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  1. I actually called Lajitas once about their flights but they were very clear that they only provide airport access to their “resort guests”. I will try and look up Rio Avaiation and see what they can do. Otherwise I guess I’m stuck with going out of Midland International on an actual commercial flight. Thanks for the help, you learn something new every day. Hopefully I’ll be back with technical questions to help me get through flight school next time 🤞
  2. Ok, that makes sense. I guess my lack of knowledge is skewing my definitions. So what I would be looking for, if such a thing or person exists, is some with a small single prop piston plane (affordable flight) that is a “commercial” pilot. Or am I looking for something that doesn’t really exist? It’s sounding like “private pilot” is just a class of legal operator for their own uses, does that sound more accurate?
  3. And for the record I’m out in the Terlingua area, around Big Bend National park.
  4. I am not aware of the details but I was under the impression that a private pilot was someone who could be hired, as in chartering their plane and paying them to fly you where you needed to go. Almost like calling a taxi, just very expensive and in the air.
  5. Hey, new to the forum. I’ve had plans to work on my private pilot license for a while now. Life happened. I got my intro flight and 1 lesson and then had to move and have been on hold since then. Currently I have a very unrelated aviation question I really need help with. Sorry in advance if this is not in the right section. Anyways, I find myself wanting to track down an affordable private pilot to fly me from far west Texas to the central Texas area and back. I can not for the life of me find anything of the sort online. All I come up with is jet charters. I just need a reliable pilot in something like a Cessna who can save me from a 8 hour drive each way from time to time. Can anyone help me figure out how to track someone down? It would be greatly appreciated, especially since I need to be able to get back to the big city for doctor visits over heath concerns. Thanks!
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