Your entitled to your opinion and if you were on the RAA board, that would count fror diddly squat. You would not be asked, if you offered an opinion you yould be ignored, and the el presidenta would make a decision and expect your undivided loyalty after the fact to legalise his decision. So SA Jabiruflyre, good luck with that one.
Your wrong in a lot of the people on this forum are keyboard warriors. I personally know of many who have offered assistance in a positive way only to be ignored by the board majority, including myself. Tell us all what you have done besides kissing Ed's hairy pink bits? Please do not devalue the thinking membership, we do not deserve this crap from our elected representatives, nor you.
I for one paid for my trip to Canberra, my cost, not members money. cost me over $1,000 plus missed an important family function just to listen to , Yes we stuffed up, it won't happen again, yes we could have done better, no it won't happen again. Your Ed was front and center in the now proven deceitful answers to members.
I'm real upset the current board have compromised our future by their incompetence and non performance. Next EGM I will not be accepting excuses, I want heads.
And now we have Dave Caban as Treasurer. the man who the board gave a motion of no confidence last time he tried to add up 1+1
God help us all.....