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Everything posted by billwoodmason

  1. What the ?.
  2. Congrats !! Great to see your project is up and running well. I'm interested in your mods you've mentioned and would love to see some photos. Can you post some for us all to learn from.
  3. Your estimates seem around the mark however your insurance quote seems on the light side. Good luck with it all. If you'd like a fly in a J230 PM me with some contact details and I'll see what I can do.
  4. My tip is "Forget the Mogas ". It's too easy to get a bad batch of fuel using Mogas which is responsible for pre ignition/ detonation which is harmful for all engines. On another thread here another owner quoted $135hr. This included absolutely everything ie running cost, maintenance, (all performed by L2), insurance, finance, and I think hangarage etc. My experience has been that it is less than $135 an hour although I my not have incurred the same costs. (finance or hangarage etc). At the end of the day you only live once and if it doesn't impact on those near and dear to you go for it. There is nothing like being able to get in your own aircraft whenever you want and go flying.
  5. Great video - makes you want to be there. Very professional production. Well done.
  6. Inbound - Outbound - What's in a name? I was only joshin!
  7. G'day Highwing, welcome to the flying fraternity. Are you learning with Outbound or the Aero club.
  8. I'd check the basics first, ie throttle has full throw, cables OK etc, choke ok, I assume from the colour of your plugs and exhaust that it is not running rich for any reason (float level for example or is the needle in the correct notch). Next I'd check the prop has correct pitch for the engine and jab model (specs in POH). Any change will make a difference to top end RPM. Density altitude will make a difference to performance also. Good luck.
  9. Years ago when I was heavily into radio controlled model planes had a hot wire system and made heaps of white foam cored wings. It came in sheets 4 ft x 6 ft x 6 ins which I bought from a local carpentry shop so I presume it was not hard to come by.
  10. I've owned and flown an LSA 55 since 2003 and have found it a responsive and predictable little aircraft to fly - stable in the stall and easy to trim in all configurations and easy to land. I think the problems spoken about here are the perceptions of low time pilots with limited currency who perhaps may be wary of whatever aircraft they fly. It's the instructors job to make you at ease in the cockpit of whatever you fly and give you the skills to be able to cope. The LSA55 is an aircraft that cuts through turbulence that would have many ultralights in the hangar, having said that the only thing I think pilots need to be wary of is not to exceed the crosswind capability (14kts) the same as you shouldn't for any other aircraft as you may run out of effective rudder although this has not happened to me. Our home strip has no cross strip and is 18/36 so we are used to handling crosswind landings and fly accordingly. I would not hesitate to recommend you fly an LSA55 if you are given the opportunity.
  11. Hey Turbs read the avatar.
  12. Aircraft1 the man who flew a Lightwing to NZ with all the 20 litre drums full of fuel was Ben Buckley. A flying legend.
  13. I installed a cold start kit in my j230 9 months ago after having some starting difficulties. It made an immediate difference. It has started first go on every start since instillation.
  14. Going by what's been happening at RAA HQ (loss of rego data etc) I'd say we're ripe for the picking.
  15. Geoffreywh - In answer to your question I'm not afraid of them, it's just the fact that they feel they need to be there. It seems to me they've been far too heavy handed where RAA is concerned. Slowly but surely they are imposing themselves more and more on us as GA numbers dwindle. Got to have someone to bully.
  16. Not going this year - falling numbers and exhibitors coupled with CASA (big brother ) in attendance takes the shine off an otherwise worthwhile event for me.
  17. Welcome justin, looking forward to your contributions - lots of interesting topics for rec. Pilots here.
  18. One of the local members at Cobden had his for sale 12 or 18 months ago - don,t know if it sold or what has become of it. It was a pretty hot performer - from memory 150 kts from 150 hp. Could pass on details if anyone interested.
  19. Rotec liquid cooled heads have had teething problems as I understand it (valve guides and head sealing) and requires a radiator and associated plumbing, an electrically driven water pump (weakness) and an upgraded electrical system (belt driven alternator) to make it work. All very complex and in the end an expensive exercise which relies on a constant speed electric pump to keep it cool - no thermostat (very primitive). Pump failure would result in cooked engine in no time. As Rod Stiff has said if it was any good we'd have done it.
  20. Welcome Roscoe, I have owned Jabiru's for the last dozen or so years from the smallest (1600) to the largest (3300) and have flown a number of others including the J170 and have had a lot of fun in all of them - like the ad says " it's a lifestyle". I'm sure you'll enjoy your new bird and the friendships you'll find here at Rec Flying.
  21. Off topic I know but should be of interest to jab owners, after experiencing difficult starting I installed a cold start kit in August last year in my 3300 Jab (pictured at left) and it has not failed to start on the first attempt since that time. Have not needed to drill the choke jet. Coopjim - I'd be upping those jet sizes to current Jab recommendations and checking float levels and fuel flow. Cheers.
  22. Perhaps you should change the title of the thread Maj?. ie remove the reference to type.
  23. Thanks Paul, the aircraft is my J230 pictured in my avatar at left. As to your suggestions I intend to do all that you have mentioned tomorrow. When the radio was faulty 18 months ago with another problem ( warbled speech) I checked the continuity etc of the aerial and all was OK and finally sent the radio to Microair for repair after swapping it out to prove where the fault lay. This time the fault is described as "speach breaking" as in being over modulated or similar. If it proves to be a connector it will be an easy fix.
  24. Nunans, I have a bendix king radio in my 20 year old other Jab. It is standard for the mikes to be open all the time - bloody annoying. I have heard of people who install a switch to cut out the mikes when not in use but it would be inconvenient to have to switch the mikes on to transmit out or talk to pax. The best solution is to install an intercom.
  25. I have a problem with my Microair radio where my transmissions are unreadable ( breaking down). Microair say it is possibly mike volume and or side tone volume but first I should get a SWR test done to check the aerial. So my question is where in Victoria can I get a SWR meter or SWR test done?. Any help much appreciated.
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