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Everything posted by pj8768

  1. Flying early afternoon, heard mayday call on area frequency SW slopes NSW, before 1pm EST. Jabiru pilot said engine had stopped 4,500 feet or thereabouts. Landed in paddock out of Bordertown South Australia. I think I have the callsign right. I think I heard 2 pob. I think a medical chopper was involved in relaying messages from nearby, relayed that they'd landed safely in a paddock (unverified). Interesting to hear the amount of questions being asked by Melbourne centre re POBs, EPIRB, etc over what felt like minutes - was waiting for the pilot to politely sign off so he could concentrate on flying the plane.
  2. Brilliant. One day might overlay with ozrunways or similar?
  3. I work in the Sleep Medicine field. For private and commercial vehicle holders with a diagnosis of OSA, a Sleep Physician report is needed to indicate that the patient is compliant with effective therapy for OSA. This either means CPAP or some other therapy. In this group, a report is required annually from a specialist (not a GP), e.g. Grafton RTA medical unit in NSW for example spits out a form every year to put people through the ringer, regardless of whether it is medically indicated or not. Some patients have had resolution of their OSA with weight loss confirmed with a sleep study, but still receive the RTA green form - once on - you're on for life. A national document from Austroads is often referred to (on PDF online). For PPL, pretty much the same process as above, but I suspect every 2 years for class 2 although not sure, could be annual. There should still be concern about OSA though, but with balance - tiredness and fatigue are on a spectrum and affects people in different ways. For fatigue related accidents, a microsleep is not required, as the disturbed sleep from OSA can impair reaction times, tracking and judgment. A vexed issue for commercial truck drivers - inadequate screening and no incentive to seek medical attention as automatically singled out and earmarked for life. Stats are bad - more than 50% compared with 10% general population, but most avoid diagnosis. Commercial pilots look a healthier bunch. A broad sword approach to all-comers is just stupid. CASA and RTA should respect medical judgment - the example above of annual CT scans indefinitely for a kidney stone is negligent at best. Knowing you're going to be screwed over by a regulator that does not listen to specialist medical advice does not inspire confidence to seek medical advice in the first place- places safety in jeopardy for the long-term. Motivated by self-preservation and easier to say "computer says no" I suspect. Read in one of the American flying mags their regulator was considering mandatory sleep screening if weight/BMI was above a certain limit. They're not happy. First victim of bureaucracy is common sense. Medicos now have to routinely negotiate with dim-witted genY public servants on a daily basis to manage patients. That felt good typing that sentence.
  4. I imagine would have had overwhelming number of hours night flying metro and regional areas. Moonless night? City flying vs flying out the back of Bourke, no light glow off the horizon. I can remember a camping trip where it was hard enough walking without veering off course, can't even see your hand waving in front of face.
  5. Kicking the prospective hand that feeds you and other parts of the anatomy is a novel business model, but I guess he has a monopoly. Charging a proximity tax or quasi-council rate - has the council offered an opinion or have they just wiped their hands of it? Sounds like a class action is on the cards - there are some people who are just beyond negotiating with - a bit like a far right republican congressman. A legal baseball bat is the only way to handle mecurial types, beyond getting ideas from the sopranos. What is happening to Goulburn aviation in short and long term?
  6. This plane, like what I'm told is in the same boat as others caught in this mess, has only had one prop. Uno. Une. Eins. Built by evektor Jan 2007 with Woodcomp prop fitted by Evektor. Shipped Australia, regsitered with CASA, and swapped to RAA 24- when distributor had no GA buyers. The plane has never been modified, other than oil filter changes, brake pads, and a set of fluffy dice. Both Evektor and Woodcomp are Czech so I'm sure it's a common combination.
  7. If the RTA did something similar to car registrations there'ld be riots. Did the CASA public servant consider- Grace period vs grounding the entire fleet. Changing the goal posts several years later, reinterpreting or re-administering the rules - is there an admission somewhere that someone, somewhere, stuffed up several years ago? Any lawyer types out there? Class action anyone? Perhaps the more letters to the minister, the better. I can't see how a bit of paper miraculously improves safety, on a plane whose flying characteristics are now second nature. How would swapping to a fixed prop improve my safety in this plane?
  8. That's good - goes along withwhat the CAR etc stuff seems to say.
  9. I hope that might explain the lack of response from the distributor - waiting for a decent decision from up high to be made. The distributor did indicate they had been instrumental in driving the new ASTM, to cover both Evektor and Flight synth that they often distribute with IFA props. The frustrating thing is the uncertainty - I'm sure there are plenty out there who have waited months on the rego issue, but not knowing whether you might get stuffed around for weeks, months or a year is just wrong. I might as well write a letter to Warren Truss as well. Any point trying RAA board member as well or are they impotent in this issue?
  10. I had slightly conflicting advice. One distributor I spoke to said Need to obtain 2 statements: 1. From Evektor - Letter of Approval - indicating fitting of that prop is approved. 2. From Woodcomp - Statement of Compliance - referring to ASTM F2506-13, indicating that the prop is compliant. The tech manager only mentioned statement from evektor. I imagine others have previously submitted statement X as requested, only to receive request for Y, and then after X+Y, reminded to get Z as well.
