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Everything posted by GaryH

  1. Mark, Give me a PM
  2. Wave Thanks Exadios, Nice to see Bluff Knoll again. Best I could do is 19000' at the Narrogin Wave camp some time ago, 22000' at Canberra wave camp, and still trying to get the final diamond. GaryH
  3. Gliding Nathan, 500+ hours, Diamond Distance and Diamond Goal done in a Boomerang. 16 feet short of Diamond Height in the Boomerang. My son said I should have opened the canopy, throw the data logger up and catch it again to get the extra height required but at 22,000 ft and 70 Knots I could not judge the throw.
  4. Slarti / Ian Bear in mind that the A1 paper map is only guarenteed for one micro second per six month period, so that CASA may only recommend flight for that micro second ( with out indicating which particular micro second for fear of engendering litigation ). GaryH:wasnt me:
  5. Reflex Launch - Auto Tow After lots of Auto tow launches at RAAF Pearce, I had a Reflex Launch at Benalla. In this you sit in the glider, hook on, and smile at the launch car driver who sits 2 metres off your wing tip. The rope is laid out in front of you and loops back to the car. The car starts off accelerating to the appointed speed while you sit still and consider that this immobile state can not last forever. The rope is selected for its elasticity and breaking strain. As the slack is removed the car is doing its set launch speed, the rope is stretching, and still you sit immobile considering that this may not last forever. At the appointed elasticity/stretch combination the glider commences the most gentle movement quickly leading to rapid smooth acceleration and full flight in the shortest time for any launch I have ever had. Normal auto tow/winch launch consideration then prevail. On the whole it was the smoothest rapid curious flight launch experience I have had. On the subject of Auto Tow/Winch training, I had an opportunity to prove how comprehensive it had been in my case. I was flying a Libelle on which, fat and happy in full climb at 300', when the wire broke. The training kicked in so comprehesively that my reaction of stick full forward to regain flying speed was so effective as to cause my two legs to rise up and smite the instrument panel much to their chagrin. :black_eye:
  6. I need an Australian source for female Rod Ends. Wicks CattleDog shows Part Nr CW-4 as .25" bearing bore .25" UNF female Rod End but the freight is alarming for a $5 part. Any suggestions ? GaryH
  7. 500 hours gliding, but shift work gets in the way now.
  8. Just landed, hi all.
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