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Everything posted by billwoodmason

  1. This tread seems to have got off topic - back to registration issues - can anyone compile a list of Aircraft types and the issues involved for all the RAA registered aircraft that are not being re registered due to non compliance in one area or another. I have a friend involved who owns an Evector "Sportstar" with an adjustable pitch prop. The first he knew there was a problem was after I mentioned to him that he may have an issue with his prop and I urged him to contact the RAA. He was informed that it would not be re registered under it's current classification with an adjustable prop. I think everyone needs to know in advance. Forewarned is forearmed!!. Lets see if we can do something constructive to help our members.
  2. Odessy batteries crank my J230 better than any other lead acids I,ve seen - at $260 odd dollars they are the best value for money considering their life span. P S the Cold Start kit for Jab motors looks a real winner worth investing in.
  3. Facty, I think the guy you are thinking of ( Eurofox distributor) is in fact located in Stawell, a stones throw from Ararat - his name is Graham Boatman.
  4. Congratulations Ivan - there's nothing like it. You'll remember your solo for the rest of your life. Happy flying.
  5. Was this accident caused by a structural failure?. By the nature of the preceding posts you would draw that conclusion. Does anyone actually know?. Surely no-one on this site would presume so without prior knowledge. Regardless of the cause I offer my sincere condolences to all close family and friends. RIP.
  6. Sorry I didn't get to Loxton -concerned about weather on Sunday for return flight. Decided to do a day trip to Echuca Antique Aircraft Association flyin on Saturday instead. (Great show) It looks like you guys had a very successful weekend as well. Maybe next time !!.
  7. Hi phil, Looking forward to being there and meeting a fellow forumite - hope to take in the Barrossa Air show on Sunday.
  8. Highlanders were being built in a hangar at Lethbridge some time ago. 80k plus I believe. Nice sturdy aircraft.
  9. Hi Joe and welcome, your problem with Ouyen could be that it,s not a registered airfield, so it's not recognised. Is it a GPS we are talking about here?. You would have to enter it as a USER waypoint and put the lats and longs in so it knows where it is. Cheers BillW.
  10. What a tragedy ! Condolences to family and friends. Does anyone know what happened ?. I was at Narromine (Natfly) some years ago and saw Wayne demo a Drifter.
  11. Just had a look at web site mentioned in FT's post above. Product attaches to the outside of one side of the carb and heats the outside of the carb body. Seems to me that if you need carb heat in a hurry you need hot air in the carb throat to melt ice forming before it possibly causes the engine to stop altogether. It may be necessary with this system to have it turned on in advance if you suspect icing could be a possibility for it to be of any benefit. Not a good idea in my opinion. Just my thoughts.
  12. Conventional carb heat works a treat on Jabs - no need for electric coil assistance in my experience.
  13. Wow!! That's my kind of airshow - love those early 1900's machines.
  14. A friend of mine had a set he used in his open cockpit bipe problem was they blew off his head and disappeared on a trip away. (bugger)!!.
  15. Ian, re your events calendar, I think 14 days prior notice to an event is not enough. When planning to fly to an event I usually start thinking about where I am going to attend about a month prior, particularly if it's an overnighter or a weekend away. Just sayin.
  16. After trying to subscribe to "aero club" 18 months or so ago I gave up but last week I started to receive emails from them re upcoming events. Not complaining because that's what I wanted in the first place - but it's odd after all this time.
  17. It may help to pick a point on the horizon in line with your heading and fly to that point. It will smooth out small variations in track. I have found RAA aircraft compasses generally are not as stable as GA types and tend to dance around a bit ( ie Directional Gyros for example, often found in GA aircraft are much more stable and easier to hold on a constant heading). The main thing is practice, don't constantly sweat on the compass but look outside the cabin to that point on the horizon.
  18. Thinking about coming over. Was coming last year but weather didn't co-operate.
  19. Why didn't you call this tread "Load testing a Jab wing". Very misleading and mischievous !!
  20. Bob, to be clear the IPad used on the Natfly trip was 3G with cellular (not mine) and didn't have an external GPS. That's why I bought the Bad Elf for mine.
  21. Biggles, Flying to Natfly last year we were in friends Sportstar using his IPad on my lap it lost signal a couple of times along the way so I thought it would be an asset when I got mine. Hongie, I may be misinformed but my info is WiFi only is just that. If you can install a SIM card you have cellular software which includes a GPS. Tell me if you think I am wrong and then tell me why I cannot get my WiFi only Ipad ( it is supposed to be 3G/4G capable)to work without the external GPS. by the way it has nowhere to install a SIM card. P.S. all input is welcome!!.
  22. It can be 3G and still need an external GPS. They have to have cellular to have a GPS. I have just bought a Bad Elf GPS 2200 With Bluetooth to remotely connect to my WiFi only IPad with Oz Runways so I can put the GPS in the best position for reception in the cabin. - It runs really well!.
  23. Deskpilot I have a 1600 give me a PM. I am in the process of installing a 2200 In an LSA I own. For all the knockers/haters the motor was well maintained and used to run beautifully. It has done 730+ hrs with no major probs. The carping about Jabs on this site really p-----s me off. For those who may be experiencing problems find out if your maintainer has done all the Jab maintenance courses and call jabiru to ask their opinion of his or her reputation. It's worth the trouble to travel to a good one.
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