  11. Tell me, what's your understanding of flying e24 over developed areas? Have you received approval from tech manager? I'm considering e24 as I've been underwhelmed from the "assistance" from the distributors so far, but regularly fly through class C with PPL - so e24 would only be ok if this could continue. Maybe an aviation solicitor might help, but probably cheaper buying new fixed prop or setting fire to wallet.
  12. What's annoying is the plane, an Evektor sportstar built 2007 with woodcomp manual IFA prop installed by factory when built, was originally VH registered when it arrived here. So CASA happy with it then. Converted to RAA 24- in 2008. My limited understanding of VH rego is that it is a one off, not an annual renewal as in RAA. Presumably if it had remained VH registered it wouldn't have been caught in this bureacratic web.
  13. Has anyone successfully had their plane re-registered with inflight adjustable prop since the rego issue cropped up? I asked this question in another thread "a/c gen disc" but was underwhelmed with the response, which may mean I am one amongst many in this rego limbo issue, and the answer is zero. Note updated ASTM rules for manufacturers compliance statements for ifa props.
  14. There's one thing I'd like seen exported overseas, what Australia does best - bureaucratic red tape. It could become one of our major border defenses. Just think of any threat trying to enter this airspace without the right certification. Less a test of safety, and more of resolve. I can understand there are rules for safety's sake, but applying rules without commonsense just about drives me balmy.
  15. I own a RAA 24- evektor sportstar with inflight adjustable prop. It was originally VH registered prior to the distributor registering it with RAA to be sold as a demo model 5 years ago. Rego just expired and renewal held up as RAA now applying new (or newly applied) standard - require a compliance certificate from the manufacturer - to avoid another audit failure (but note CASA were quite happy with it being on GA register when it first arrived in Australia). My understanding is that VH registration is infinite, so if it had remained with CASA it wouldn't have needed a paper certificate to make it safer. I've read some of the other links to the IFA prop issue. Also note the ATSM thread below. My question - has anyone managed to obtain a compliance certificate from a manufacturer for IFA prop? Either from Evektor or similar European mob? If so - is it an easy process? If not, is it a waste of effort and what solution did you come up with. I note one option is to change to a normal prop, which may be on the cards to keep it compliant. I don't wish to go down the E-LSA path as I fly in class C with PPL. Making a list of people to call - RAA tech manager, distributor, LAME. Any other thoughts?
  16. Maybe flight of the valkyries
  17. Maybe we can take it by force, launch an airstrike or something. Form a coalition of the willing........ Pity we can't make a night raid.
  18. Thanks Volksy I'll send an email. It would be handy to have some idea for other fields as well, even an adhoc rough guide if there's nothing formal about it. When I fly to Orange for example I remember being a slightly radio-shy newbie, and now approach from the south with trepidation. I know the scanning lookout is always important, but knowing there might be someone or a few out there practicing turns near a field might reduce the risk of a collision.
  19. I went to a talk conducted by Canberra ATC in early August, and they showed a map of Barton training area to the NW of Canberra. I've since misplaced my copy of it, was hoping to keep it as it looked handy to kmow the boundaries, which included adjacent boundary for aerobatics. It looked semi-official - but where are these details published, if at all? Can't find anything online from VTC, Airservices, Ersa, canberra aeroclub. Why aren't these details easily accessed - would be handy for other ALAs as well. Some ALA training area boundaries probably go back decades from some flying schools - even an unofficial bootleg map would be ok.
  20. Maybe council will list it on ebay for bidding or "buy it now" price. Any idea how much council thinks it's worth? Pass round the hat and put it an offer? I'll chip in a few bucks......
  21. Hello Jeff - enjoying the public holiday no doubt. Also based in Canberra for last few years - one of many that seem to fly out of Goulburn - should start car pooling on weekends in a Toyota Coaster. where are you building and how far off completion? Regards Peter
  22. If it was in NSW several years ago the Obeid family trust could have built it for us.........
  23. Oh,and I apologise if my comments caused offence to any public servant, past or present, particularly any perusing my fye 2010 2011 tax returns.
  24. If the territory government can't even get past the consideration phase for a second airport, just imagine how they'd stuff it up if it was ever built. They'd probably place one of those white speeding camera vans at the end of the threshold. As a new arrival to Canberra surrounded by overpaid public servants with a "you can't do that attitude", I'd rather see a private airpark. There should be enough Canberran flyers who can drum up a syndicate for an airpark or something similar. Combine it with the equestrians for twice the clout and market - some US airparks have this combo I've noticed. Somewhere reasonably flat, not too blustery, not fogged over every morning, reasonable neighbours, reasonably priced, reasonable airspace, and within 30-45 min drive. Somewhere on the way to Yass as an example. Wouldn't have to be in the ACT.
  25. How about one of those flying suits- the missus could make one up for you with a bit of material from spotlight, and an overlocker. She could get some black material for herself in reserve.
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