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Everything posted by pbugg

  1. I knew Ray, he was a careful pilot who too no risks. I;m not sure how long he held his GA licence for but many many years. He had flown ultralights for 20 years I know of. and flew most weeks, current and careful. good bye old mate.
  2. I've done 570 hours. Only nagging problem is lane drop out which is fixed by cleaning the outside air temp probe connection which is disconnected to remove cowl. I have had two EGT probed fail. No problems, engine starts and runs great and fuel economy is unbelievable. I get 10 lph at 120 knt cruise, 16 lph gives me over 135 knt. I have also replaced the standard Woodcomp prop for a MT CSU and very happy
  3. I have Xair, fits same hole and works great. One small problem under warrantee and fixed double quick (and upgraded to latest board) at no charge. faultless performance, way better than my old Icom. New price very competitive. compare the market and make decision. http://www.xcomavionics.com/comparison/comparison.html
  4. There was an Eagle flying on the Gold Coast for a while, It has since worked its way south and was for sale. I understand it could not be flown two up legally under RAA rules. Be very careful and do full diligence first. Second hand I have been told the canard gives an unwelcome porpoising if flown near the stall. I would check this out as well.
  5. Scum. No respect for property or the angst they cause by their actions
  6. Kaz, was it off your plane?
  7. Take off is optional, landing is mandatory
  8. Thanks Stephen, not for me
  9. does it come with rack and encoder?
  10. Why don't I stand? In SE Qld the are two positions vacant, John Mc and Myles, both are not standing. Tony King and Trevor Bange who are two outstanding candidates who will make a difference have put their names forward, so I consider there is no reason why I should run. I'm happy to support Mike Smith, a newly elected rep who is doing a great job, Trevor and Tony as I'm confident they will make a difference. I don't think they will support a president who makes decisions without their knowledge and expect ratification in arrears. I have been is business since 1970 and I have made many bad decisions in that time, I have served on national boards, small company local boards. school and non for profit boards, various committees, but I have never seen the antics, unprofessional, amateurish, illegal and down right stupid decisions we all have witnessed by our RAA board in recent times. I wise man once said we get the politicians we deserve. Your vote, your voice
  11. If it's not too late, please all use the next elections to carefully consider who you vote for. Consider if who your voting for are already on the board. Did they rubber stamp poor decisions in the past or did they stand out and be counted. If they are new candidates, do they have a vision for the betterment of the RAA. We need a board who listens to the members, acts in our best interests and spends its time making sound decisions to enhance our future, not theirs. We need aboard members who possess skills to take us forward. How wonderful if we had RAA member to stand forward who had the vision, drive and experience to take us to the future. I'm sorry Middo, Eugene, Dave, Ed and others are our past, not our future. Your vote counts.
  12. Oh, I forgot to ask, SA Jabiruflyer, what have you done to make a difference besides publicly declaring your unyielding love for ED no matter what he decides to do? u
  13. My plans? Stick to the rules, act in a professional, business and culturally accepted manner, don't tell lies, do what you promise, How is that for starters? If the present board are incapable of achieving any of the above , my opinion is they should stand aside for someone who promises to do so. SAJabiruflyrer, what do you think?
  14. Your entitled to your opinion and if you were on the RAA board, that would count fror diddly squat. You would not be asked, if you offered an opinion you yould be ignored, and the el presidenta would make a decision and expect your undivided loyalty after the fact to legalise his decision. So SA Jabiruflyre, good luck with that one. Your wrong in a lot of the people on this forum are keyboard warriors. I personally know of many who have offered assistance in a positive way only to be ignored by the board majority, including myself. Tell us all what you have done besides kissing Ed's hairy pink bits? Please do not devalue the thinking membership, we do not deserve this crap from our elected representatives, nor you. I for one paid for my trip to Canberra, my cost, not members money. cost me over $1,000 plus missed an important family function just to listen to , Yes we stuffed up, it won't happen again, yes we could have done better, no it won't happen again. Your Ed was front and center in the now proven deceitful answers to members. I'm real upset the current board have compromised our future by their incompetence and non performance. Next EGM I will not be accepting excuses, I want heads. And now we have Dave Caban as Treasurer. the man who the board gave a motion of no confidence last time he tried to add up 1+1 God help us all.....
  15. I am appalled about the process Ed, The position may have been necessary, perhaps not. I understand the matter has been on the board agenda for perhaps years? to pull the Emergency Powers argument to get your own way is a dictatorship, and your style of leadership has no place in the RA-Aus. I totally agree with John G on this one.
  16. Hi rankamateur, Glad to hear your going to vote this time and think about who your voting for. well done and please convince people you know to do the same. We need thinking people like you active in the membership
  17. Guys, I totally agree. I cannot remember in SE Qld where we had an option but only a single candidate. In these times I think those who think they can make a difference should stand and be counted. I don't think enough RAA members realise just how close to "game over" we got recently. I understand there are two positions to be voted on this year in our patch.
  18. Hey guys, the "I'm only a volunteer" is an excuse you can use only once and a sentence before "I hereby resign" . It is an admission you have the best intentions (hopefully) but no F...... ability. Clearly most of the board including all of the Exec are out of their depth and should respectfully admit their ambitions did not match their abilities and leave a gap for those more able. An analogy I have used recently for the RAA problems at the highest level is if I have a big opinion of my abilities, but if someone needed open heart surgery and I was the only one who came forward and said I had the ability (which I don't) they would die, regardless of my best intentions. It's time for a change and members with ability please to come to front and center. We need you. cheers Peter
  19. Jim, good luck with your board position, I hope you are a breath of fresh air. Please do not disappoint us. The problem as I see it, and I have good valid reasons for saying this, is it would appear the Exec of RAA have developed the habit of "we know everything, just leave us alone, we know what we are doing, look mummy no hands" They have refused to accept advice, offers of help from members with greater knowledge than themselves. Most on the board have great experience of managing really small business, and/or running a one man band flight school. I cannot think of one who would cut it in the cooperate world in their own right. The old Chinese proverb "you get the politicians you deserve" rings true here. I think part of the solution is to pries a few eyes open so they may see, clean out ears so they can listen, sew a few lips shut so they cannot put their foot in. We need a forced change of direction before it is too late.
  20. Eat, Sleep, Fly
  21. Eat, Sleep, Fly
  22. Life is simple.. Eat... Sleep... Fly
  23. Life is simple.. Eat... Sleep... Fly
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