but for what i now want it for, it was worth it. My next adventure is to do my aerobatic endorsement, like you said so you can head out do a couple of loops and scare Mum. Geez, i get a back hand from the missus when its a bit lumpy so no chance for aerobatics for her. So were sort of back to the begining again, it really depends on what you want to do with it, if you happy to have you and a mate, or the missus and thats all then RAAus is the way, you dont have the red tape C&&P of GA. but if you plan to head further from home, bigger loads, more mates etc, it proberly wont hurt to go GA. Just remember the costs are higher, the Hire costs are usually more, chew more fuel, cant do any work on a GA plane yourself etc etc....... I fly more GA now, only because i do not have a RAAus club / school near me, and where i am currently living, I have no hanger space so it is easier for me to hire the C-172. Either way Gribble, I hope you can get back in the air soon and get to that final check ride. you will find plenty of characters on this site, and plenty of knowledge,
  9. Tomo, I started on Trikes and then converted over to 3 axis, hardest thing for me was ground movements, when you want to turn left in a trike you push with your right foot...............so watch those wing tips when you start. Saying that, as i started with Trikes, and they do not have a rudder, i was a lazy pilot when it came to 3 axis, (to start with) always sliping and sliding in turns flying out of balance etc. It took me a few hours to relise i had feet and i could use them to help me turn, and land. You wont have that problem as you are going the other way around, but also remember, coming in on finals on a bumpy day, you have no assistance from the rudder, cos there aint one . just squirt the power she will come straight, what ever you do dont try and straighten it with your feet (rudder) or the tricycle wheel will not be facing where you want it to.. I LOVE FLYING TRIKES, although i dont really get a chance to anymore, but for just floating around and having fun, there is nothing like the trike for wind in your hair and bugs in your teeth type flying. What ever you decide to do, good luck and enjoy.
  10. Well Done Rescue, Happy Days.
  11. read them out to the missus, Yep, like the guys before me. She rolled her eyes muttered something under her breath, and i suppose its the shed for me...........hahaha
  12. Well done Sloper, Good to hear, Now get out there and enjoy your flying
  13. Hey Tarnasky, Where do you fly from, if your over in the west let me know, i have had dealings with a few of the GA and RA schools over here.
  14. G'day Tarnasky, That is the way i went, i started flying trikes, found the winters were to cold for me so i converted to 3 axis, Jab's, sports cruiser and the likes, then decided i would like to fly with more mates and luggage etc, so i converted over to GA and completed my PPL. I will be holding on to each type as i like to fly the lighter Aircraft with just a mate to keep me company, and i love flying the trike, (when the weather is warm enough for me) I found it to be a cheaper way as i did it in dribs and drabs, and i can get more hours in the sky in the RA Aus planes then what i can in the GA planes. Good luck which ever way you go and remember to keep the dream alive, Remember why you started flying in the first place.
  15. thats what i was taught when i sat my PPL exams RTFQ=1/2 TFA it works
  16. Hello Gordon, welcome to the site, i am only a newby myself to this site, I currently fly GA and RA Aus, both 3 axis and weight shift, Hope you enjoy your training, i have not flown the Tecnam but hear they are a great machine, i have flown the Sports cruiser, and Sports star if you venture up this way drop me a line or call in for a cuppa, till then Blue skies and smooth landings :)
  17. NWpilot

    the foxbat

    G'day All, Give Gordon Marshall a call, He is the Owner and CFI at Sky Sports located just out side York, Western Australia. His mobile number is 0419942645 or www.microlight.com.au He teaches weight shift but they now have 3 axis training at the school, and the A22 foxbat is the bird of choice, I have not flown in them, but they have a great flying envelope from what i read Hope this helps
  18. Congrats Bacchus, Hope you have many happy hours with your new pride and joy.
  19. Hello Studentbiggles, Thanks for passing on my info, i have not had much luck finding any pilots up here that fly for fun. When you get here you will notice that there are no RAAus planes in sight all the aviation up here is GA, but i still have the most fun in the sports cruiser and Jab's. Its just that i need to travel to Perth when i want to fly these types of planes. Other wise i just hire the C-172. Drop me a line when you get to town.
  20. G'day All, Just wondering if there are any Pilots out there that currently live in the Pilbara,
  21. NWpilot


    haha sure does, she is a great plane to fly, Give me a call when you get some time, Prefer after 1630 as i do not carry my mobile during work hours, until then, Blue skies and smooth landings
  22. NWpilot


    Hello Expat 87, I did all my flying training down in perth, i have lived in Karratha for the last 5 years, i have been flying ESQ around up north here, but if you give me a call on 0458124745, i can let you know what school in the Perth area i find the best. Every time i travel south i drop in and book some hours up on there many aircraft. Great atmosphere and great staff.
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